ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Qamza Soltanova İsbandiyarova1
Abstract: The article examines age crises that manifest themselves in childrens mental development.
The study showed that one of the criteria for the successful course of the crisis and cognitive
development, in general, is the ratio of negative and constructive symptoms. Correlation analysis
also revealed some relationships between the psychological characteristics of the crisis and indicators
of readiness to learn. The research showed that the obtained data are not unambiguous. Greater
expression of adult behaviour corresponds to higher levels of visual linear thinking (p < 0.01) and
visual-motor coordination, the ability to move correctly (p < 0.05). Argument is also positively
related to imaginative thinking (p < 0.05). The higher the childs cognitive motivation and ability to
concentrate, the more general questions and new topics he has in communication (p <0.05). These
contradictions show that constructive, neutral symptoms and an active form of negativism (argument)
with a high level of motivation and intellectual preparation serve the normal course of the crisis.
Passive forms of negativist behavioural reactions, on the contrary, are more common in children with
a low level of speech development.
Keywords: Crisis period, child development, negative behaviours, psychological analysis, cognitive
In modern psychology, it is relevant to investigate the age crises that arise during childrens
1 Master of Odlar Yurdu University, Baku, Azerbaijan
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
development and developmental periods. Adequate consideration of childrens age crisis and a
properly organized teaching process plays an important role in students self-realization and are
no less important for professional self-armation and create favourable conditions for students
self-expression (Jabbarov, 2012). In this regard, a crisis is a situation observed in children with
aggressiveness, stubbornness, crying and other reactions. It is a process that comes from within the
child and expresses its inner essence. During the crisis, children become self-actualized (Jabbarov,
Each age period is characterized by a unique crisis. Crisis is part of childrens social,
emotional and cognitive development. During this period, children try to know themselves and their
surroundings, learn and explore. The crisis is a period observed with sudden psychological changes
in certain age ranges starting from childhood. Crisis is not a disease, but just a factor that shows the
childs development. Every age crisis has a beginning and an end. Depending on the circumstances of
the individual, this duration may increase or decrease. During the crisis, the existing behaviour model
is changed and replaced by a new one. Age crises have changed their character compared to previous
years and are manifested in a more acute form in modern times. The purpose of studying age crises is
to study the characteristics of age crises and to educate parents in this direction. It should be taken into
account that focusing on age crises, as well as timely reduction of existing psychological issues in that
period, lays the groundwork for timely prevention of complications arising in the future development
of children. The purpose of the article is to investigate these issues.
Literature review
It appears from psychological studies that age crises have been widely studied (Smirnova.,
2009; Karabanova., 2005; Gadirov., 2008; Valiyev & Mustafayev., 2013; Rieber., 1998; Jabbarov,
2020). One of the reasons for the misunderstanding of the problem of childhood crisisis the lack
of attention to the semantic, emotional and aective expression of feelings in a separate, isolated
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
consideration of issues related to the integral development of the childs personality. Separation,
ignoring the development of the childs imagination and removing all of the above from the childs
intellectual eld (Krasnoyarya., 2014). An age crisis is related to the emergence of speech (Mukhina.,
The 3-year crisis is manifested by realising the concept of “Myself “. This is the childs rst
experience of separation and individuation. The child develops his sense of separateness, his inner
structure. The child separates his “I” from the “I” of the mother. During this period, a sense of pride
in achievements develops, he is proud that he can do something himself. Later, this new formation
is incorporated into a very complex structure - the “self-concept” of a person, which leads to the
formation of a sphere of motivation that contributes to the development of self-esteem. If a child
does not develop such a sense of self, he will feel empty, uninterested in himself, awed, unworthy
of respect, and completely dependent on someone. During this period, childrens ability to learn
increases. Logical thinking replaces concrete thinking. With the development of thinking, self-
perception, introspection, and the childs own experiences develop (Mudrik., 2002).
