ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Aynur Eyazzade1
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the psychological characteristics of self-regulation
mechanisms in students in stressful situations. In the article, the theoretical analysis and generalization
of works related to the problem, a set of psychodiagnostic methods were used. The research base was
the requirements of Odlar Yurdu University and various faculties of Baku State University. 135 second
and third year students aged 18-23 participated in the study. A systematic approach was applied to
the description and study of the research object for the reliability and validity of the research results.
Mathematical methods were used for empirical data processing. Thus, according to the results of the
correlation analysis, a relationship between stress resistance and self-regulation was found among the
respondents. We see a negative relationship (r≤0.01) between stress resistance and self-regulation and one
of its styles. This shows that there is a correlation between stress resistance, self-esteem and emotional
stability and self-regulation. As self-regulation increases, the impact of stressful situations decreases. We
believe that the present analysis can contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying
successful and unsuccessful stress regulation. It should be taken into account that this will help prevent
mental disorders and improve treatment.
Keywords: stress situations, students, self-regulation mechanisms, psychological characteristics, stress
1 Doctorant in Psychology, Ganja State University, Azerbaijan ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
There is a large body of research on self-regulatory mechanisms in non-life-threatening
situations, and the results from these studies can only be applied to appropriate situations. How should
self-regulation mechanisms be applied in dicult situations, including stressful situations? In general,
how do self-regulation mechanisms manifest themselves in stressful situations? Is it possible to nd a
link here?
Research shows that self-regulation is very important for success in social life and health
[Jabbarov, 2017]. Self-regulation has been shown to predict better health, higher economic status, and
lower levels of criminal behavior [Mott et al, 2011]. These same studies show that children who lack
self-regulation skills have more social skills. [Aghajani et al., 2014]. Self-regulation is a general process
of managing feelings, thoughts, and behaviors to meet common personal goals and standards [Fujita,
2011]. Components of self-control include self-control, persistence, and emotion regulation. These
abilities are important to every aspect of our lives, including personal relationships, nancial decisions,
academic and professional achievement, and health behaviors. Empirical studies have consistently
demonstrated the importance of self-regulation in learning skills. People who score poorly on self-
control tests have been found to have more debt than others [Achtziger et al., 2015]. Among people with
equal sexual desire, those with low self-control are more likely to cheat on their partner. Self-control
can also be altered and depleted through experiences and behaviors, which leads to the possibility that
when self-control is depleted, people may do things they would not normally do.
Literature review
Studies have shown that when people lose self-control, their sexual desires turn into bolder
romantic intentions and betrayal. A number of studies devoted to the problem have focused on the
general topic of self-regulation and how it relates to sleep, stress, behavior, and emotional functioning
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
with health behaviors and outcomes [Burke, 1988; Jabbarov, 2021].
In order to focus on how self-regulation aects both health behaviors and objective and
subjective experiences of stress, we consider it appropriate to analyze research from dierent directions.
However, it should be noted at the outset that research investigating the relationship between self-
regulation and stress is very limited. Although the relationship between these two categories has been
studied to some extent.
One study examined the eect of a self-regulation task on illness-related clinic visits in college
students. Students were divided into two groups according to optimistic and pessimistic tendencies
and assigned to the self-regulation task group as either the disclosure task group or the control group.
Among the optimists, the relationship between self-regulation and disclosure tasks and clinic visits was
sought, and among pessimists, only the self-regulation task and clinic visits were found. This means that
the self-regulation task helped all participants to reduce their stress [Evans and Fuller-Rowell, 2013].
A study of 241 youth, half of whom lived at or below the poverty line and half of whom grew
up in the majority of the population, found a signicant relationship between stress, economic status,
and self-regulation [Evans and Fuller-Rowell, 2013].
Cross-se c t ional st udie s show t hat ch i ldren who g row up in pover t y h ave i ncrea sed ch ron ic st r ess
and worse working memory than before. However, self-regulatory ability was found to have a protective
eect on this relationship. Children who grew up in poverty but demonstrated good self-regulation
skills demonstrated better working memory and skills than children who lacked self-regulation. High
levels of self-regulation appear to reduce the eects of chronic stress in poor populations. This is related
to self-regulatory skills that allow children to develop better coping strategies and distract them from
stressors [Evans and Fuller-Rowell, 2013].
Behaviors can be divided into two main categories to measure self-regulation and general
social-emotional health functioning: internalizing behaviors and externalizing behaviors. These
categories are dened simply by whether the behavior is aimed inward or outward. External behaviors
are behaviors whose goal is outside of the individual performing them and can be seen as a type of
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
behavior. The categories of externalizing behavior used in this study are aggressive behavior and
disruptive behavior. Internalizing behaviors are behaviors that are not harsh toward others. These
behaviors are kept within the individual and are often withdrawn, lonely, depressed or anxious. It is
important to identify individuals with disorders associated with these behaviors. Because they can have
dangerous health consequences for the individual.
Internalizing behaviors can manifest in dangerous physical conditions such as anorexia or
bulimia, as well as serious problems such as depression. Externalizing behaviors such as aggression are
exhibited early in life and are associated with long-term problems, including dropping out of school,
delinquency, and violence. These behaviors generally begin on a smaller scale as teasing and bullying
among young children and then escalate throughout life [Smith, 2008].
In studies focusing on the relationship between self-regulation and stress, behaviors are divided
into three categories: withdrawal, somatic complaints, anxiety, and depression. Research has shown a
relationship between self-regulation and externalizing and internalizing behaviors. Low self-control,
aggression, and delinquent externalizing behaviors were found to be correlated in twelve- and thirteen-
year-old boys. The ability to delay gratication also reduces the risk of these externalizing behaviors
[Krueger et al, 1996]. On the contrary, it has been argued that children struggling with internalizing
behaviors have very high self-regulatory abilities, causing these children to be “over-controlled”
[Eisenberg et al., 2001].
