ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Janilson Barros de Sá1
Vinicius Carvalho de2
João Guilherme de Sá Santos3
Abstract: Allergic conjunctivitis is an eye condition prevalent among children, characterized by
inammation of the conjunctiva resulting from an allergic reaction to substances such as pollen,
dust, dust mites and animal dander. This disease is a manifestation of the immune system and causes
symptoms such as intense itching, tearing, hyperemia and a sensation of a foreign body in the eyes.
The management of allergic conjunctivitis ranges from simple measures, such as frequent eye washing
and avoidance of allergens, to the use of medications such as antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers and
topical corticosteroids. In childhood, the management of allergic conjunctivitis faces diculties such as
variability in response to treatment and the impossibility of completely avoiding exposure to allergens.
The general objective of this study is to evaluate management strategies for allergic conjunctivitis
in childhood, with an emphasis on the eectiveness of available treatments and the identication of
factors that inuence the response to treatment. Specic objectives include analyzing the eectiveness
of dierent treatments, investigating the inuence of environmental and individual factors on disease
severity and recurrence, and discussing the management of allergic conjunctivitis. This study is relevant
as appropriate management of allergic conjunctivitis can prevent complications and improve childrens
well-being. Identifying factors that inuence response to treatment can contribute to the development of
more personalized and eective therapeutic approaches. Recent literature highlights the need to improve
education of parents and caregivers about allergic conjunctivitis to ensure appropriate management of
the disease. Studies show that understanding the immunological mechanisms underlying the disease
1 Pediatrician, Paraíso College
2 Graduating in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of Olinda
3 Graduating in Medicine from the Pernambuco College of Health
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
is crucial for developing new therapies. Therefore, this research not only adds to scientic knowledge
about childhood allergic conjunctivitis, but also provides valuable insights for clinical practice and
health policy formulation.
Keywords: allergic conjunctivitis, children, inammation, allergens.
Allergic conjunctivitis is a common eye condition that aects children around the world,
characterized by an inammation of the conjunctiva caused by an allergic reaction to substances such
as pollen, dust, mites and animals (Santos, 2018). This eye disease is a manifestation of the immune
system in response to allergens and can cause symptoms such as intense itching, tearing, hyperemia
and foreign body sensation (OLIVEIRA; SILVA, 2020). The prevalence of allergic conjunctivitis has
increased in recent decades, reecting a global tendency for the growth of allergic diseases, possibly
inuenced by environmental factors and lifestyle changes (Cruz et al., 2017).
In childhood, allergic conjunctivitis is not only an eye health problem, but also a condition
that can signicantly aect childrens quality of life. Uncomfortable symptoms may interfere with
school performance, recreational activities and sleep, leading to a negative impact on the general
development of the child (MORAIS; PEREIRA, 2019). In addition, the presence of other allergic
conditions, such as rhinitis and asthma, may aggravate eye symptoms and complicate disease
management (FERREIRA; CARVALHO, 2016). Therefore, understanding the factors that contribute
to allergic conjunctivitis and the development of eective strategies for their management are essential
to improving the quality of life of aected children.
Treatments for allergic conjunctivitis include from simple measures such as frequent eye
washing and allergens preventing medications such as antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers and
topical corticosteroids (Jones et al., 2015). Recently, advances in understanding the immunological
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
mechanisms underlying allergic conjunctivitis have enabled the development of new biological
therapies, which aim to modulate the immune response more specically and eectively (Smith;
Brown, 2021). However, adherence to treatment and correct identication of triggering allergens
remain important challenges in the management of the disease.
Despite the various treatment options available, the management of allergic conjunctivitis in
childhood faces signicant challenges, including variability in response to treatment and diculty in
completely avoiding exposure to allergens. In addition, lack of knowledge about the disease between
parents and caregivers can lead to inappropriate management, resulting in frequent recurrences and
additional complications. Given this scenario, the question is: How can we improve the management
of allergic conjunctivitis in children, considering the diversity of environmental and individual factors
that inuence the disease?
The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the management strategies of allergic
conjunctivitis in childhood, focusing on the eectiveness of available treatments and identifying
factors that inuence response to treatment.
