ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Flaelma Almeida da Silva1
Diana de Lima2
Márcia Alves Quaresma3
Luis Felipe da Silva Marçal4
Jaisa Lima Sol Suignard5
Lara Bolsanelo Menezes Vieira6
Maria Fernanda Paiva Amorim7
Ana Claudia Andrade8
Abstract: The eld research focused on teenage pregnancy had the general objective of sensitizing
and educating the school community about the challenges associated with early pregnancy, promoting
prevention, quality of life formation, and appropriate support. To achieve these objectives, the research
utilized an exploratory and descriptive methodology, employing both qualitative and quantitative
approaches to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic. During the research, questionnaires
1 Master in Education from the Lusophone University of Technology and Humanities (ULHT)
and Professor of Community and Extension I and II at the Pythagoras Faculty of Medicine of
2 Doctorate in Environmental Engineering Sciences from the University of São Paulo and
Professor of Community and Extension I and II at the Pythagoras Faculty of Medicine of Eunápolis;
3 Master in Public Health from Fiocruz and coordinator of the General Skills at the Pythagoras
Faculty of Medicine of Eunápolis.
4 Graduating in Medicine at Eunapolis College Pitagoras and Medicine.
5 Graduating in Medicine at Eunapolis College Pitagoras and Medicine
6 Graduating in Medicine at Eunapolis College Pitagoras and Medicine
7 Graduating in Medicine at Eunapolis College Pitagoras and Medicine
8 Graduating in Medicine at Eunapolis College Pitagoras and Medicine
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
and interviews were conducted to collect data on studentsknowledge about contraceptive methods, the
consequences of teenage pregnancy, and the importance of family planning. Additionally, discussion
groups were held to promote open dialogue about sexuality, prevention, and support for pregnant
teenagers. The ndings indicated signicant gaps in understanding of contraceptive methods, family
planning, and the implications of teenage pregnancy among the participants. Consequently, most
participants expressed a need for more information and educational resources on the subject. The
educational and awareness activities were well-received, and participants reported an improved
understanding of the issues addressed. The research also highlighted the importance of adequate
support for pregnant teenagers, emphasizing the need for emotional and social support in schools.
Thus, the eld research not only contributed to raising awareness about teenage pregnancy but also
provided practical directions for future interventions, focusing on preventive education and support
for pregnant teenagers within the school environment.
Keywords: Teenage pregnancy. Adolescence. Prevention. Sexual education.
Adolescence is a period of transition characterized by signicant physical, emotional and
social transformations, as young people leave childhood to enter the adult world. This is a time full of
curiosity for new experiences and the search for autonomy. However, not all of these new experiences
are positive. Studies by Oliveira (2017) and Taborda et al., (2014) highlight that early pregnancy
represents one of the main challenges faced by adolescents. According to data from the Ministry of
Health, Brazil records one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in the world, which requires urgent
attention to better understand the causes, consequences and eective strategies for preventing this
condition. According to Oliveira (2017), it is necessary to recognize that, although adolescence oers
opportunities for growth, it also presents challenges such as early pregnancy, which can signicantly
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
limit the future dreams of teenagers.
Teenage pregnancy is a multifaceted phenomenon that involves social, emotional and health
aspects. Historically, this condition was seen as a problem to be avoided at all costs, with young
pregnant women often facing social stigma, exclusion and emotional diculties. Over time, there
was a shift towards a more understanding and empathetic approach (Lima e Silva, 2020 ). Data
indicate that the fertility rate among adolescents is high, especially in poorer countries, such as those
in Latin America. According to the Child and Adolescent Statute (Law No. 8069/90), adolescents are
individuals between 12 and 18 years old, and for the World Health Organization (WHO), this period
encompasses ages between 10 and 19 years old (Lima and Silva, 2020).
During adolescence, young people go through signicant physical changes, such as
the development of sexual organs and hormonal changes, in addition to cognitive and social
transformations, which include questioning beliefs and the search for their own identity (Macedo et
al., 2013). This period is marked by personal discovery and denition of future goals, which includes
exploring sexuality.
