Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade <p>The mission of Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade is to become one of the main national and international means of disseminating scientific research in the area of interdisciplinarity in the areas of the human sciences, through wide free access to the academic community and society to all published research. Our target audience are researchers and society in general. Thus, we accept academic works from professors and students of the most diverse levels of training, as well as works co-authored by up to 10 (ten) people.</p> en-US (Filipe Lins dos Santos) (Filipe Lins dos Santos) Sat, 11 May 2024 17:27:05 -0300 OJS 60 CONTRIBUTIONS OF VYGOTSKY'S HISTORICAL-CULTURAL THEORY TO SPECIAL AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION <p>This article examines how Lev Vygotsky's historical-cultural theory can be applied to the education of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). With an emphasis on concepts such as the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), mediated learning, social interaction, adaptation of teaching material and a focus on children's abilities and individuality, the study proposes methodological adaptations that can significantly benefit the inclusion and educational development of these children. students</p> Cirlene Benvindo de Souza, Ivone Antonia da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 11 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE FUNDAMENTAL ROLE OF DEMOCRATIC MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION IN PUBLIC EDUCATION NETWORK SCHOOLS <p>This study analyzes the importance of democratic management and coordination in public schools, focusing on the emergence and evolution of this concept throughout history, as well as the different ways in which these principles operate, considering the diversity of profiles existing in each educational institution. The relevance of responsible bodies, such as the Department of Education, in monitoring compliance with these principles is highlighted. The study also addresses the steps that led to the adoption of democratic management as a way to improve educational policies, highlighting the presence of trained professionals to guarantee students' educational rights. It is concluded that democratic management is essential to ensure students' rights and fulfill the school's fundamental role in the educational process.</p> Josina Maria da Silva, Gledson Berto Silva, Maria Edjanir Cândido Pereira, Maria Margarete do Nascimento Mendonça, Kleyton Holond de Lima Rocha, Gilvana Maria Monteiro da Silva, Girlaine Marcia de Mendonça Oliveira, José Carlos Vanderlei da Silva, Almir da Silva Lima Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Thu, 16 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 REFLECTIONS ON TEACHING PRACTICE IN BASIC EDUCATION IN THE LIGHT OF THE BNCC <p>This article proposes a reflection on teaching practice in Basic Education in light of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) and its impacts on the curriculum and teacher training. The BNCC, as the guiding document for education in Brazil, establishes the essential knowledge, skills and abilities that all students must develop throughout basic education. In this context, the role of the teacher is fundamental, as he is the mediator between the content proposed by BNCC and his pedagogical practice. The objective of this work is to analyze how the BNCC influences teaching practice, considering the challenges and possibilities that arise from this relationship. To this end, a bibliographical review was carried out on the BNCC, teacher training and pedagogical practice in basic education. The results indicate that the BNCC has significant impacts on the school curriculum and teacher training, requiring a reorganization of educational practices and greater attention to the skills and abilities that must be developed by students. In view of this, it is concluded that it is essential to rethink teacher training and pedagogical practice, seeking greater articulation between BNCC content and teaching methodologies, in order to guarantee quality education aligned with the demands of contemporary society.</p> Josina Maria da Silva, Gledson Berto Silva, Maria Edjanir Cândido Pereira, Maria Margarete do Nascimento Mendonça, Kleyton Holond de Lima Rocha, Gilvana Maria Monteiro da Silva, Girlaine Marcia de Mendonça Oliveira, José Carlos Vanderlei da Silva, Almir da Silva Lima Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Thu, 16 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE FACILITATING STRATEGIES OF PSYCHOPEDAGOGY IN THE LEARNING PROCESS <p>The primary motivation that gave rise to this study was to reiterate that Psychopedagogy plays a crucial role in Education, expanding opportunities for investigation and reflection on the learning process. When analyzing the works of renowned authors such as Grassi (2013), Bossa (2016) and Scoz (2013), it is evident that the role of the institutional psychopedagogue favors the teacher in the search for self-knowledge, in the reconstruction of their subjectivities and in the reflection on their history , existence and needs. This internal journey enables the teacher to trigger significant transformations in their pedagogical practice. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to deepen the understanding of the learning process in the face of the challenges presented by learning disorders, exploring viable strategies for their implementation. For this investigation, several theoretical references were used that highlight the importance of the educational psychologist, his intervening and preventive role, as well as his fundamental contribution to the school environment.</p> Greice Zanotto Bonamigo Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Thu, 16 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE IMPORTANCE OF CONTINUOUS TEACHER TRAINING FOR THE NEW TEACHING PROFILE <p>This paper presented an analysis of the importance of continuous teacher education in the current context of education. It was discussed how the constant updating of professionals can contribute to the development of more effective and inclusive pedagogical practices, in addition to positively impacting student learning and diversity in the classroom. For this, a bibliographic review and field research was carried out with teachers at a public elementary school. The results pointed to the need for continuous investment in teacher training and a greater appreciation of the profession. Finally, suggestions were presented for future research, aiming to deepen the theme and develop more effective strategies of continuing education for education professionals.