Specic objectives:
1. Analyze the eectiveness of dierent treatments available for allergic conjunctivitis in
2. Investigate the inuence of environmental and individual factors on the severity and
recurrence of allergic conjunctivitis.
3. Discuss allergic conjunctivitis and disease management.
This study is of great relevance, as allergic conjunctivitis is a common condition that can
signicantly aect childrens quality of life. As highlighted by Silva and Rodrigues (2019), proper
management of allergic conjunctivitis can prevent complications and improve the well-being of aected
children. In addition, identication of factors that inuence response to treatment can contribute to
the development of more personalized and eective therapeutic approaches.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Recent literature reinforces the importance of studies in this area. According to Oliveira et al.
(2020), there is an urgent need to improve parents and caregivers’ education on allergic conjunctivitis
to ensure proper disease management. Studies such as Smith and Brown (2021) also point out that
understanding the immunological mechanisms underlying the disease is crucial for the development
of new therapies. Therefore, this research not only contributes to scientic knowledge about allergic
conjunctivitis in childhood, but also provides valuable insights for clinical practice and the formulation
of health policies.
This study adopted the narrative review methodology of literature, a qualitative method that
seeks to compile, analyze and critically interpret the existing scientic production on a particular
theme. In the case of allergic conjunctivitis in childhood, narrative review allowed the comprehensive
and detailed view of the dierent aspects of this condition, including their prevalence, symptoms,
risk factors, impact on childrens quality of life and management strategies. The narrative review is
especially useful for topics that cover a body of extensive and diverse literature, where the integration
of dierent theoretical and empirical perspectives is necessary for a holistic understanding of the
Research sources for this review included online databases widely recognized by the scientic
community. Among these bases are Scielo (Scientic Electronic Library Online), which oers access
to a vast collection of scientic journals in Latin America and the Caribbean, providing an essential
regional perspective on allergic conjunctivitis; Lilacs (Latin American and Caribbean in Health
Sciences), which is one of the most important databases in Latin America, oering a broad coverage
of relevant articles published in scientic journals in the region; and Pubmed (National Library of
Medicine), one of the largest and most comprehensive biomedical databases in the world, which
includes millions of international scientic literature citations, covering clinical, epidemiological
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
and basic research aspects of allergic conjunctivitis. The inclusion of these databases ensured a
comprehensive and diverse coverage of the available literature, allowing the incorporation of global
and regional perspectives on the subject.
The selection process of studies followed strict criteria to ensure the relevance and quality
of information included in the review. Initially, searches were performed using keywords such as
“allergic conjunctivitis”, childhood”, “prevalence”, treatment” and quality of lifein Portuguese
and English. The articles were selected based on the relevance to the theme, date of publication
(prioritizing the last ten years) and type of study (including systematic revisions, clinical trials,
observational studies and expert opinion articles). After the initial identication of the articles,
a screening of the summaries was performed to verify the adequacy to the scope of the review,
followed by the full reading of the selected texts for the extraction and detailed analysis of the data.
The adopted methodology allowed a robust and critical synthesis of existing literature on childhood
allergic conjunctivitis, oering valuable insights for clinical practice and future research.
Childhood allergies represent a signicant set of immunological conditions that aect a
growing number of children worldwide. Characterized by exaggerated immunological responses to
normally harmless substances, such as pollen, dust, food and animal hair, allergies can manifest in
various ways, including rhinitis, asthma, atopic dermatitis and allergic conjunctivitis. The prevalence
of these conditions has increased in recent decades, partly due to environmental factors and changes
in life habits. Allergies not only cause physical discomfort, but also negatively impact childrens
quality of life, aecting their school performance, recreational activities and emotional well-being.
Understanding underlying immunological mechanisms and developing eective management
strategies are essential for mitigating the adverse eects of these conditions on childhood.