L.S. Vygotsky associates an age crisis with the emergence of speech. At this time, the child
begins to walk independently. According to Vygotsky, the emergence of autonomous speech leads to a
change in the childs attitude to the environment. Vygotsky emphasizes that walking emerges, remains
and improves after one year, while autonomous speech is the opposite. L.S. Vygotsky elaborated on
three age crises in his concept. His work “Three-year Crisis” is dedicated to the three-year crisis. The
rst sign L.S. Vygotsky drew attention to is negativism. This behavioural response is that the child
does not want to do something because an adult suggests it. The second sign is stubbornness. Unlike
negativism, stubborn children only insist on something. At this time, the child develops a stubborn
attitude towards the whole way of life (Vygotsky., 1984).
L.S. Vygotsky denes the signs of the crisis and the behaviour of children in the work “Crisis
of Seven Years. He notes that age seven is the age of “loss of spontaneity.Childish behaviour ceases
to be natural. He considers the reason for this to be the generalization of experiences. Dierent crises
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
can occur in children during all periods of development. After all, children, like adults, go through
various psychological and spiritual processes. These crises occur dierently in children of dierent
ages. Coping with multiple issues, children encounter things they havent encountered before during
development, and at certain ages, they initially begin to exhibit dierent behaviours. In those periods,
the careful and correct approach of parents enables children to overcome the so-called crisis processes
Every babys characteristics are dierent. Some babies are quiet, some babies are more active
and active. However, it is known that babies face various crises in the growth process. The rst of these
is called the 1-year crisis. The 1-year crisis is a process that begins to manifest itself when babies reach
the age of 1. Babies show aggressive behaviours within the 1-year crisis. He can damage his toys and
break things around him. He may attack other children around him. Their tendency to do what they
want increases. He does not want to share his toys and food with others. They show a selsh attitude.
2 years is considered one of the most dicult periods for children. The 2-year crisis occurs when the
child is not understood, the family is overly protective, he cannot do what he wants, he realizes that
there is no communication with mom and dad, and parents do not spend money. (Leontiev, 1983).
Spending quality and sucient time with them, when there is a new sibling, when there is a
lack of communication with the sibling, when either mother or father is absent, and when the childs
daily routine changes, anxious behaviour can occur. Some factors can cause a child to become more
aggressive. This may be due to the mothers use of cigarettes and alcohol during pregnancy, failure
to meet the childs needs, or exposure to violence. The next 3 years are equally dicult and crazy
for parents. However, with the right behaviour and attitude, many parents pass these periods more
easily. The 2-year-old crisis covers a short interval. The attitude of a child showing such aggression
and anger usually ends between 3 and 3.5 years of age. Sometimes it is observed that this aggression
continues until the end of 4 years. In this case, it may be necessary to get support from a specialist
(Erikson, 1968; Maslow, 1970, Tatlıbayevoy, 1999; Young, 2016; Huhlayeva, 2009).
If the child does not feel valued enough and is not socialized enough, this leads to the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
three-year syndrome. Factors that lead to a 3-year crisis include a child feeling or thinking that he is
unloved, seeing himself as an insecure person, and not being able to socialize enough. The child is
quite stubborn in this process, always goes against the norm and does not want to listen to anyone. In
fact, at this point, the child does not have any bad intentions. The child just wants to prove himself to
others. Trying to understand a 4-year-old child, is a dicult process, being tolerant and patient is the
most important task of parents. You must make him feel that you are there for him to gain condence
and feel safe. The 5-year crisis refers to certain behavioural changes that occur during the childs
development. Symptoms during the crisis may be dierent for boys and girls. Commonly observed
symptoms are: Constantly asking questions and being very curious: During this period, children may
constantly ask questions and exhibit curious behaviors with a desire to explore the world. Learning
behaviours: They tend to show rapid development in many areas, such as language development,
psychomotor skills, and creativity. Playing games in the social environment and showing leadership:
Children tend to play dierent games to interact with friends, take leadership and improve their social
skills. (Huhlayeva, 2009: Ramiz and Vakil, (2020).
