ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
Narmin Mir Jalalli1
Abstract: Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the lives of the students. They inuence their
academic development, personal growth, and character formation. However, the procient health of
teachers is the foundation of their signicant work in modern academia. Sadly, recent studies have
shown increased professional deformations, particularly emotional burnout. Therefore, preventing
and correcting burnout syndrome in their professional lives has become increasingly important.
This study delves into the intricate dynamics of emotional exhaustion among 53 educators within
the Khazar District, employing the Maslach Burnout Inventory as the principal diagnostic tool. The
ndings serve as a foundation for targeted interventions and policy formulation aimed at mitigating
burnout and fostering a conducive work environment conducive to teacher well-being and student
success. The quantitative component of the study involves administering the Maslach Burnout
Inventory to teachers in order to assess their levels of emotional exhaustion, as well as factors such
as depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. These data will be analyzed to identify
patterns and trends in teacher burnout, as well as correlations with demographic variables such as
years of experience and gender.This article highlights the issue of emotional burnout in teachers as a
problem of their professional deformation and psychological health.
Keywords: analysis, reasons, emotional exhaustion, emotional burnout, stress, teacher.
1 Master of Odlar Yurdu University, Baku, Azerbaijan
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
In todays society, there is a growing emphasis on the mental well-being of individuals,
especially in professional environments. This involves examining the inuence of psychological
factors, working conditions, and essential professional traits, as well as the occurrence of professional
distortions. Professionals working in socioeconomic sectors and engaging with people regularly
are particularly susceptible to experiencing professional distortions, such as emotional burnout
(Sadchikova 2023).
Teaching is widely regarded as a noble profession that demands unwavering dedication,
emotional investment, and resilience. However, educators often face challenges associated with
burnout syndrome, characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal
accomplishment. According to researchers, “emotional burnout” and “professional burnout” are two
distinct concepts. Emotional burnout is a broader term that can result from experiences unrelated to
the profession, such as interpersonal relationships or challenging life situations. This article focuses
on emotional burnout in the context of professional activities performed by secondary school teachers
as a socio-professional group.
Researchers have long been interested in the phenomenon of emotional burnout. It is
characterized by feelings of emptiness, apathy, fatigue, and reduced interest in work. This problem
is particularly acute for professionals in the social sciences, such as teachers. ( Jabbarov, 2012;
Jabbarov,2017; Ramiz and Vakil, 2020).
The number of challenges that teachers face in both their professional and personal lives
seems to be increasing every day. Some of these negative factors include changes in the educational
system, modications to teaching programs, an increasing volume of reports and documentation, and
issues with managing a diverse range of students, including those who are considered “dicult.
The contemporary Azerbaijani society is built on political and socio-economic principles that
stem from the country’s rich cultural heritage, promoting tolerance and multiculturalism. The adoption
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
and adaptation of these new values lead to conicting situations that result in signicant changes in
societal norms and values. This dynamic process gives rise to shifts in individual behaviours, social
norms, and core beliefs (Aliyeva and Jabbarov, 2020).
These conicting situations and signicant changes in societal norms can contribute to the
burnout experienced by teachers. As they navigate the complexities of a rapidly evolving society,
teachers may feel overwhelmed by the pressure to adapt to new values and expectations while
maintaining their well-being.
According to the model proposed by C. Maslach and S. Jackson, burnout is a response
to prolonged stress in professional settings that involves interpersonal communication, and it has
three components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal achievements.
An individual experiencing burnout may exhibit physical, behavioral, and psychological symptoms.
Physical symptoms of burnout, as per C. Maslach, may include fatigue, exhaustion, susceptibility to
external changes, asthenia, frequent headaches, gastrointestinal issues, weight gain or loss, shortness
of breath, and insomnia. The symptoms of burnout can be categorized into two types: behavioral and
psychological. Behavioural symptoms include nding work dicult, physical exhaustion, arriving at
work early, staying late after work, reduced enthusiasm for work, experiencing anger and irritability
easily, feeling of omnipotence (having power over a patients fate), indecisiveness, desire to distance
oneself from patients and colleagues, increased sense of responsibility for patients, growing avoidance
of responsibilities, and alcohol and/or drug abuse. Psychological symptoms include frustration,
helplessness, hopelessness, anxiety, boredom, decreased enthusiasm for work, resentment, frustration,
uncertainty, guilt, feeling of being undervalued, experiencing anger and irritability easily, suspicion,
rigidity, and overall negative thinking about the future (C. Maslach and S. Jackson, 2020).