Ximenes Neto et al. (2007) emphasize the importance of recognizing the heterogeneous
and behavioral patterns of adolescents, such as sexual development, personality armation and the
construction of life projects. The lack of natural evolution of these processes can lead to transgressions
such as drug use and unprotected sexual practices, resulting in unwanted pregnancies and the
transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Sexuality education appears as a strong ally in preventing teenage pregnancy, providing
young people with accurate information, skills and resources necessary for healthy decisions regarding
sexuality and contraception (Dadorian, 2003). Research is essential to understand how this education
can raise awareness about the risks of early pregnancy, especially in regions like Eunápolis-BA,
where the rate of teenage pregnancy is alarming (SINASC, 2015).
Teenage pregnancy in Bahia is worsened by specic socioeconomic and cultural factors,
such as an unbalanced family structure, limited education, the use of substances such as alcohol and
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
drugs, and economic disadvantage (Cruz et al., 2022). With a scenario of economic inequalities and
disparities in access to health services, Bahia faces unique challenges in combating youth pregnancy
(Oliveira et al., 2014).
This study seeks to explore the components and impacts of teenage pregnancy in the state of
Bahia, providing a broad analysis that aims to identify eective strategies for preventing and mitigating
the eects of this problem, ensuring the well-being and healthy development of adolescents in Bahia.
The eld research carried out for this study is exploratory and descriptive in nature, combining
qualitative and quantitative approaches. The main objective was to investigate the factors associated
with early pregnancy and evaluate the eectiveness of educational interventions in raising awareness
and prevention among 8th year students at Escola Municipal Humberto de Campos, in Eunápolis.
The study involved 28 8th grade students, chosen to reect the characteristics of the adolescent
population in relation to early pregnancy. The necessary authorizations were obtained from the school
management, and the participants and their guardians signed a free and informed consent form, as
well as an image and voice use term.
Data collection was carried out in several stages, using dierent instruments. Firstly, a
structured questionnaire was applied to assess students knowledge about sexual education, their
perceptions about early pregnancy, the use of contraceptive methods and family planning. This
questionnaire aimed to assess the level of information among adolescents on the prevention of
unplanned pregnancy, with eight dichotomous questions answered individually in the classroom in
an average time of 20 minutes.
At the rst meeting, an educational lecture was given by students from the rst period
of the medicine course at Faculdade Pitágoras, who addressed the topics of sexual education and
prevention of teenage pregnancy. After the lecture, a conversation circle was opened so that students
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
could ask their questions and discuss the issues presented, promoting an environment of dialogue
and learning. In the second meeting, the students watched the documentary “Girls: Pregnancy in
Adolescence, which tells the story of four pregnant teenagers and their changes in routine. After the
screening, the students were invited to write their individual reections on the most striking points
of the documentary, which facilitated an open discussion about the risks and consequences of early
pregnancy. In the third and nal meeting, a feedback session was conducted to share the results
obtained with the participants, promoting transparency in the research process. , graphs with the
students’ responses were presented and explained, allowing an in-depth reection on the information
learned. Furthermore, an educational theater was organized with extension students representing the
diculties faced by pregnant teenagers, providing a practical and empathetic view of the challenges
The collected data was analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods. The responses to
the forms were treated statistically, with the calculation of frequencies and means. The qualitative data,
coming from the written perceptions and oral reports of the participants, were analyzed thematically,
identifying recurring patterns and themes in the students’ responses.
The integration of quantitative and qualitative data allowed a comprehensive understanding
of the factors associated with early pregnancy and the eectiveness of the educational interventions
carried out. This holistic approach contributed to the development of more eective strategies for
preventing teenage pregnancy, making the research not only fulll its educational objectives, but also
provide practical interventions to support pregnant teenagers within the school environment.
To support the research and substantiate the analyses, the conceptual basis was supported
by studies by Guimarães and Witter (2007), Ximenes Neto et al., (2007), Camargo (2009), Lima e
Silva (2020), Oliveira (2017) , Taborda et al. (2014), Cruz (2016), Yazlle (2006), Gonçalves (2013),
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Bortolozzi and Vilaça (2020), Fiedler (2015), Schmitz (2013), Araújo (2019) and Queiroz (2016) among
others, who study teenage pregnancy and the variable factors that may contribute to high incidence
rates. These studies provide a broad view of the multifaceted aspects that inuence the occurrence of
teenage pregnancy, covering individual, family and social factors.