A child who goes to school in the rst years, which coincides with the 7-year crisis, now has
more contact with the outside world. In addition, as the child feels more independent, his dependence
on his parents decreases. This situation brings with it certain diculties. Changes in a childs life can
cause problems such as aective dierences, anger and conict. This situation is completely expected
and normal. If this period is not resolved healthily, the resulting crisis is called the 7-year crisis. New
rules come into the childs life, this continues in a certain sequence until the child reaches the age of
7, and he encounters new psychological situations with unusual regularity, which leads to the 7-year
crisis. In addition to the physical development of the child, his mental and social development is also
a very important part of the growth process. Along with the school process, there are evolutions in
the childs mental development and dierences in the thinking system may arise. Although some
children can overcome this change with healthy pain, some children may have symptoms of a 7-year
crisis (Tatlıbayevoy, 1999). Signs of a 7-year-old crisis include constant expectation of praise from the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
environment, especially from parents, anger problems, introversion, poor socialization, diculty in
following school rules, fear of being blamed, withdrawal from parents, aggressive attitude, too much
focus on relationships with peers and easily inuenced by negativity, etc.
The purpose of our research is to investigate age crises in childrens development and support
parents in this direction. For this purpose, a general philosophical approach was used.
As we know, the 2-year crisis is not only a very tiring process for parents but also a process
that requires attention. At this time, parents should be more patient and pay attention to their behaviour.
The parent should not frighten the child, but at the same time should create discipline by refraining
from doing everything the child wants. This discipline should be established without harming the
parent-child relationship. Otherwise, it can cause permanent eects on the child. The 2-year crisis can
be a dicult process for both children and their families. However, by following some steps, you can
ensure that the crisis passes smoothly.
• Wait for the child to express his anger.
• Do not force the child to do or not do something.
• Set the childs boundaries.
• Dont always use the word “no. Using it in the most suitable places creates a more positive
eect on the child.
The 3-year crisis, like the 2-year crisis, is a period when the child is quite stubborn and
aggressive. However, with some methods, it is possible to easily eliminate this process. Let’s take a
look at these methods.
• Involve your child in creative activities. Even do these activities together. In this way, you
will strengthen the bond between you.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
• Hug your child often. Let him know how much you love him.
• Avoid exaggeration when praising your child.
• Try to be consistent in your behaviour with your child.
Allow your child to think for a while. Dont judge him or start getting mad at him right
• Be calm when your child misbehaves and show the child why your behaviour is wrong.
• The child is quite stubborn in this period and wants to do everything he wants. However, it
is very wrong to say “yes” to everything the child wants. Say no to your child when necessary.
• Be calm in the face of the childs behaviour. Find logical answers by controlling anger.
• Be decisive and act together with your partner.
• Try to anticipate the behaviours that will trigger the child. Then try to take action for these
In the 4-year crisis, children can be in dierent moods and react dierently to events because
they want to prove themselves as individuals. However, the attitude of the family towards the child is
very important. Because this step is taken in the direction of childrens personality transformation,
relatives should not interfere with the process and maintain calmness. Parents are the rst to observe
the development and change of children. Therefore, parents should start by getting support from
a specialist against the dierences seen during the child’s development. The expert interviews the
parents and learns about the childs behaviour before and after the process. Then interviews are
conducted with the child.
The WISC 4 test can also be used to determine whether a child’s development is appropriate
for his or her developmental period. Diagnosis can also be made by combining parent interviews,
developmental tests, and play therapy techniques into a single denominator. In this process,
communication and cooperation with teachers at school is important. Since children attach great
importance to their social relations with their friends, the observations and opinions of their teachers
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
also allow us to have information about this crisis. If such an opinion is received, support from a
psychologist is required. As the crises experienced by children during their development are a natural
process, they deeply aect both parents and children. However, many things can be done to make this
process easier. If a child has an extremely negative attitude, it is recommended to get the necessary
support immediately so that this situation does not negatively aect the childs life. Advice on such
problems can be obtained from specialist psychologists. In this process, the social environment as
well as the family are important. The goal of treatment is to improve the childs quality of life. The
main goal here is to get a positive result with both the treatment process and the support of the family.
Families should be patient, knowing that crises are not a disease, on the contrary, they are a stage of
the childs development and are important for self-development.