</p> Maria Aldeni de O. Andrade, Dinorá da Silva, Antúzia de Medeiros Oliveira, Maria Dalva da Silva Santos, Erasmo Batista Leonez Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 18 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 INDISCIPLINE IN THE EARLY GRADES OF FUNDAMENTAL EDUCATION AT ESCOLA MUNICIPAL RAIMUNDO ROBERTO DE CARVALHO <p>The present study have to address the topic of indiscipline, which is very pertinent and much discussed in the educational field, because the indiscipline issues in the school caused by the students have left many education professionals worried. Since the indiscipline runs through all segments of basic education, thinking about some possible solutions, through the theme, the following question came up: What are the challenges of the teacher of the initial series of Basic Education I of the Raimundo Roberto de Carvalho School to promote the fight to indiscipline? This article has as general objective: to know the challenges of the teacher of the initial series of Elementary School I to promote the fight against indiscipline. The article proposed and analyzed the causes and effects of indiscipline in the initial series, being used evaluation techniques, for it allows a greater observation of the subject in question, having as stages of the research: bibliographical survey and theoretical-methodological deepening. The subject proposed by the researcher has relevance for teaching praxis since it can promote an analysis of strategies for coping with indiscipline in the school environment. As for the lack of limits, several ideas arise that support this fact as: family disruption, conflicts and social issues, as well as the disorders of global development.</p> Valdemir Melo dos Anjos Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 18 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 CHALLENGES AND IMPACTS <p>This work presents a comprehensive literature review focused on the challenges and impacts generated by the pandemic on learning, highlighting the educational gap observed in different contexts. The central objective is to understand the multiple facets of this gap and propose ways to mitigate its effects. The methodology adopted involved the analysis of academic studies, reports from educational organizations and scientific articles published between 2020 and 2023, a period marked by significant interruptions in conventional education due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. The theoretical framework is anchored in concepts of pedagogy, educational psychology and sociology of education. The analysis highlights how the pandemic distinctly affected students at different education levels and socioeconomic contexts, highlighting the widening of educational disparities. Furthermore, the work addresses changes in teaching methods, with an emphasis on the abrupt transition to remote teaching and its challenges, such as the lack of adequate infrastructure and the inadequacy of assessment methods. The results show that the learning gap is multifactorial, involving aspects such as a reduction in the quality of teaching, an increase in school dropout rates and the emotional and psychological difficulties faced by students and teachers. The review points to the urgent need for inclusive and adaptive educational policies, which consider both the recovery of lost content and socio-emotional support. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of investments in educational technologies and teacher training for more effective hybrid teaching.</p> Anderson Silva Gusmão, Anderson Cleyton Felipe Gaudêncio, João Bonifácio da Silva Júnior, Robson Nestor Felipe Gaudêncio Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Wed, 22 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 EVALUATION PRACTICES IN REGULAR EDUCATION <p>The present work aims to present a new teaching-learning evaluation methodology in regular education in Brazil, highlighting the competency-based methodology, as a practice that evaluates the student's learning evolution and not just a grade, which will include you at a higher level of education. To this end, a qualitative and exploratory approach was used to demonstrate that knowledge can be acquired and absorbed, through playful activities, knowledge of experience, external explorations, in addition to classrooms, among others. From this it was possible to see how the content was assimilated by the students and how their skills were exposed in their daily actions.</p> Viviane de Araújo Soares Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 EXPLORING GRAMSCI’S REFLECTIONS <p>The arrest of Antonio Gramsci in 1926 was a landmark event in the political history of 20th century Italy. As Mussolini's fascist regime consolidated its power, Gramsci, a communist leader and prominent intellectual, was detained due to his influence on the political opposition. His arrest was part of a campaign to suppress dissent. Despite facing adverse conditions in prison, Gramsci continued his intellectual production, writing the “Prison Notebooks”, a testament to his erudition and resilience. His arrest and production of the “Notebooks” highlight the power of intellectual resistance and commitment to social justice.</p> Tatiane Elias Garcia Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE ABSENCE OF FORGIVENESS AND ITS PSYCHOLOGICAL CAUSES <p>Forgiveness transcends cultures, religions, and belief systems, yet many struggle with the idea and practice of forgiveness. This article delves into the absence of forgiveness in its various nuances, exploring the psychological complexities underlying this difficulty. We investigate deep-rooted causes that may hinder one’s ability to forgive, from emotional traumas to ingrained thought patterns. Additionally, we examine how theological understanding, particularly rooted in biblical wisdom and theological knowledge, can contribute to the forgiveness process. Forgiveness is not merely an isolated act; it is a multifaceted process involving introspection, empathy, and often a fundamental shift in how we perceive ourselves and others. By unraveling the layers of forgiveness and its psychological implications, we hope to offer a comprehensive insight into this crucial theme, providing tools and perspectives to aid those struggling with forgiveness in their journey towards healing and personal growth.