Research on the phenomenon of “emotional burnout” among teachers and the factors that
contribute to it is becoming increasingly important due to the rising social tensions which require
individuals to constantly adapt. The burnout syndrome is of scientic and practical interest because
it reects the growing problems related to the well-being of teachers and the eectiveness of their
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
work, as well as the stability of the organization they work for. Burnout syndrome is a psychological
defence mechanism that individuals develop in response to traumatic experiences, which may result
in the partial or complete suppression of emotions (Boyko 1983).
Literature review
Numerous studies have analyzed the prevalence and factors contributing to burnout syndrome
among teachers. According to Maslach and Jackson (1981), high levels of emotional exhaustion and
depersonalization were common among teachers, associated with factors such as heavy workloads,
lack of autonomy, and poor work-life balance. Farber (1991) identied specic stressors in the teaching
profession that contribute to burnout, including student misbehaviour, lack of administrative support,
and role conict (. Farber,1991).
Researchers have not only identied contributing factors but also examined the impact of
burnout syndrome on teachersjob performance and well-being. According to a study by Roeser et al.
(2012), teachers experiencing burnout were more likely to report lower job satisfaction, higher levels
of stress, and decreased eectiveness in the classroom. Additionally, burnout has been linked to
negative physical health outcomes, such as cardiovascular disease, and increased rates of absenteeism
and turnover among teachers.( Roeser et al.,2012).
In recent years, there has been a growing focus on creating interventions to prevent and address
burnout among teachers. For instance, a study by Jennings and Greenberg (2009) demonstrated that
mindfulness-based stress reduction programs eectively reduced stress and burnout among educators.
Similarly, training programs on stress management and resilience building have also shown promise
in helping teachers manage the demanding nature of their profession (Jennings and Greenberg,2009).
After reviewing the literature, it is clear that professional burnout is often characterized by
mental stress. This syndrome is associated with various symptoms that develop as a result of prolonged
professional stress. S.N. Park has also identied emotional burnout as a common manifestation of this
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
syndrome (Pak, 2016)
According to E.D. Khazieva, burnout is a phenomenon that can aect teachers and is
characterized by physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. This state of exhaustion is believed
to be a protective mechanism developed by the individual. H.J. Freudenberger also discusses this
interpretation in their article.
According to scientists A. Pines, B. Pelman, and K. Maslach, professional burnout develops
gradually and follows a natural dynamic course, including stressful phases of nervous tension,
resistance, and exhaustion.
There are three key signs of burnout syndrome:
1. extreme exhaustion,
2. detachment from clients (patients, students), and from work,
3. the feeling of ineciency and dissatisfaction with their achievements
The development of emotional burnout syndrome is preceded by a period of increased activity.
During this time, a person becomes completely absorbed in work, neglects non-work-related needs,
and forgets about their well-being. The rst sign of burnout is exhaustion, which is characterized
by feelings of overexertion and depletion of emotional and physical resources, as well as persistent
tiredness that doesnt improve even after a good nights sleep.
Following a period of rest, such as weekends or vacations, these symptoms may decrease.
However, upon returning to the previous work situation, they often reappear.According to Dedrick &
Raschke (1990), burnout occurs suddenly and involves four stages:
First stage: The person has a good personality and holds unrealistic and idealistic
expectations, as well as a high level of job satisfaction.
Second stage: This stage grows slowly in line with the routine of practical reality. As
ones personality copes with the routine, the level of job satisfaction gradually decreases,
enthusiasm for their profession declines, the level of performance at work decreases, and
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
they develop feelings of doubt towards their profession and goals.
Third stage: Feelings of rebellion, frustration, and disgust appear. The teacher feels
completely helpless to change the reality of their students and experiences a state of
severe stress, poor physical and psychological health, and uncertainty of professional
Fourth stage: At this stage of burnout, individuals experience a lack of motivation for
achievement or change, social isolation, and feelings of helplessness, weakness, and
Recognizing the symptoms of burnout is crucial as it can have a signicant impact on
both physical and mental health. These symptoms may manifest as negative emotions, changes in
behaviour, and various physical ailments. Common physical indicators of burnout include decreased
physical activity, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, and recurring headaches. These symptoms can
be debilitating, signicantly aecting an individuals overall well-being.