Allergic conjunctivitis is one of the most common allergic manifestations in children,
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
characterized by the inammation of the conjunctiva caused by an immune response to environmental
allergens. This condition causes symptoms such as intense itching, tearing, redness and foreign body
sensation, which can be extremely uncomfortable and aect childrens quality of life. Early identication
and proper management of allergic conjunctivitis are fundamental to prevent complications and
improve the well-being of aected children. In addition to pharmacological treatments, which include
antihistamines, mastocyte and corticosteroid stabilizers, parents and caregivers education about the
disease and their preventive measures play a crucial role in symptom control and reduced allergens
exposure. Thus in this chapter there is allergies in childhood and allergic conjunctivitis in childhood
Childhood allergies
Childhood allergies are a group of immunological conditions that aect a signicant portion
of the pediatric population globally. Characterized by adverse reactions of the immune system to
substances that are generally harmless, such as pollen, mites, foods and animals, these conditions can
manifest in many ways, including asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis and allergic conjunctivitis.
The prevalence of these conditions has increased substantially in recent decades, becoming an
important concern for public health (SILVA et al., 2015). This chapter aims to address various aspects
of allergies in childhood, including epidemiology, diagnosis, pathophysiology and symptoms, with
special focus on therapeutic and management approaches.
The prevalence of allergies in childhood varies widely depending on the geographical region,
socioeconomic factors and lifestyles. Recent studies indicate that about 20% to 30% of children
in developed countries have some kind of allergic condition (SANTOS et al., 2018). In Brazil, for
example, allergic rhinitis aects approximately 25% of children, while asthma prevalence is about
10% (Almeida et al., 2016). These numbers are worrying because childhood allergies are associated
with a series of comorbidities that can signicantly impact the quality of life of aected children and
their families.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Several risk factors are associated with the development of childhood allergies. Among the
most important are genetic predisposition, early exposure to allergens, environmental pollution and
changes in eating habits (NUNES; LIMA, 2017). Children with family history of allergies have an
increased risk of developing allergic conditions. In addition, urbanization and exposure to pollutants,
such as cigarette smoke and industrial pollutants, have been implicated in the growing prevalence of
allergic diseases in urban areas (MARTINS; OLIVEIRA, 2019).
The pathophysiology of allergies involves a complex immune response that is triggered by
exposure to allergens. This response is mediated by immune system cells, such as Type 2 Type 2
(TH2) lymphocytes, which promote the production of immunoglobulin and (IgE) by B cells. IgE
binds to mastocytes and basophils, resulting in the release of inammatory mediators , like histamine,
leukotrienes and prostaglandins, which cause allergic symptoms (Rodrigues et al., 2020). This
inammatory process can aect various parts of the body, including respiratory tract, skin and eyes.
Symptoms of childhood allergies may vary widely depending on the type of allergen and
exposure pathway. Common symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, eye itching, urticaria, eczema
and, in severe cases, anaphylaxis (Carvalho; Pereira, 2018). The diagnosis is usually based on clinical
history and symptoms presented by the child. Laboratory tests, such as specic IgE dosage and
hypersensitivity cutaneous tests, can be used to conrm the presence of sensitization to specic
allergens (FERNANDES et al., 2017).
Respiratory allergies, including allergic rhinitis and asthma, are some of the most common
manifestations of childhood allergies. Allergic rhinitis is characterized by symptoms such as splashes,
runny nose, nasal congestion, and eye itching, while asthma surrounds chronic airway inammation,
resulting in symptoms such as cough, wheezing and breathing diculty (SOUZA et al., 2016). The
coexistence of these conditions is common and can complicate the clinical management of aected
Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is another frequent manifestation of childhood allergy,
characterized by chronic skin inammation that causes intense itching, rash and dry skin (GOMES;
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
MARTINS, 2017). This condition can have a signicant impact on childrens quality of life, interfering
with sleep, school performance and daily activities. Atopic dermatitis is often associated with other
allergic conditions, such as asthma and allergic rhinitis, in a phenomenon known as atopic march.
Allergic conjunctivitis is an inammation of the ocular conjunctiva caused by an allergic
reaction to allergens such as pollen, mites and hair. Symptoms include itching, tearing, redness
and foreign body sensation (PEREIRA; SILVA, 2018). This condition may occur in isolation or in
association with other allergies, such as allergic rhinitis. The diagnosis is based on clinical history and
symptoms, and can be conrmed by specic allergic tests.