</p> Thais Vieira Gois dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Mon, 27 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 CONDITIONERS OF DEMOCRATIC MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOLS <p>This article is the result of a Doctoral Thesis in education whose object of study was to analyze institutional evaluation as a mechanism that enhances democratic management, investigating resonances of this relationship in public basic education schools. One of the paths was the identification of factors that have acted as conditions for democratic management. One of the conditions for the democratic management of public schools concerns management reforms, implemented in Brazil in recent decades, influenced by the neoliberal model of public administration. The second condition refers to the formation of educational policy discourse, which has been influenced by global and international networks in the process of formulating national policies, especially multilateral agencies that offer sponsorship for the implementation of certain national policies. A bibliographical research pointed out similar difficulties in different regions of Brazil regarding the limitations of implementing Democratic Management, highlighting the need to break with clientelistic and authoritarian management practices.</p> Mirian Folha De Araújo Oliveira Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION <p>Inclusive education is an educational model that aims to ensure the access and participation of all students, regardless of their individual characteristics, such as disabilities, ethnic, socioeconomic, or cultural backgrounds. It promotes pedagogical practices that recognize and value diversity, aiming for meaningful learning for all students. The concept of inclusive education has evolved over the years, moving beyond simply integrating students with disabilities into schools. It now encompasses the promotion of educational environments that value the diversity and individuality of each student, regardless of their personal characteristics. This implies curriculum adaptations, specialized support, and actions to ensure that all students have equal access to learning and development opportunities.</p> Nara Joaquina de Borba, Vanderleia Adriana Santin Ferreira, Tainara Palhares dos Santos, Shalline Carvalho Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES IN HISTORY <p>The texts explore the works of Hannah Arendt and Reinhart Koselleck, highlighting their perspectives on the relationship between past, present and future, as well as the role of memory and history in the human experience. Arendt emphasizes the importance of political action and learning from the past to avoid historical mistakes. Koselleck introduces the categories “space of experience” and “horizon of expectation” to understand how past experiences and future expectations shape our perception of the present. Hartog's text expands the discussion on memory and history, showing how these elements relate and influence each other in the interpretation of historical events and the construction of individual and collective identity.</p> Tatiane Elias Garcia Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE GUNTING OF “THE NAME OF DEATH” AND LIFE IN SOCIETY <p>This article aims to present an analysis of acts of pistol-whipping and the social and political context of these violent occurrences, mainly focusing on the character known as “the name of death”. The drivers behind the practice of pistol shooting come from both the gunfighter and the party requesting these services. Payment for the act entails its completion. The intersection of disparate interests occurs in a complex society in two aspects: a) Society that highlights the fetishistic nature of merchandise both for those who own it and for the dispossessed who aspire to it as a need for survival or as a dream of becoming rich; b) Society imbued with cultural values ​​that conflict with its religious and moral aspects.</p> Armando Wilson Tafner Junior, Cloves Barbosa Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 TEACHING PRACTICE IN MULTI-GRADE CLASSES IN THE FIELD <p>Considering the heterogeneous context of the multiserial classes in the field, we conducted a survey using an online questionnaire with thirty public school teachers who work in these classes, from five different municipalities in Minas Gerais. The data collected pointed to the organization of teaching time as the main difficulty faced by teachers in the multi-grade classes. Other difficulties were presented, such as, for example, a certain inability with the teaching of Sciences, which, for the research subjects, is a consequence of an inefficient initial training. Based on the results of this research, we developed a Teaching Model in order to support teaching practice in the search for strategies that promote the interaction of students at different levels, using heterogeneity in favor of the teaching and learning process. Ten teachers developed the Teaching Model in their classes, and after joint analysis, they assessed that the use of activities enhanced the interaction between students from different grades gathered in the same room and contributed to a reorganization of teaching time by the teacher. Otherwise, the research subjects indicated that the use of the Teaching Model is a strategy to be used in specific moments and not daily throughout the school period.