ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
tone), which tends to prevent the child with DS from speaking correctly and being understood easily;
or who has better developed ne and gross motor coordination due to poor muscle tone, reduced stren-
gth and limited coordination (VALETT, 1977).
Knowing this, it is important to highlight that children with DS, just like any other child
without any type of disability, when going through the stages of development, will need to receive
adequate stimuli to develop. It is clear that when it comes to your learning process, due to all the
limitations, this incentive will require the support of a multidisciplinary team that assists you in its
dierent aspects, since:
The dierences between people with DS, both in physical and developmental
aspects, arise from individual genetic aspects, clinical complications, nutri-
tion, stimulation, education, family and social context and environment. Des-
pite these dierences, there is a consensus in the scientic community that
degrees cannot be attributed to DS, just as its life expectancy has increased
considerably, due to progress in the area of health, especially cardiac sur-
gery. The increase in survival and the understanding of its potential has led to
the development of dierent programs educational, with a view to schooling,
professional future, autonomy and quality of life (BRASIL, 2013, pp. 09-10).
And that is why we believe in the importance of knowing how DS occurs in its pathogenesis,
in order to understand which forms of learning can help in the cognitive development of the aected
child. This is necessary because the biggest limitation for them to become integrated, productive,
happy and independent adults, for example, is not imposed by genetics, but rather by the lack of know-
ledge of the people who work with these subjects, whether at home, in the school, or in the dierent
social spaces that currently exist.
It is by taking this as an assumption that it is rearmed that children with DS can both learn
and develop (LIMA, 2016). It is necessary, however, to allow, among other aspects, access to tech-
niques and strategies for more eective treatments and therapies, where early stimulation, through
pedagogical, physiotherapeutic and speech therapy actions, are some of the mechanisms that have
contributed, directly and signicantly, to improve the quality of life and facilitate the carrying out