Emotional exhaustion is linked with lower job satisfaction and decreased commitment to the
teaching profession among teachers, according to studies conducted by Maslach et al. in 1996 and
Skaalvik and Skaalvik in 2017. Teachers experiencing high levels of emotional exhaustion may exhibit
reduced enthusiasm and dedication in their roles, ultimately impacting their teaching eectiveness
and student outcomes, as indicated by research conducted by Maslach and Leiter in 1999 and Mérida-
López and Extremera in 2017.
Furthermore, teachers facing high levels of emotional exhaustion may contemplate leaving
the profession due to overwhelming emotional demands and reduced job satisfaction. This is because
emotional exhaustion is a signicant predictor of turnover intentions among educators, according to
studies conducted by Hakanen et al. (2006) and Haerens et al. (2022).
Additionally, those experiencing emotional exhaustion are at risk of developing mental health
issues such as depression, anxiety, and increased stress levels, as suggested by Skaalvik and Skaalvik
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
(2017). The chronic strain of emotional exhaustion can signicantly compromise the psychological
well-being of educators, as reported by Klusmann et al. (2016).
Numerous researchers have made valuable contributions to the study of teacher burnout.
In 1981, Maslach and Jackson introduced the Maslach Burnout Inventory, a widely used tool
for assessing burnout levels. Their research identied three dimensions of burnout: emotional
exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Emotional exhaustion refers
to teachers being unable to provide for children physically and emotionally due to excessive stress.
Depersonalization in teachers leads to a negative view of students, parents, and the school, while a
decrease in personal accomplishment results in teachers feeling ineective in making a dierence in
their students’ lives.
Three factors are positively correlated with teacher burnout (Grayson & Alvarez, 2007).
Shockingly, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that over 270,000 teachers will leave
the profession annually from 2016 to 2026, with elementary school teachers being the most aected
(Torpey, 2018). According to the National Commission on Teaching and Americas Future (NCTAF),
one-third of new teachers leave after three years, and 46% leave within ve years (Barnes, Crowe,
& Schaefer, 2007). This alarming turnover rate has detrimental eects on students, especially in
subjects like English language learners (ELL) and bilingual education, which are already under strain.
Even for teachers who stay, high job dissatisfaction and intentions to leave can compromise
their eectiveness and harm studentsacademic progress. Research from the University of British
Columbia in 2017 shows that students whose teachers reported burnout experienced heightened levels
of stress hormones, indicating that teachers unintentionally transmit their stress to students.
Recognizing teacher burnout as a serious psychological state, rather than just normal stress,
is crucial for the well-being of educators. By identifying its causes and signs, we can address the
unique challenges faced by teachers. The literature underscores the importance of implementing
strategies to promote well-being and resilience, which can help prevent burnout and support teachers
in maintaining their health and eectiveness in the classroom.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
Our research aims to delve into the causes of emotional exhaustion among teachers and to
provide them with the necessary support. Specically, the study aims to uncover the prevalence of
emotional burnout among teachers and its correlation with individual psychological personality traits.
The research will help determine the factors contributing to burnout and how to address them. The
research methodology followed rigorous standards to ensure the validity and reliability of the ndings.
A sample size of 53 teachers was selected through stratied random sampling, representing various
educational levels and teaching specialities within the high school in Khazar District. The Maslach
Burnout Inventory, a validated psychometric instrument renowned for its ecacy in measuring
burnout across diverse occupational settings, was administered to the participants. The comprises
three subscales: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment,
each providing unique insights into the burnout phenomenon. Data collection was conducted through
structured surveys, with participants responding to a Likert scale ranging from “never” to “always.
The study was conducted among 53 teachers, 45 of whom were women and 13 were men,
at Khazar district high school in Baku city. The research included primary school teachers, subject
teachers, social workers, psychologists, and administrators. They were informed about the research
method and gave their permission for the study to be conducted.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
Several methods were used in the study. One of them was the Maslach Burnout Inventory. The
Maslach Burnout Inventory is a widely used tool for measuring burnout in the workplace. Developed
by Christina Maslach and Susan E. Jackson in the 1980s, the has since become the gold standard for
assessing burnout among workers in various industries. This is a validated questionnaire that measures
the levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment, which
are the core components of burnout syndrome.
