ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Table 2. The relationship between self-regulation and the Big Five questionnaire indicators
Note. * – p<0.05; ** – p<0.01. level is important.
Aspects of self-regard - self-esteem, auto-sympathy, self-interest, the attitude expected from
others - relationships obtained between personality traits such as agreeableness, conscientiousness,
emotional stability, openness to experience are completely natural. These personality traits reect a
socially oriented, cooperative, responsible and emotionally balanced personality in its high values.
Therefore, a positive, accepting attitude towards oneself is a natural consequence of such personal
preconditions. However, an increase in the severity of certain personality traits, for example,
extraversion, is associated with an increase in narcissistic manifestations.
The study showed that when assessing the dierences between groups with dierent severity
of self-regulation and self-attitude i indicator, signicant dierences were obtained only on two
scales: lack of empathy and envy of others’ achievements. A lack of empathy and envy of others’
achievements appeared to be more common among respondents with low self-esteem, i.e., those with
predominantly negative self-images. The eects of the Dark Triad scale and narcissistic personality
traits on self-attitude factors are negative, except for grandiose self-worth and belief in one’s own
uniqueness. These two scales, acting as predictors of attitude expected from others (belief in one’s own
uniqueness) and self-interest, self-esteem, support the view of social goodness. So, it was determined
that there is a relationship between self-regulation and narcissistic personality type.
They appear to mimic positive traits, but their excess and exaggeration make them symptoms
of conict, inconsistency, and instability of self-concept and undermine self-regulation. At the same
Scales Self attitude Self regulation Self-interest Expected attitude
Agreement 0,216* 0,260* 0,130* 0,262*
Honesty 0,430** -159* 0,143* 0,345*
Emotional stability 0,266** 0,266** 0,224** 0,446**
For practice 0.498* 0,360* 0,154** 0,294**