The dierential diagnosis of childhood allergies is crucial to dierentiate these conditions
from other diseases that may have similar symptoms. For example, viral and bacterial respiratory
infections may cause symptoms similar to those of allergic rhinitis, while skin diseases such as psoriasis
and seborrheic dermatitis, may mimic atopic dermatitis (COSTA; ALMEIDA, 2019). Laboratory tests
and detailed clinical history are essential to establish a precise diagnosis and guide proper treatment.
The management of childhood allergies involves a combination of pharmacological
prevention and treatment measures. Prevention includes the identication and avoidance of known
allergens, which can be challenging in urban environments where exposure to pollutants is inevitable
(ALMEIDA et al., 2016). Pharmacological treatment includes the use of antihistamines, corticosteroids,
bronchodilators and specic immunotherapy, depending on the type and severity of allergy (SANTOS
et al., 2018).
Antihistamines are often used as the rst line of treatment for mild to moderate allergies.
They block histamine receptors, reducing the symptoms of itching, sneezing and runny nose. Second-
generation antihistamines, such as loratadine and cetirizine, are preferred due to their safety prole
and lower sedative side eects (MARTINS; OLIVEIRA, 2019). Corticosteroids are eective in
treating serious inammation associated with allergies. They can be administered topically, inhaled
or systemically, depending on the location and severity of symptoms. Although highly eective, their
prolonged use should be monitored due to the risk of adverse eects, such as adrenal suppression and
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
osteoporosis (GOMES; MARTINS, 2017).
Specic immunotherapy, also known as desensitization, is a treatment that aims to modify the
immune response to the allergen, providing long -term relief from allergic symptoms. This treatment
involves the administration of increasing doses of the allergen in question, either subcutaneous or
sublingual over a period of time (RODRIGUES et al., 2020). Immunotherapy has shown to be eective
for respiratory allergies and insect bites, with benets that can last years after the end of treatment.
Several barriers can make it dicult for eective treatment of childhood allergies, including
limited access to specialized care, lack of knowledge about disease and economic diculties.
Interventions directed to overcome these barriers, such as public health policies and support programs,
can signicantly improve the clinical results and quality of life of allergic children (COSTA;
ALMEIDA, 2019).
Continuous research on the pathophysiology of allergies and the development of new therapies
promise signicant advances in the management of these conditions. New biological treatments,
which aim at specic components of immune response, are under development and can oer more
eective and safe options for children with severe allergies (PEREIRA; SILVA, 2018). In addition, the
implementation of public health policies focused on prevention and early management of childhood
allergies is essential to reduce the impact of these conditions on society.
Childhood allergies represent a signicant challenge for children, parents and health
professionals. The comprehensive understanding of risk factors, pathophysiology and symptoms
is crucial for precise diagnosis and eective management. The multidisciplinary approach, which
includes education, prevention and personalized treatment, is critical to improving the quality of life
of allergic children. Continuous advances in research and clinical practice oer hope for a future
where childhood allergies can be more eectively controlled, allowing all children to live a healthy
life and without limitations imposed by these chronic conditions.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Allergic conjunctivitis in childhood
Childhood allergies represent a group of immunological conditions that occur in response to
environmental, food or contact allergens, and have become a growing concern in global public health
(SILVA; RODRIGUES, 2019). Among the various allergic manifestations, allergic conjunctivitis
stands out for its high prevalence and impact on the quality of life of children. This condition is
characterized by an inammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers the surface of the eye
and the inside of the eyelids, and is triggered by an exaggerated immune response to substances such
as pollen, dust, mites and animal hair (Ferreira; Carvalho, 2016).
The prevalence of allergic conjunctivitis in childhood has increased signicantly in recent
decades, following the overall tendency of increased allergic diseases (Cruz et al., 2017). Epidemiological
studies indicate that up to 40% of school -age children may have symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis
at some point in their lives (Smith; Brown, 2021). This elevation in prevalence can be attributed to
several factors, including urbanization, environmental pollution, lifestyle changes and changes in
allergens from early childhood (OLIVEIRA; SILVA, 2020).