The Maslach Burnout Inventory employs self-report questionnaires to gauge burnout levels.
It has been widely utilized in research and clinical settings across various professions. Organizations
can leverage the MBI to evaluate employee well-being and implement targeted interventions. However,
its crucial to consider additional sources of stress and support mechanisms to comprehensively
address burnout in the workplace.
In conclusion, the Maslach Burnout Inventory is a valuable tool for evaluating burnout
in the workplace. It is crucial for improving employee well-being and organizational health. By
identifying and dealing with burnout, organizations can establish a more productive and healthier
work environment for their employees.
The MBI is composed of 22 items that measure three key dimensions of burnout:
1. Emotional Exhaustion: This dimension assesses feelings of being emotionally drained
and depleted, often resulting from excessive work demands and a lack of support.
2. Depersonalization: This dimension reects a detached and cynical attitude towards
colleagues, clients, and the job itself. It can lead to diminished empathy and interpersonal
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
3. Personal Accomplishment: This dimension measures feelings of competence and
accomplishment in ones work. Low scores on this dimension indicate a sense of
inadequacy and lack of achievement.
The results of analyzing burnout syndrome among 53 (13 men and 40 women) teachers
of High School in Khazar district using the Maslach Burnout Inventory indicate that a signicant
number of teachers are experiencing burnout.
In the study, 15% of female teachers interviewed reported experiencing high levels of emotional
exhaustion, 15% exhibited high depersonalization, and 25% demonstrated a high level of personal
accomplishment. These ndings highlight the potential for these educators to feel overwhelmed and
detached from their work, potentially impacting their job satisfaction and performance.
Table 1. Indicators of emotional exhaustion in women
Table 2. Indicators of emotional exhaustion in men
In a recent study, 7.69% of male teachers reported a high level of emotional exhaustion.
Additionally, 23.07% of male teachers reported high levels of depersonalization, indicating areas
where support and improvement may be benecial. Moreover, only 15.38% of male teachers reported
high levels of personal accomplishment, suggesting an opportunity to enhance feelings of ecacy
and fullment in their work.
# Emotional exhaustion Depersonalization Personal accomplishment
High 15% 15% 25%
#Emotional exhaustion Depersonalization Personal accomplishment
High 7.69% 23.07% 15.38%
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
The results of the study indicated that a signicant portion of the participants experienced
specic levels of burnout symptoms. 15% of the participants reported high levels of emotional
exhaustion, which refers to feeling drained and emotionally overwhelmed by their work. Similarly,
15% of the participants also reported high levels of depersonalization, which involves developing
negative or cynical attitudes towards others. On the other hand, 25% of the participants demonstrated
high levels of personal accomplishment, indicating that they felt eective and competent in their
roles despite the challenges they faced. These ndings highlight the variability in how individuals
experience burnout and suggest potential areas for targeted interventions to address these issues in
the workplace.
However, it is also worth noting that a larger proportion of the teachers reported high levels
of personal accomplishment, which suggests that some teachers may still feel a sense of fullment
and success in their work. Overall, these ndings highlight the importance of addressing burnout and
stress in the teaching profession to ensure the well-being and eectiveness of teachers.
The analysis of burnout syndrome among teachers in the Khazar District yielded
multifaceted insights into the prevalence and severity of burnout dimensions. Emotional exhaustion
emerged as a predominant issue, with a signicant proportion of participants reporting high levels of
emotional fatigue and depletion of energy resources. Depersonalization, characterized by cynicism
and detachment from students and colleagues, was also discernible among a considerable subset
of teachers. Furthermore, reduced personal accomplishment, indicative of feelings of inecacy and
diminished professional competence, was notably prevalent among a subset of respondents.
Teachers’ burnout syndrome is a pressing issue that demands the attention and support
of school administrators, policymakers, and the wider community to safeguard the well-being of
educators and ensure the successful education of students.
Overall, these ndings suggest that burnout is a prevalent issue among teachers in the Khazar
district, highlighting the importance of addressing and mitigating burnout to support the well-being
and eectiveness of teachers in the region.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
Emotional exhaustion among female teachers is driven by a multitude of factors, including
excessive workload, lack of support, work-life balance issues, and the emotional toll of teaching.
Understanding these factors is crucial for developing interventions to support female teachers in
maintaining their mental health and job satisfaction.