According to Guimarães and Witter (2007), teenage pregnancy is not the result of a single
or simple cause, but rather a tangle of intertwined factors, including ignorance, lack of knowledge
about sexuality and contraception. Gaps in sexuality education leave young people vulnerable to ill-
informed decisions, often based on myths or taboos. In addition to educational gaps, peer pressure
is also a signicant force, as cultural or social norms may promote early sexual experimentation or
pregnancy as rites of passage into adulthood. In such contexts, going against these norms can mean
facing resistance from the community itself. The lack of open dialogue and eective sexual education
is a problem that needs to be addressed to reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy.
Ximenes Neto et al., (2007) complements the analysis by emphasizing that the period of
adolescence is marked by crises that can result in transgressions, such as the use of substances
and unprotected sexual relations. Camargo (2009) adds that the intense changes that adolescents
experience often lead them to unprotected sexual practices, driven by a life lived intensely and without
due awareness of the risks. These behaviors are exacerbated by a lack of communication between
adolescents and their families, as well as taboos that prevent open discussions about sexuality. This
tangle of factors, as corroborated by the studies cited, needs to be addressed through educational
interventions and public policies that promote inclusive and accessible sexual education.
Regarding the crucial inuence of socioeconomic factors, Lima and Silva (2020) emphasizes
the incidence of pregnancy among adolescents, highlighting the barriers to access to education,
information and economic opportunities as determinants. The urgency of comprehensive public
policies that address such disparities and provide adequate support to teenage mothers or young
people in vulnerable situations is highlighted. In a similar way, Oliveira (2017) corroborates this
perspective when discussing the importance of socioeconomic aspects in the specic context of the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
state of Bahia, highlighting their direct relationship with issues such as access to health, information,
educational level, career development and family planning.
The study by Taborda et al., (2014) highlights that unfavorable nancial conditions play a
signicant role in increasing teenage pregnancy rates. Such conditions aect young peoples access
to adequate prenatal care, increasing the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
Furthermore, limited information about family planning, contraception and prevention of sexually
transmitted infections contributes to adolescentsvulnerability to unplanned pregnancies, while the
absence of appropriate emotional and educational support can result in hasty decisions regarding their
sexual life.
Cruz (20 22) highlights that adolescents with unfavorable socioeconomic status, especially
those living in peripheral areas, face greater risks of unplanned pregnancy and its consequences. In
the Bahian context, early pregnancy is recognized as a serious public health issue, with signicant
impacts on the lives of young women and society. Alarming epidemiological data indicate high rates
of teenage pregnancy in Bahia, requiring the urgent implementation of eective interventions and
policies aimed at addressing this worrying scenario and its social, educational and health ramications.
The crucial role of parents is a focal point in studies by Silva et al., (2014) as the family is
essential in guiding and supporting adolescents during pregnancy, directly inuencing their decisions
and behaviors. Parents have a fundamental responsibility for creating a family environment that
fosters open communication and emotional support, allowing adolescents to share their concerns,
ask questions, and receive appropriate guidance. By demonstrating understanding, support and
acceptance in the face of their childrens pregnancy, parents contribute signicantly to the emotional
and psychological well-being of adolescents. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of parents to provide
accurate information about sexual and reproductive health, contraceptive methods and available
options to pregnant teenagers, enabling them to make informed decisions about their health and
family planning.
With regard to the National Curricular Parameters (PCN), although they do not prescribe
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a specic approach, they recommend that, from the 5th year of elementary school, topics related to
sexuality be discussed in a participatory manner by adolescents in an appropriate environment. It
will be up to the educator to organize the activity, including relevant topics not previously mentioned
by the students. This initiative aims to provide a space for dialogue, clarication and reection on
issues that promote the reinterpretation of information, emotions and values acquired throughout life
(BRASIL, 1998).
Additionally, the PCN highlight the relevance of approaching sexuality at school from a
socio-historical perspective, revisiting norms, gender standards and identity. The intention is to foster
respect, ensure sexual rights and eliminate situations of prejudice and violence, promoting a more
inclusive and respectful school environment (BRASIL, 1998).
The application of the questionnaire on sexual education, aiming to understand the
identication of students in terms of gender, revealed signicant results: among the 28 participants, 12
(43%) identied themselves as female, 10 (36%) as male and 6 (21%) did not identify with any gender.