The immune response in allergic conjunctivitis involves a complex interaction between
immunological cells and inammatory mediators. Exposure to allergens leads to activation of Type
2 Type 2 (th2) cells, which in turn promote IgE production by B cells. The connection of IgE to
mastocites results in the release of histamine and other inammatory mediators, causing them Classic
symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis such as itching, tearing, hyperemia and conjunctival edema
Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis may vary from light to severe and include intense
itching, excessive tearing, ocular redness and foreign body sensation (FERREIRA; CARVALHO,
2016). The diagnosis is usually clinical, based on medical history and symptoms presented by the
child. However, allergic tests, such as specic IgE dosage and hypersensitivity skin tests, may be
useful for identifying the triggering allergens and conrming the diagnosis (SANTOS, 2018).
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Allergic conjunctivitis can signicantly aect childrens quality of life, interfering with daily
activities such as school performance, sports and games, as well as causing physical and emotional
discomfort (Smith; Brown, 2021). The co-occurrence of other allergic conditions, such as rhinitis and
asthma, may aggravate symptoms and complicate disease management (FERREIRA; CARVALHO,
Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis includes non -pharmacological and pharmacological
measures. Non -pharmacological measures involve reducing exposure to allergens, such as maintaining
dust and mites free environments and the use of air lters. Pharmacological options include topical
and oral antihistamines, mastócitic stabilizers, topical corticosteroids and immunomodulators (Jones
et al., 2015). The choice of treatment should be individualized, considering the severity of symptoms
and response to the previous treatment (OLIVEIRA; SILVA, 2020).
Antihistamines are often the rst line of treatment for allergic conjunctivitis, rapidly acting
on the reduction of ocular itching and redness. These medications block histamine receptors, reducing
the inammatory response (MORAIS; PEREIRA, 2019). Topical antihistamines such as olopatadine
and ketotiphene have been widely used due to their eectiveness and safety prole (Smith; Brown,
Mastocy stabilizers, such as sodium chromoglycate and laodoxamide, prevent mastocyte
degranulation and the release of inammatory mediators. These medications are eective in preventing
the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, but their eect may take a few weeks to manifest, being more
suitable for prophylactic use (Jones et al., 2015).
Topical corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone and lotprednol, are used in cases of severe
or refractory allergic conjunctivitis to conventional treatments. Although eective in reducing
inammation, its use should be cautious due to potential adverse eects, such as increased intraocular
pressure and risk of eye infections (Smith; Brown, 2021).
Immunomodulators, such as cyclosporine and tacrololimus, have emerged as therapeutic
options for allergic conjunctivitis, especially in severe or chronic cases. These drugs modulate the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
immune response, reducing inammation and associated symptoms (OLIVEIRA; SILVA, 2020).
Recent studies have shown the eectiveness of these agents in disease control, with an acceptable
safety prole (MORAIS; PEREIRA, 2019).
The education of parents and caregivers is a crucial component in the management of
allergic conjunctivitis in childhood. Information about the nature of the disease, triggering factors
and preventive measures can help improve symptom control and treatment adherence (SANTOS,
2018). Educational programs and informative materials have shown to be eective in reducing the
exacerbations of the disease and improving the quality of life of children (FERREIRA; CARVALHO,
Several barriers can make it dicult to treat allergic conjunctivitis, including lack of
knowledge about the disease, diculties in access to specialized care and inadequate adherence to
the therapeutic regime. Studies suggest that interventions aimed at overcoming these barriers, such
as awareness campaigns and support programs, can signicantly improve clinical results (Cruz et al.,
Continuous research on the pathophysiology of allergic conjunctivitis and the development
of new biological therapies promise signicant advances in disease management. Directed therapies,
which specically modulate components of immune response, are under development and can oer
more eective and safe options for children with allergic conjunctivitis (Smith; Brown, 2021).
Allergic conjunctivitis in childhood is a prevalent condition that requires a multifaceted
approach to its eective management. Understanding immunological mechanisms, early identication
of allergens, and proper use of available therapies is fundamental to symptom control and improving
the quality of life of aected children. In addition, the education of parents and caregivers and
overcoming barriers to treatment are essential components of a comprehensive strategy of disease
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Environmental factors and treatments available for allergic conjunctivitis
Ocular allergy is one of the most common conditions in daily ophthalmological practice.