From a methodological point of view, it is important to avoid the social desirability of
responses when studying the signs of a crisis. Some parents tend to exaggerate constructive symptoms
and minimize negative ones. Therefore, it is important to give them some information about the age
crisis pattern before the study. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the opposite eect
- when familiar with the psychological content of the crisis, parents can exaggerate its severity in the
child. The study showed that, in general, the crisis in preschool children is not so obvious: the severity
of all signs of “domestic behaviour” is about 46%. The constructive symptom category predominates
(37%), followed by the negativist symptom category (28%) and the neutral symptom category (35%)
is the least expressed. Often, parents note the emergence of common questions and a desire for
independence in the child. Then comes demandingness and contention, as well as the emergence
of independent activities. Less common are cunning, mature behaviour, interruption, increased
interest in appearance, disobedience and capriciousness. There was practically no gender specicity
in the symptoms of the age crisis. The dierence was signicant only in the indicator of interest in
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
appearance, which was higher among girls (p < 0.05). This also aected the dierences in the overall
index of neutral symptoms: this category is more prominent in girls (p < 0.05). Correlation analysis
revealed strong relationships between individual crisis symptoms for the group of preschoolers as
a whole. Thus, 26 signicant positive correlations were identied between symptoms of dierent
categories. This conrms the idea of unity of destructive and constructive components of age crisis.
Most associations were found in traits such as disobedience and adult behaviour. Considering their
low average values, we can conclude that the severity of disobedience and adult behaviour is a
fairly reliable criterion for the onset of an age crisis. Argument, pause, stubbornness and cunning
also became a system builder. The least integrated into the general structure are manifestations of
independence. In boys, the galaxy of correlations is more structured due to negative symptoms, while
constructive symptoms are practically not integrated into the overall structure. For boys, the factors
that create the system are disobedience, reaction to criticism and the behaviour of adults, for girls
- interruption, stubbornness, capriciousness, and interest in school. Thus, the most obvious signs
of the onset of the age crisis can be considered negativist symptoms: the appearance of a neutral
symptom such as disobedience, argument, interruption, stubbornness, cunning, and adult behaviour.
Constructive symptoms are less informative for the diagnosis of crisis, especially in boys. Group
indicators of anxiety in preschool children are in the range of medium-high values. At the same time,
18% of children showed a high level of anxiety and 26% of children had an increased level. 34% of
children had a medium level of anxiety, and 22% of children had a low level of anxiety. The anxiety
level of girls is higher than that of boys (p < 0.05).
Average levels of self-esteem and aspirations of preschool children are high, which corresponds
to normative values. Most of the children are still not able to approach the dierential evaluation of
their qualities. However, some children already seem somewhat critical in their self-evaluations, which
suggests a dierence between the real self and the ideal self. The study of childrens psychological
preparation for learning revealed a fairly high level of development of the student’s internal position.
Most of the children expressed cognitive motivation. Indicators of intellectual preparation generally
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
correspond to standard values. Thus, indicators of short-term memory, concentration and distribution
of attention in preschool children are at an average level, and the speed of information processing
corresponds to the upper limit of the norm. Figural memory is superior to verbal memory, which
characterizes the age-related features of the development of mnemonic function.
The general indicators of childrens speech development and conceptual thinking are at
an average level. At the same time, it turned out that conceptual logic and conceptual imagination
are the least developed among preschool children. This was manifested in childrens diculties
in performing tasks on visual and speech analogies, intuitive visual analysis-synthesis and visual
classications. The level of hand-eye coordination of preschool children can be called moderately
weak. The analysis of variance did not reveal the inuence of the gender factor on the indicators of
childrens readiness to learn. Only girls tend to higher distribution of attention and intuitive speech
analysis-synthesis. According to the results of the study of psychological preparation, all children
were divided into 3 groups: high (30%), medium (48%) and low (22%) levels of preparation. The
variance analysis conrmed the signicance of the dierences between the selected groups in the
following indicators: distribution of attention, development of speech, visual structure, conceptual
logic and speech thinking, hand-eye coordination during independent work in graphic dictation (p
<0.01), formation of the internal position of the student, concentration of attention, conceptual intuitive
and imaginative thinking (p <0.05). Then, a comparison of crisis symptoms was made in children
at dierent levels of school readiness. It was found that general questions (p<0.01) and interest in
school (p<0.05) are expressed less in children with low preparation. As a result, the dierence in the
category of constructive symptoms between the low and medium training groups was signicant (p
< 0.05). Neutral symptoms were also less pronounced in the group of children with low preparation.