The analysis of these responses highlights a marked diversity in the gender identities of the participants,
reecting a heterogeneous group composition in this aspect. This panorama highlights the complexity
and variety of experiences experienced by adolescents in the contemporary educational environment,
emphasizing the importance of an inclusive and sensitive approach in sexual education programs.
It is essential that such programs recognize and validate the diversity of gender identities, ensuring
representation and respect for all students ( Miranda and Barros, 2019). Furthermore, it is necessary
to adapt educational materials and methods to address the specic experiences and challenges faced
by students with dierent gender identities.
In the social sphere, teenagers face signicant obstacles. Poor access to quality sexual and
reproductive health services, especially in rural or low-income regions, restricts the availability of
practical contraceptive methods and appropriate counseling. According to Guimarães and Witter
(2007), poverty and gender inequality increase the vulnerability of adolescents to early pregnancy,
impacting their educational and economic choices.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
In Graph 1, it is possible to observe the relationship between students in relation to seeking
information about safe sexual practices, preventing unwanted pregnancies and talking to parents
about sex. Of the students who responded to the questionnaire, 20 (72%) stated that they did not seek
information about sexual education online, while 4 (14%) indicated that they did so and 4 (14%) did
not respond. Regarding the willingness to talk to their parents about the topic, 10 (36%) students
expressed comfort in addressing this issue, while 14 (50%) denied this practice. The lack of sexual
orientation, whether on the part of the family or school, constitutes a path to misinformation, exposing
adolescents to risks, such as the interruption of future life projects, sexually transmitted infections,
unwanted pregnancy, abortion, among others. These situations can have signicant social impacts on
the lives of these adolescents.
Source: Field research, 2024.
A total of 22 students, representing around 78%, stated that they felt comfortable expressing
themselves negatively towards their partner. The lack of emotional maturity in adolescents makes
them more susceptible to possible manipulations by their partners. Furthermore, it was found that 22
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
students (78%) recognized the importance of using contraceptive methods and conrmed that they
maintained an active sexual life. According to Ximenes Neto et al., (2007), the early start of sexual
life in adolescents is directly related to a greater probability of pregnancy. Notably, the age range of
teenagers who begin their sexual life early and end up getting pregnant, between 14 and 16 years old,
coincides with the age range of teenagers at Escola Municipal Humberto de Campos, the location of
the research. The occurrence of pregnancy in this context is due to the lack of access to contraceptive
methods, nancial restrictions and the fear of seeking health services to obtain condoms or other
forms of contraception, resulting in misinformation about safe and preventive sexual practices.
Source: Field research, 2024.
As shown in Graph 2, the majority of students, 17 (61%), stated that they had witnessed
both male and female condoms. However, despite having had contact with condoms, 18 (64%) of
the students admitted that they did not know how to use it, while only 8 (29%) indicated that they
understood its use. These results corroborate the ndings of Fiedler et al., (2015), which revealed that
adolescents are aware of the existence of condoms, but demonstrate a lack of understanding about
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
their correct use, suggesting a lack of eective sexual education in the environments frequented by
these adolescents. teenagers.
Regarding the morning-after pill, 22 (79%) students stated that they had never purchased or
used the medication, while 2 (8%) conrmed that they had used it. These data echo the research by
Schmitz (2013), which demonstrated that the majority of participants did not resort to the morning-
after pill.
When asked whether students were aware that the use of the morning-after pill is recommended
only twice a year, 21 (75%) responded that they were unaware of this information, while 3 (11%) stated
that they were aware. These results are in line with the study by Queiroz et al., (2017), which showed
that the majority of students surveyed were aware of the contraceptive method, but had diculties in
using it appropriately.
All questions addressed in the questionnaires highlight signicant aspects for the general
context of sexual education and adolescent health, emphasizing the importance of implementing more
comprehensive and enlightening educational programs.
Regarding the importance of contraceptives: “Do you recognize the importance of using
contraceptives when maintaining an active sexual life?” The relevance of this question lies in the
fact that understanding the need to correctly use contraceptives can prevent unwanted pregnancies
and the spread of sexually transmitted infections, as highlighted by Luz et al., (2019). This awareness
reects concern about maintaining healthy sexual health and the ability to make appropriate plans for
the future.