Inammation of the allergic etiology conjunctiva rarely occurs in isolation and usually occurs together
with the involvement of ocular annexial structures, such as corneal and eyelids, which is why it is
often referred to as “allergic eye disease”.
Allergic conjunctivitis is a common eye condition that is signicantly inuenced by
environmental factors. The incidence of allergic conjunctivitis has increased, which is partially
attributed to the increase in environmental pollution levels. Pollients such as pollen, dust and other air
allergens are the main triggers of allergic conjunctivitis, causing symptoms such as itching, redness
and tearing. Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, the most prevalent type, is particularly inuenced
by seasonal variations at pollen levels, while perennial allergic conjunctivitis can be triggered by
exposure throughout the year to allergens, such as either either animal hair (Castillo et al. 2015).
In the pathogenesis of this process, mastocytes are involved, which with their disagreement
produce the massive release of histamine and other inammatory substances, although eosinophils,
lymphocytes and neutrophils also acquire great importance. Most ocular allergic processes are
produced by a type I or IgE dependent mechanism, whose response is mediated by mastocytes. The
late phase or type IV allergic response is one that occurs between 6 and 12 hours after contact with
the allergen and depends on the activity of neutrophils and eosinophils. The nal action of these
cells enabled in the target organ consists of vasodilation, increased vascular permeability, leukocyte
chemotaxis, tissue destruction and later, repair of the ocular surface (FERREIRA; CARVALHO,
From the semiological point of view, the fundamental symptom is itching, although redness,
mosmosis or mucous secretion may also appear. Among therapeutic measures, it acquires great
importance to the reduction of symptoms that aict the patient, for which there is an important
therapeutic arsenal ranging from the classic vasoconstricients, antihistamines or corticosteroids to
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
recently introduced medicines, such as new stabilizers of the mast. Cell membrane or other therapeutic
methods not yet fully developed or implemented, such as cyclosporine or plasmapheresis in certain
cases (SILVA; RODRIGUES, 2019).
It is noteworthy the importance of topical pathway over systemic in the treatment of eye
allergic diseases. However, the hygienic support measures that also reduce symptoms and reduce
the risk of superinfections and complications should not be forgotten. These eye allergic diseases are
classied below and their symptoms, diagnosis and treatment are explained (OLIVEIRA; SILVA,
The mechanism by which eye allergic disease occurs is still unknown. It was classically
described as a type I immediate hypersensitivity reaction or IgE dependent. Today it is known that
there are many other immunological mechanisms involved, because although mastocyte degranulation,
eosinophilic inltration and family history of atopy are found in many ocular allergic diseases, in
other cases there is no such antecedents, high IgE values or absence of Response to antihistamines
and membrane stabilizers. In addition, contact dermativitis represents a classic example of type IV or
delayed reaction (Dudeja et al., 2019, Dara et al., 2022).
The late phase allergic response (which occurs between 6 and 12 hours after contact with the
allergen) depends on the activity of neutrophils and eosinophils. The latter release basic proteins and
peroxidases, among other cytotoxins responsible for tissue damage in allergic conditions. They also
feed on the process as they promote the disagreement of mastocytes, releasing more inammatory
agents. The nal action of all these target organized cells consists of vasodilation, increased vascular
permeability, leukocyte chemotaxis, tissue destruction and subsequent repair of ocular surface tissues
(CHIGBU; COYNE, 2015, Cruz et al., 2017).
Most eye allergic processes are produced by a type i3 hypersensitivity mechanism. When
the antigen to which the patient is sensitized comes into contact with two IgE molecules on the mastic
surface, his disagrail is activated through a calcium -dependent mechanism. This involves the release
of preformed mediators and the activation of the synthesis of new and more powerful mediators.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Mastocites are primordial cells in allergic response4 and their activation occurs when antigen comes
into contact with two IgE molecules on its surface by triggering degranulation and release of pre-
formed factors from which the most relevant is histamine although there are other factors that are
also also factors that are also activated and actively participate in the inammatory reaction must be
forgotten. Heparin, proteolytic enzymes and metabolites of the arachidonic acid are highlighted. Both
degradation roads are involved in this process, cyclooxygenase and lipoxigenase, so prostaglandins,
leukotrienes and thromboxanos will be produced. Chemotactic substances, as a mediator of preformed
mast cells that attract new mastocytes and eosinophils and platelet activation factor (Smith; Brown,
2021, Jones et al., 2015, Cruz et al., 2017).
