ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
Lays Costa Silva1
Abstract: The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform is a movement that seeks to transform the mental
health care model, promoting the deinstitutionalization and social inclusion of people with
mental disorders. In this context, Therapeutic Residences represent an alternative to psychiatric
institutionalization, oering residential support for individuals who face these disorders and
need family or community support, aiming for their social reintegration. This experience
report seeks, therefore, to share the experience of a team from the Family Health Strategy in
the city of Rio de Janeiro-RJ after one year of monitoring residents of a Therapeutic Residence.
Keywords: “Therapeutic Residential Service in Mental Health, “Health Services Reform,
“Deinstitutionalization”, “Psychiatric Rehabilitation” and “Primary Health Care”.
C ontextualization
Deinstitutionalization actions in Brazil needed to articulate a proposal for people with mental
disorders who were ineligible for psychiatric hospitalization, but without family support or any other
support that could guarantee the social insertion of these individuals. To this end, based on the dialo-
gues of the II National Conference on Mental Health (in 1992) and, after some successful experiences
1 Family and community doctor, master’s degree in family health and doctoral candidate in
public health at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
in the 90s, subsidies were generated for the elaboration of Ordinance No. 106/2000, of the Ministry of
Health (MS ), which introduces the Therapeutic Residential Service (SRT) (or Therapeutic Residen-
ce - RT) within the scope of the Unied Health System (SUS) with the aim of ensuring assistance to
those people, who were previously institutionalized in psychiatric units, in their process (sometimes
complex) of reintegration into society (Brazil, 2000).
RTs are, therefore, an alternative to institutionalization and are a tool for people who do not
have adequate support in the community to guarantee adequate living space, such as family and
friends, which often occurs after years of hospitalization . in psychiatric hospitals (Brazil, 2003; Cas-
tro et al , 2021). Among the states that have RT, the state of Rio de Janeiro has the largest number,
being the capital with a total of 100 units maintained by the city hall, which house around almost 600
people in the year 2024 (Rio de Janeiro City Hall January, 2024).
Share the experience of a team from the Family Health Strategy in the city of Rio de Janei-
ro-RJ after one year of monitoring residents of a Therapeutic Residence: Challenges and Learning.
Experience report
The RTs These are houses located in the urban space, with no physical link to hospital units,
planned to respond to the housing needs of their inhabitants and constitute the beginning of the psy-
chosocial rehabilitation process of their users (Brasil, 2004). RTs must be monitored by the Psycho-
social Care Center (CAPS) or outpatient clinics specialized in mental health and also, if possible, by
the family health team ( eSF ) responsible for the territory of the residence. It is important to establish
a collaborative relationship with CAPS and eSF and dene roles and responsibilities for each team.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
Amid the challenge and complexity of mental disorders, a team from the Family Health Strate-
gy (ESF) in the city of Rio de Janeiro-RJ has been monitoring the residents of a therapeutic residence
for a year. The home has six residents who face dierent mental health disorders, such as schizophre-
nia and mental retardation. During this period, home visits and consultations were carried out at the
health unit itself. In addition to mental health issues, clinical issues were addressed, such as the ma-
nagement of diabetes and the active search for women to undergo preventive examinations. During
this period, eorts have been made to promote integrated care with various challenges and invaluable
learning experiences for the ESF team.
The routine of regular home visits allows the team to understand the environment and needs
of each resident and establishes a signicant bond, necessary for the longitudinal segment. Care at
the health unit, in turn, is used as a tool to contribute to the socialization of residents so that they can
express themselves in the community and seek health support like other FHS users. The role of PHC
encompasses disease prevention and we highlight the participation of RT women in the Pink October
campaign, where they underwent the oncotic Pap smear test (preventive) for the rst time and this
process revealed a signicant clinical nding and enabled the necessary follow-up to the health of one
of these women.
On the other hand, there are challenges to be highlighted, such as: the initial failure of com-
munication between the eSF and the CAPS responsible about their roles; the inexperience of the eSF
with this care proposal; and the turnover of RT technical professionals. Continuous eorts from all
professionals are essential for the consolidation of RT.
Learnings and Critical Analysis
Housing is a constitutional right for every Brazilian citizen and it would be no dierent for
those with mental disorders (Brazil, 1988). In this sense, RTs are not precisely or only health services,
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
but spaces for living, linked to the psychosocial care network of each municipality.
It is, therefore, up to PHC, especially the eSF , to understand its role in the scope of mental
health care for RT residents. With integrality and longitudinality as essential attributes, PHC is res-
ponsible for providing comprehensive and continuous monitoring, promoting the physical and emo-
tional well-being of individuals, as well as health promotion and disease prevention.
The teams inexperience and the challenges faced in this rst year of contact were the neces-
sary encouragement to review their role and formulate more assertive strategies. By establishing solid
bonds over time, the team can better understand individual needs and oer personalized support,
aiming for residents’ recovery and autonomy.
Final considerations
In recent years, the Municipal Secretariat of Rio de Janeiro has made signicant progress in
the process of deinstitutionalization of psychiatric patients, introducing the CAPS and SRT care ne-
twork as a new model of care, and culminating in the closure of the city’s last two large psychiatric
hospitals. , in accordance with the principles of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform (Rio de Janeiro City
Hall, 2023).
It is important to highlight that despite progress in the deinstitutionalization of psychiatric pa-
tients in Brazil, there is still a signicant historical delay that needs to be overcome, given that, while
in the USA and European countries this movement began in the 1950s through reforms psychiatric
disorders ( Soares and Silva, 2019), national implementation became a formal reality of the SUS only
in the 2000s, which reects the need for discussion and relevance of the topic.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
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Brazil. Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988 . Enacted on October 5, 1988. Bra-
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BRAZIL. Brazilian Information Services. Investment in Mental Health grew almost 200%. Availa-
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ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
text=Sa% C3%BAde%20promotes%20a%C3%A7%C3%B5es%20para%20marcar%20o%20Dia%20
%C3%A0 %20programa%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20e,Cinel%C3%A2ndia%20pela%20humaniza%-
C3%A7%C3%A3o%20do%20tratamento.>. Accessed on May 26, 2024.