In Graph 4, the question addressed the importance of family planning and the necessary
support from the family to raise a baby. It was highlighted that responsibility for the child should
not fall solely on the mother, but must be shared with the father. This approach highlights the need
for involvement of both parents and family support. Of the participants, 22 (79%) stated that the
responsibility for the pregnancy should not be attributed solely to the girl, while 2 (7%) thought
the opposite. These results highlight a relevant perception about the sharing of responsibilities,
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
emphasizing the importance of education about coparenting and mutual support between future
parents to guarantee the childs well-being and the healthy structuring of the family.
Graph 4 – Distribution of responses about family planning
Source: Field research, 2024.
In the second meeting, which included the screening of a documentary followed by written
records by the participants, several fundamental concerns emerged among them. Many expressed
surprise at the high incidence of teenage pregnancies, signaling a perception that this is a prevalent
and highly impactful phenomenon. Concern was observed about the behavior of pregnant teenagers
attending parties and initiating sexual relations early, highlighting a lack of guidance and support,
as well as possible misinformation about the implications of these actions. The simplied view
that motherhood would be easy expressed by some participants suggests a lack of awareness about
the complex challenges and responsibilities associated with parenthood. The impacts on the lives
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
of adolescents and their families are signicant, especially with regard to continuing their studies,
which can compromise the future of these young women. The perception that a teenagers body is
not prepared for pregnancy highlights the physical risks involved, while the lack of protection during
sexual intercourse and the lack of responsibility on the part of the babies’ parents were highlighted as
critical issues.
After the discussion, we provided sheets to the students asking them to share three other
perspectives or positive aspects that they considered relevant in the documentary shown, points that
they found most pertinent or intriguing. We extract some excerpts from the perceptions :
Table 1 - 3 Perspectives or Positive Aspects of Dynamics - Documentary
Answer 1 1 – Girls’ lack of awareness of not using condoms”
“2 – Mothers support their daughters
“3 – Not thinking about their future”
Answer 2 1 – Mothers support their daughters
“2 – Not having used a condom
“3 – The girls got pregnant very early”
Answer 3 1 I noticed that many young girls who got involved with boys who are in the wrong
life, ended up destroying their dreams and getting pregnant very early, having their lives
destroyed and in the end end up having a child while being a child”
Answer 4 1 – Even though the parents didnt accept it, they helped”
“2 – They have self-esteem
“3 – She got him out of crime
Answer 5 1 Many girls have disrupted dreams due to pregnancy and a lack of attention and
instruction from their parents about this, by not talking about the subject with them
Answer 6 1 – There is a huge age dierence, the girl is 14 and the guy is 21
“2 – The age at which the girls became pregnant was very young, normally 13/14 years
“3 – The precarious condition of their homes”
Answer 7 1 – He gave up crime for her”
“2 – She got pregnant when she was 13
“3 – Him falling in love with her even though hes a irt
Answer 8 1 – Less than”
“2 – Most of the boys they get involved with are involved with the wrong things”
“3 – They dont worry about ruining their lives
4 – Prevent yourself
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Answer 9 1 – Shows the importance of prevention”
“2 – Shows that we need to have more responsibility”
“3 Most of the girls in the documentary live in favelas and get involved with the wrong
Answer 10 1 – Girls getting involved with the wrong people”
“2 – Girls not taking care of themselves”
“3 And how much each girl still has her childish side, which unfortunately did not
make the most of her childhood”
Answer 11 1 – I found it interesting that the girls dont care, in my case I would be desperate”
Answer 12 1 – The age dierence between the girl and the boy”
“2 – The conditions they lived in”
“3 – Minors getting pregnant
Answer 13 1 – The fact that these girls are not desperate, having thrown everything into the air”
“2 – The fact that they only choose drug dealers to have a life”
“3 – The fact that mothers are there to support us despite everything”
Answer 14 1 – Men leaving drug tracking to protect their children”
“2 – A teenager’s body is not prepared for pregnancy”
“3 – Unprotected relationship”
Answer 14 1 – One of the girls took her boyfriend out of the crime
“2 – She was sensitive about saying she was pregnant”
Answer 15 1 – The girls’ mothers saying things”
“2 – The boy left the wrong life
Answer 16 1 I understood when the father of one of the girls went to talk to the childs father
so he could leave the world of crime so he could take care of his family, and prevent
him from dying in this life. This documentary was good to show about girls who get
pregnant when they are 15 years old, and that we should protect ourselves about this
Answer 17 1 – I liked that some parents accepted their children”
“2 – I also liked that the young mother decided not to abort her child”
“3 – And because one of the guys gave up crime for his son
Answer 18 1 They dont think about their future and that it could really interfere with their
“2 They got pregnant by someone who didnt have a good life to take on responsibilities
as a father, only one of them got involved with someone who was ok, from what I saw”
“3 – They are too young to have had a relationship
Answer 19 1 – Situation of most teenagers”
“2 – The suering of childbirth”
“3 Lack of interest among teenagers in continuing their studies, others with their
dreams destroyed”
Source: Field research, 2024.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
These responses showed that the objective of the discussion was well achieved, as each
student’s individual analysis of the topic was well disseminated and noticed. It is hoped that in this
way there will be an increase in awareness and understanding of the subject that was worked on with
them during the two weeks of activity.