</p> Vanessa Aparecida da Silva Cruz, Penha Souza Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 CABOCLINHO AND THE TEACHING OF INDIGENOUS HERITAGE THROUGH DANCE <p>The caboclinho is an artistic performance that combines elements of dance to narrate the stories of warriors and heroes, strongly influenced by indigenous culture. This performance embodies the historical ancestry of the Brazilian nation and serves as an expression of popular culture with a century-old tradition, with dance as its identifying element. The general objective of this article is to reflect about caboclinho dance as a useful element for teaching indigenous culture, conducted through bibliographic research. The findings indicate that caboclinho, through the body and within the context of art education in dance, contains elements, signs, and symbols useful for strengthening the teaching of indigenous heritage and Brazilian cultural identity, thereby demystifying foreign influences in Brazil. Consequently, caboclinho dance can be incorporated into the arts curriculum, presenting concepts, definitions, and necessary tools for decisions related to the conservation of indigenous heritage. It also encourages those interested in studying popular culture, meeting the requirements set by Law 11.645/2008.</p> Otacílio Cabral de Arruda Junior Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN <p>The general objective of this study is to analyze the legal provisions to combat violence against women through a comparative analysis between Brazil and the United States. Regarding the methodology proposed in this study, it can be said that it will be bibliographical, considering that articles, magazines, dissertations and other studies that deal with this issue were used as a source of research and theoretical basis. of this study. The Maria da Penha Law and the Violence Against Women Law play different roles in the legal systems of their respective countries, however, it appears that both laws, when analyzed as individual entities within their own legal frameworks (Brazil and the United States) , were pioneering efforts against domestic violence. The importance of these laws cannot be overstated: they were the first steps taken by their nations to address these issues and have intrinsic value in defending women's rights, promoting the dignity and protection of women.</p> Acilina da Silva Candeia, Anna Paula Moreira Alves Lázaro Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 EDUCATION AS A SOCIAL RIGHT <p>This work aims to analyze the inclusion of autistic people in regular schools. The importance of this work is to make people more interested in the school inclusion of people with autism spectrum disorder, taking into account legislation and the principle of equality, bearing in mind that the same does not only happen in isolated cases , but also in everyday life, living with people with some type of disability, whatever it may be, as we have to learn to deal with inclusion naturally. To this end, he used bibliographical and documentary research based on the analysis of doctrine, scientific articles published in periodicals and legislation applied to the topic. The approach method used was deductive since the chain of calculation used was descending, that is, the challenges and protection of people with disabilities were analyzed in a generalized way and then treated in a particular way with school inclusion. of a person with autism spectrum disorder. It is concluded that the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 was responsible for institutionalizing fundamental rights and guarantees in an innovative way, being a pioneer in confirming these prerogatives to all citizens, whether they are people with disabilities or not. Thus, access to regular education, which allows contact with other children, enabling inclusion in classrooms with trained professionals, is a right for every person with a disability, such as those with ASD. In this way, inclusive education is a right guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, by infra-constitutional legislation and, above all, by the principle of equality.</p> Acilina da Silva Candeia Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 FORMATION OF PERSONALITY TRAITS OF ADOLESCENCES IN EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT <p>The educational environment significantly impacts the formation of personality features in adolescence. Schools can help adolescents develop into well-rounded, resilient, and capable individuals by fostering a supportive, inclusive, and stimulating atmosphere. Effective education policies and practices should consider the holistic development of pupils, addressing not just academic achievement but also social, emotional, and personal growth.</p> Narmin Farajova Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 BUSINESS REVERSE LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGIES <p>In the production market, sustainability has been put on the agenda, given the high consumption demand, which creates harmful risks for the environment, many of which are caused by the irregular disposal of final raw materials, especially those that are difficult to decompose. This scenario reflects on production engineering requiring new sustainable redirection, which has been mediated by the practice of reverse logistics, already adopted by large companies in the production sector. Reverse logistics strategies can not only bring sustainable benefits, but also increase a company’s operational efficiency. The general objective of this research was to analyze the contributions of reverse logistics to business management with an emphasis on sustainability and productive efficiency. The literature review methodology was used to support the research with results extracted from 15 other scientific studies, searched in the Google Scholar and SciELO databases, published between the years 2019 and 2024 – with some exceptions –, in the language Portuguese. This was a qualitative research study, of a basic nature, with descriptive objectives and a literature review procedure. The results found demonstrated that some reverse logistics strategies, such as collection and recycling programs, reconditioning and reuse, waste management and others, increase operational efficiency, reducing costs and, in addition, produce environmental responsibility for the image of companies. productive organizations. The research was concluded on the importance of implementing and managing reverse logistics within production engineering, thus meeting the innovations of market demands.</p> Lincoln Ferreira de Oliveira Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300