Preschool children with high preparation have higher values of negative symptoms. However, these
dierences are not signicant. Let’s consider the data in more detail by groups. In the group with low
readiness, the desire for independence, demandingness, stubbornness and argument prevail. Analysis
of individual indicators showed that preschool children in this group were characterized by uneven
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
severity of symptom categories: negative symptoms decreased in 42% of children, and constructive
symptoms decreased in 25%. The averages even out this dierence, but it is quite important because
it reects the inconsistency in the development of children with low readiness to learn. In the
medium-prepared group, the appearance of general questions prevails. The most prominent signs
of negativity are demandingness, argument and stubbornness. In the high-willed group, general
questions, demandingness, debate and response to criticism prevail. In these 60 groups, the disparity
in severity of symptom categories is approximately 33%. The majority of children with a high level
of preparedness (42%) are characterized by clear severity of all categories of symptoms. A blurred
picture of the crisis is typical for 25% of children in this group. The data obtained from the correlation
analysis of symptom indicators in groups of children at dierent levels of school readiness are of
The most integrated is the galaxy of relationships in the group with the highest readiness level
(18 relationships). Considering the high average values of the symptoms, we can talk about a more
unied, bright picture of the crisis in this group. The factors that create the system are stubbornness,
reaction to criticism, argumentation and interest in school. The degree of integration is signicantly
lower in the group with a medium level of preparation (10 attitudes). The most correlations were found
in responses such as interruption, demandingness, adult behaviour and general questions. This shows
that all three categories of symptoms are important in this group, and we can talk about the relative
uniformity of development.
Conclusion and discussion
Our study showed that children with low readiness show disorganization of indicators (a total
of 8 attitudes). In addition, two negative correlations between dierent categories of symptoms were
found in this group: between interruption and interest in appearance, and between reaction to criticism
and independence (p < 0.05). This also shows that crisis symptoms are contradictory in children with
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
low readiness for school. When the negative symptoms are quite obvious, but not constructive, the
crisis can take an unfavourable course of development. Or, on the contrary, the process of orientation
to rules is delayed, which is associated with an erased image of negative symptoms. In this group, the
most common contact is disobedience and reaction to criticism. There were no signicant dierences
in anxiety scores among children at dierent levels of school readiness. In the group of children
with low readiness, the level of self-esteem and desire is signicantly lower than in other groups (p
< 0.05). More than 33% of children in this group are characterized by a low level of self-esteem and
aspirations. All this indicates unfavourable trends in the development of the self-concept of preschool
children in this group. There were no dierences in group mean scores for the discrepancy between
the actual self and the ideal self. Thus, in general, we can talk about a brighter picture of the age crisis
in the group of preschool children with high readiness for learning.
Children have more clear constructive and neutral signs of crisis, and a high degree of
integration of behavioral responses has been found. A discrepancy between the real self and the
ideal self begins and increased anxiety is noted. In children with low readiness, the signs of crisis
are somewhat erased, and inconsistencies in development are noted. In general, the crisis continues
in a constructive direction, but along with increased anxiety, a rather low level of self-esteem and
aspirations has been revealed. In other words, preschool children with a high level of readiness
experience an active crisis, while preschool children with a medium and low level of readiness
experience a less acute crisis. One of the criteria for the successful course of the crisis and mental
development, in general, is the ratio of negative and constructive symptoms. Correlation analysis also
revealed some relationships between the psychological characteristics of the crisis and indicators of
readiness to learn. It should be noted that the obtained information is ambiguous. Thus, the greater
expression of adult behaviour corresponds to higher levels of visual linear thinking (p < 0.01) and
visual-motor coordination, the ability to move correctly (p < 0.05). Argument is also positively
related to imaginative thinking (p < 0.05). The higher the childs cognitive motivation and ability to
concentrate, the more general questions and new topics he has in communication (p <0.05). On the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
other hand, disobedience, pausing, and whims, as well as the overall index of negative symptoms,
are negatively correlated with the index of speech thinking (speech classications, p < 0.05). Pausing
is also negatively associated with general indicators of speech development and conceptual speech
thinking (p < 0.05). How to explain this contradiction? We see that constructive, neutral symptoms
and an active form of negativism (argument) are characteristic of a high level of motivation and
intellectual preparation. Passive forms of negativist behavioural reactions, on the contrary, are more
common in children with a low level of speech development.
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