In a personal analysis of the activity carried out, it is clear that issues such as the vulnerability
of adolescents to early pregnancy are inuenced by several factors, including access to economic
resources, gender norms, family expectations and educational opportunities. Chacham et al., (2012)
highlights the impact of socioeconomic inequalities and gender disparities on adolescents ability
to access sexual and reproductive health information and services. These barriers contribute to the
perpetuation of poverty and social exclusion among young people.
The involvement of social institutions, including schools and the healthcare system, should
also be taken into account when addressing the issue of teenage pregnancy and possible programs
to address this issue. It is imperative that these programs cover not only the biological components,
encompassing reproductive anatomy and physiology, but also the psychosocial elements, including
promoting healthy relationships, understanding sexual consent, and making responsible decisions. As
highlighted by Queiroz et al., (2017) sexual education programs have signicant potential in reducing
teenage pregnancy rates, providing young people with the information and skills necessary to make
well-informed decisions about their reproductive well-being. and sexual.
The results of the conversation held on the last day demonstrated a positive understanding on
the part of the students about early pregnancy and its main factors. During the discussion, participants
demonstrated a deep understanding of the ramications of teenage pregnancy, encompassing the
physical, emotional and social challenges faced by teenagers and their families. Interaction in the
group allowed for exploration and reection on topics such as responsibility, sexual education and
family planning, revealing a growing awareness of the importance of making informed decisions.
This engagement suggests that activities like this have the potential to inform and raise awareness
among young people about sexual health issues, helping to identify and prevent risks associated with
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
early pregnancy. The conversation circle provided a safe space for students to express their concerns
and receive information, being essential to promote responsible behaviors and conscious decisions
among young people.
The results and analyzes obtained highlight the importance of providing adolescents with
accurate information and adequate resources. The implementation of eective educational programs,
based on evidence and adapted to the specic needs of young people, can help reduce risk factors
associated with teenage pregnancy. It is essential that these initiatives are ongoing and involve not
only schools, but also families and health systems, in order to create an environment that supports
and promotes informed and responsible decision-making about sexual and reproductive health by
The data collected is in line with the studies referenced. Although the studies mentioned cover
the last 10 years, they appear to be timeless, since complex social phenomena require the evolution of
certain concepts and social behaviors to be understood and modied. A relevant example is the theories
of Trindade and Bruns (1999), which emphasize the inuence of the family and school environment
on adolescent behavior. These theories remain extremely applicable to the current context.
By integrating these ndings with pertinent theoretical and practical paradigms, this study
enriches understanding of the factors that inuence teenage pregnancy. Evidence suggests that a
multidimensional approach, which encompasses education, family support and public policies, is
essential to mitigate the risks related to this phenomenon.
Therefore, the results of this research are crucial to guide future policies and practices in
sexual education and youth health. They indicate the urgency of more eective strategies, adapted to
the local and cultural realities of adolescents, contributing signicantly to the progress of knowledge
in this area. With robust empirical data, it is possible to develop and implement more eective
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
preventive programs against teenage pregnancy. Therefore, the conclusions of this study have the
potential to inspire more targeted and eective actions, aimed at promoting the health and well-being
of adolescents.
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