
Fakes News. Vaccines. Covid-19

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José Alves Júnior, C., Laís dos Santos Silva, A. ., Maria Wanderley Melo, D. ., Durval Vitor Felix, J. ., Darline dos Santos Medeiros, L. ., & Fernanda Passos Bezerra Santos, L. . (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF FAKE NEWS ON VACCINATION AGAINST COVID-19. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 2.


Introduction: in August 2020, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there were about 84.5 million confirmed cases, the suspected index case of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov2), known as COVID-19, of these 1,835,788 million died worldwide. In this context, the study assumes that new ways of producing and consuming content on the internet and the dissemination of fake news have the ability to influence the choices of a population group, which can compromise herd immunity and contribute to the reduction of vaccine coverage. Objective: to discuss the influence of fake news on vaccination against Covid-19. Methodology: narrative literature review. It consists of a discussion or the “state of the art” that deals with the influence of Fake News on vaccination against Covid-19, from a theoretical or contextual point of view. Results: According to the Ministry of Health, COVID-19 is a serious respiratory infection, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, with a high rate of transmission throughout the world, causing a pandemic that also brought several Fake News that they are information/news/produced in an unlikely way that, without proper investigation, leads the reader to pseudo-information. Conclusions: the dissemination of fake news through social media can negatively influence the immunization process. Thus, it is necessary for the social fabric to collaborate in not passing on fake news that interfere with public health, as they affect the health and quality of life of the community, in addition to generating disbelief.


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