Acute allergic conjunctivitis is a sudden onset that aects the eyelids and the conjunctiva
in the form of Blefaroconjunctivitis. This is an immediate reaction of type I after direct contact
with the allergen. It is typically characterized by sudden and very intense itching, accompanied by
the immediate appearance of diuse conjunctival hyperemia, rapidly developing eyelid edema and
eczematosa reaction. In very serious cases, general symptoms such as hypotension, glottis edema and
sometimes cardiac arrhythmias are associated. These last two are especially serious for the risk of
death they cause (Dudeja et al., 2019, Chigbu; Coyne, 2015).
Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis is the most common allergic eye disease and is usually
found in a widespread context of allergies; The most common is rhinoconjunctivitis. We can classify
them in seasonal, when there are recurring episodes of conjunctivitis coincident with pollination, or
chronic, in which signs and symptoms persist permanently. In the latter case, it is also possible to the
presence of acute episodes. It commonly aects young children and adults, often with personal or
family history of atopy. The pathogenic mechanism of this disease is based on the degranulation of
mast cells and basophils that occurs due to a type I hypersensitivity reaction when allergen reaches
the nasal or conjunctival mucosa (MORAIS; PEREIRA, 2019).
The seasonal form occurs recurrently in relation to allergen exposure. The main symptoms
are itching, eyelid edema and conjunctival (milky and swollen aspect of the conjunctive aspect due to
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
the presence of edema). It is usually accompanied by nasal symptoms such as rhinorrhea or sneezing.
The most frequent etiopathogenic agents are usually pollen and mites and therefore begin in the
form of crisis in early spring. The chronic form is characterized by the presence of basic symptoms
throughout the year, although it is less pronounced than in seasonal form, and may have exacerbations.
In these patients, the most common allergens are domestic mites (dermatophagoides pteronysimus),
mold, penalties and animal hair. They are more often in winter and a third of these patients, in addition
to eye symptoms, suers from chronic rhinitis (SANTOS, 2018, Ferreira; Carvalho, 2016).
Allergic conjunctivitis, as its etiology indicates, is not contagious, although inappropriate
treatment or excessive eye manipulation favor the superinfection of the process. It is of great importance
to insist with the patient so that it does not rub their eyes despite the itching symptoms they have. In
addition to stimulating histamine secretion and subsequent aggravation of the disease, abrasions and
small injuries may occur in the annexes and even in the eyeball itself. The propagation of pathogens
by hands and the excessive growth of conjunctival bacterial ora are also favored (JONES et al., 2015).
It is advisable to maintain minimal measures of eyelid skin hygiene to control the excessive
growth of conjunctival ora. In most cases, not only the conjunctiva is aected, but also the eyelid in
the form of blepharitis. The skin has eczematous abrasions and reactions as well as dysfunction in the
sebaceous glands. Therefore, it is important to keep it clean from secretions. Hygiene should be careful
using non -abrasive soaps for the skin, and with maneuvers that do not worse your condition. For this,
we will use cleaning products that do not irritate or change skin pH. Currently there are specic
prepared formulas for the gel or lotion eye area. Its dosage is variable: in the lighter forms once a day.
In the most severe cases it is recommended to use two to three times a day, which should always be
done carefully, avoiding any intense mechanical manipulation to avoid the release of histamine and
taking care of the present lesions (SANTOS, 2018, Dudeja et al ., 2019, Dara et al., 2022).
To relieve itching, the instillation of articial tears as needed is advisable; This aims to
achieve two goals: on the one hand, reduce the mechanical manipulation of the eye and, on the other,
clean the surface of the eyeball of allergen, secretions, chemotatic agents released in the tear lm and
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
regulate the bacterial ora. so that there is no excessive growth. Traditional or monodose forms can be
used and preservative -free formulas are now preferred, as they have non -negligible irritating power
that worsens symptoms. Moreover, because they do not contain preservatives in their formulation,
they cause less discomfort when instilled and avoid the possibility of allergic reactions derived from
them (Cruz et al., 2017).
