ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 03 - ano 2024
Brand strategy is how, what, where, when, and to whom you plan to communicate to deliver
brand messages. Thus, to build a brand story, companies must develop a brand-specic strategy,
including its positioning, personality, values, appearance, and perceived qualities that are based on
product specicities such as reliability (Budac & Bultador, 2013). In this context, value is recognized
as one of the most vital arts of branding, and it has three types of values: functional, expressive, and
In today’s competitive environment, a good brand that represents the identity, credibility and
rememberability of all functions of the company’s interaction with its customers plays an important role.
In this context, branding is currently one of the main approaches in healthcare industry organizations
(Hosseini et al., 2013). The transparency of the organization’s brand leads to a specic type of change
in the behavior of its employees. And, if a particular organization is willing to make a name for itself,
branding provides a transparent denition, leading to a better understanding of the organization’s
identity and goals, facilitates recognition, and makes the organization better known
In the medical eld, patients’ perception of their treating physician’s knowledge and experience
increases their condence, and this condence allows for greater satisfaction and a favorable image in
their mind (Dalaki et al., 2019). Most pharmaceutical organizations consider targeted branding as a
competitive strategy and aligns with their specic purpose or social issue (Mirzaei et al., 2021). In this
context, a pharmaceutical organization can increase its market share and ensure greater protability by
creating personal identity through brand image (Zhan & Meng, 2015).
Because the branding of Pharmaceutical Industry services is dierent, especially in healthcare
centers and hospitals, as well as due to the importance of brand management and related value extraction,
Pharmaceutical Industry should be directed towards branding initiatives based on Gao perseverance
(Elrod & Fortenberry, 2018).
Studies have shown that product damage to a particular brand reduces consumer valuation of
competing brands in the same industry, referred to as negative eects (Zhang et al., 2021), and in this