Future research should prioritize evaluating the eectiveness of interventions to prevent and
address burnout among female teachers. This could involve implementing mindfulness-based stress
reduction programs, fostering mentoring and peer support initiatives, and establishing organizational
policies that promote a healthy work environment.
It is imperative to address burnout among female teachers to safeguard their mental well-being
and ensure the quality of education they provide to students. Investing in research and interventions
to support female teachers can create a more sustainable and fullling work environment for these
invaluable educators.
Based on our research ndings, it was demonstrated that ndings underscore the pressing
need for targeted interventions and systemic reforms to address burnout among teachers in the Khazar
District. Strategies aimed at bolstering teacher well-being, enhancing coping mechanisms, and
fostering a supportive work environment warrant prioritization. Professional development initiatives
focusing on stress management, resilience-building, and work-life balance are imperative to mitigate
burnout risk factors and cultivate a culture of holistic teacher support. Moreover, organizational
reforms, including workload optimization, recognition of teacher contributions, and implementation
of supportive policies, are pivotal in nurturing a sustainable educational ecosystem conducive to
teacher ourishing and student success.
Research has shown that teacher burnout can have adverse eects on student achievement
and school climate. Burned-out teachers are less eective in the classroom and may be more likely to
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
leave the profession, which can lead to instability and high turnover in schools. Schools must prioritize
the well-being of their teachers to establish a positive and eective learning environment for students.
It is essential to analyze burnout syndrome among teachers to understand the factors
contributing to this phenomenon and to develop strategies to address and prevent it. By supporting
teachers and promoting their well-being, schools can improve outcomes for both educators and
Limitations and Further Research
The present study yields consistent results with other studies, but its important to note some
limitations. These limitations arose from the selection process, which included fewer respondents
and only one school. The data collected for the study is based on responses to a test of emotional
exhaustion among teachers from the school. The data collection process was conducted over a limited
period and involved a limited number of participants. However, the results obtained from this study
can strengthen existing approaches within a specic national-ethnic environment and cultural context
and provide a dierent perspective on scientic circulation with a larger sample size for future research
in quantitative analysis.
The study analyzed the prevalence and causes of emotional exhaustion among teachers in the
Khazar district. The research ndings provide insights into the factors contributing to burnout, such
as heavy workload, low pay, and inadequate support systems. The study also highlights the need for
interventions to address burnout among teachers to ensure their well-being and job satisfaction.
After reviewing the research, we can draw the following conclusion the study conducted on
analyzing burnout syndrome among 53 teachers in Khazar district, Baku city revealed some alarming
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
ndings regarding the prevalence of this condition among educators. The results indicated that a
signicant number of teachers in the district were experiencing high levels of emotional exhaustion,
depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment, all of which are characteristic symptoms
of burnout syndrome. More attention needs to be paid to support the mental and emotional well-being
of teachers in this region, to prevent burnout and improve overall job satisfaction and performance.
Further research and interventions are necessary to address this important issue and ensure a healthier
work environment for educators in the Khazar district.
Our research has revealed that this study has brought to light the prevalence and factors
contributing to burnout syndrome among teachers in the Khazar district of Baku city. A signicant
number of teachers in this area are experiencing symptoms of burnout, with emotional exhaustion and
depersonalization being the most common manifestations.
School administrators must prioritize the implementation of strategies that prioritize teacher
well-being and foster a positive work environment. By proactively addressing the root causes of burnout
and equipping teachers with resources for self-care and stress management, schools can signicantly
improve teacher retention rates and ultimately elevate the quality of education for students in the
Khazar district.
Future research should explore additional factors that contribute to burnout among teachers
in this region and evaluate the eectiveness of interventions aimed at preventing and mitigating
burnout syndrome. Overall, this study underscores the importance of prioritizing teachers’ mental
health and well-being to create a positive and sustainable work environment in educational settings.
In conclusion, this study oers a comprehensive analysis of burnout syndrome among 53
teachers in the Khazar District, elucidating the complex interplay of factors contributing to teacher
well-being and professional fullment. By leveraging the Maslach Burnout Inventory as a diagnostic
tool, this research unveils critical insights that catalyze targeted interventions and systemic reforms.
Moving forward, concerted eorts are warranted to address burnout proactively, safeguarding the
welfare of educators and fortifying the educational landscape for optimal student outcomes.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
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