The use of cold compresses also produces great relief. The cold, besides having a slight
anesthetic eect, is a stabilizer of the mastic membrane, which reduces the release of histamine.
Traditionally, home-losethouses are used with chamomile compresses, which are not always useful;
In addition to not being sterile forms, where residues may remain, in some cases cross allergies may
occur so that when used symptoms. Ocular baths themselves are widely used to relieve symptoms
or attacks of intense itching. They have the disadvantage of contaminating the container used for
this purpose, so after use should be carefully cleaned with soap and alcohol water and let it dry. This
step is usually ignored, which increases the risk of superinfections. For this reason, it is preferable to
perform irrigations with sterile and preservative saline solutions (Jones et al., 2015).
Topical antihistamines and mastic stabilizers are commonly used to treat allergic
conjunctivitis. These drugs act by inhibiting the action of histamine, a key mediator in allergic
reactions, and stabilizing mastocytes to prevent the release of histamine. Commonly used topical
antihistamines include olopatadine, ketotiphene and oil, while mastic stabilizers include sodium
nedochromil and sodium chromoglycate. Studies have shown that these treatments are eective in
reducing symptoms such as itching, redness and short -term tearing (Castillo et al., 2015, Dudeja et
al., 2019, Dara et al., 2022).
Combined therapies that include antihistamines and mastic stabilizers were considered
particularly eective. For example, olopatadine, which has antihistamine and masto-stabilizer
properties, has shown signicant relief from the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. Other combined
treatments include Bepotastin and Alcraftadine, which also have double action and were considered
eective in clinical trials (Dudeja et al., 2019, Chigbu; COYNE, 2015).
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Several studies have compared the eectiveness of dierent topical treatments. For example,
a study comparing olopatadine (0.1%), bepotastin (1.5%) and alkraftadine (0.25%) found that all three
medications were equally eective in resolving mild to moderate allergic conjunctivitis symptoms
with Most patients reporting complete relief after one week of use. Another study in Western Rajhast
also concluded that there was no signicant dierence in the ecacy of olopatadine, bepotastin and
alkaftadine in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis (Dudeja et al., 2019, Dara et al., 2022).
Environmental, particularly allergen and pollutant factors transported by the air play a
signicant role in the incidence and severity of allergic conjunctivitis. Topical antihistamines and
mast cell stabilizers isolated or in combination are eective treatments to control the symptoms of
allergic conjunctivitis. Comparative studies suggest that more recent drugs with combined actions
of mastocyte and antihistamines stabilization, such as solopatadine, bepotastin and alkoftadine, are
equally eective in symptomatic relief.
Research on the management of allergic conjunctivitis in children highlights the complexity
and the importance of addressing this condition in a multifaceted manner. The results indicate that
while there are several treatment options, from simple preventive measures to advanced biological
therapies, variability in response to treatment and diculty in completely avoiding exposure
to allergens continue to be signicant challenges. The identication of specic allergens and the
education of parents and caregivers are crucial for eective disease management. In addition, research
reinforces that allergic conjunctivitis is not only a matter of eye health, but also a problem that can
negatively impact childrens quality of life, interfering with their school performance, daily activities
and overall well-being. Therefore, eective management strategies should consider not only medical
aspects, but also the social and educational factors that inuence the disease.
Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis involves a range of treatment options, from traditional
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
topical antihistamines and mastocyte stabilizers to advanced nanotechnology-based drug
administration systems. Double -acting and corticosteroid agents provide additional therapeutic
benets, while immunotherapy oers a long -term solution for pediatric patients. In progress research
continues to explore new therapeutic targets to improve the management of this common eye condition.
Advances in understanding the immunological mechanisms of allergic conjunctivitis open
new possibilities for the development of more specic and eective therapies. However, to maximize
the benets of these advances, it is essential to ensure adherence to treatment and implementation of
educational programs directed to parents and caregivers. Improvement in the management of allergic
conjunctivitis in children requires an integrated approach that combines eective treatments, adequate
education and prevention strategies. This integrated approach has the potential to signicantly improve
the quality of life of aected children, reduce the frequency and severity of recurrences and contribute
to the development of more personalized and eective clinical practices.
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