Within self-regulation, ve subcategories were examined, delay of gratication, eortful
control, and three subcategories: attentional control, activation control, and inhibition control. This
allows research to examine how aspects of a persons self-regulation aect important health outcomes
through specically selected surveys. Besides , the magnitude of the data collected in the study allows
for further analysis of these interacting variables. This allows for a clearer and more complete picture
of human health and how it is achieved and maintained in relation to these variables. Overall, the
results show that increased attentional control, volitional control, and inhibitory control are negatively
associated with increased sleep problems. Self-regulation is often framed and may involve sacricing
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
something material in the context of a decision now for a greater reward in the future [Fujita, 2011].
Research shows that the relationship between stress and emotional regulation is complex and
results from the interaction of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. It should be taken
into account that a better understanding of the main mechanisms of successful and unsuccessful stress
regulation will help to improve strategies for the prevention and treatment of mental disorders [Nasso et
al, 2019]. The diculty in studying the relationship between stress and emotional regulation is related
to the need to think about a dynamic perspective that analyzes the regulatory role of stress. In fact,
stress involves dierent stages, and the neurocognitive processes involved in emotion regulation dier
signicantly between stages. In general, the stress process includes at least three stages: anticipation,
coping with the stressor (stress) and recovery.
For a long time, these stages were viewed in general terms. Only recently has the need to look
at each stage dierently has emerged. In this direction, Ottaviani (2018) and Nasso (2019) note that the
study of neurocognitive processes involved in the anticipation of stressful events can be the basis for
understanding the process of stress regulation [ [Ottaviani, 2019.; Nasso et al, 2019]. In this context, De
Raedt and Hooley (2016) proposed the Neurocognitive Framework for Regulatory Expectancies (NFRE),
a framework in which stress expectancy plays a central role in the process of stress regulation and the
development of depression and other stress-related psychopathologies. The obtained results show that
the activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during the stress anticipation phase reduces the stress
response through indirect and inhibitory connections with the amygdala [De Raedt and Hooley, 201].
A set of psychodiagnostic methods (tests) was used from the theoretical analysis and
generalization of works related to the problem. The survey “Self-regulation style of behavior-98” survey
- SSP-98 (V.I.Moros¬an¬ova, E.M.Konoz), Psychological Stress Scale PSM-25 (PSM-25 Lemyr-Tessier-
Fillion scale of stress experiences) It was designed to measure the phenomenological structure of the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
questionnaire (V.V. Stolin). The research base was the requirements of dierent faculties of Odlar Yurdu
University. 135 students aged 18-23 participated in the study A systematic approach to the description
and study of the object, based on the original methodological and theoretical principles, the logic of
conducting experimental research in accordance with the purpose, task and hypothesis was provided
by conducting scientic research, using mathematical methods for processing empirical data. SSPS 22).
As a result of the methodology and their analysis, it can be concluded that a high level of self-
determination manifests itself in two cases. This shows that the respondents’ ability to consciously
control their behavior in dierent situations, to understand and manage their situations and motives
depends on their stress resistance characteristics. The study showed that 30% of respondents had a
high level of the “Planning” scale. This shows that students consciously plan their activities, correctly
prioritize the implementation of their plans and act independently when setting their goals.
48% of respondents indicated the average level on the “Planning” scale. 23% of the respondents
showed a low level on the “Planning” scale. Such students rarely achieve their goals, their goals are
unrealistic and often change.
The study showed that 26% of the respondents had a high level on the “Modelling” scale - such
students are able to identify important conditions for achieving goals both in the current situation and
in the prospective future.
The average level on the scale of “Modeling” was determined at 58% of respondents. A low
level of 30% was determined on the “modeling” scale of the respondents - such students are characterized
by an inadequate assessment of the relationship between internal resources and external conditions,
which manifests itself in fantasy, which can be accompanied by sharp changes. At this time, negative
situations are observed in relation to the development of the situation, as well as the consequences of
ones own actions.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
21% of the respondents indicated a high level in the “Programming” scale - these students
have a high need to think in detail about the ways of their actions in order to achieve their goals. 36% of
respondents indicated the average level on the “Programming” scale. 42% of respondents indicated a low
level in the “Programming” scale. Such students are characterized by the inability and unwillingness
to think through the sequence of their actions, they prefer to act impulsively, facing the inadequacy of
the results later.
A high level on the “Evaluation of results” scale was determined in 25% of respondents. At this
time, students have developed adequate self-esteem, they are aware of the stability of subjective criteria
for evaluating results, and the fact of inconsistency between them. The obtained results and the purpose
of the activity and its main reasons are analyzed at this level. The average level on the “Evaluation of
results” scale was determined at 66% of the respondents. A low level on the scale of “results assessment”
was determined in 12% of respondents. Such students do not see mistakes in their activities and are
not critical of their actions. Subjective success criteria are not stable enough, and as a result, the quality
of results can be aected as the volume of work increases. 24% of respondents showed a high level
on the “elasticity” scale. Such students demonstrate the exibility of all regulatory processes. He is
able to quickly assess changes in important conditions and, if necessary, rearrange his plans. In case
of inconsistency between the obtained results and the accepted goal, the fact of inconsistency itself is
evaluated promptly and appropriate changes are made.64% of the respondents indicated the average
level on the “Elasticity” scale. 27% of respondents showed a low level on the “elasticity” scale. Such
students nd it dicult to get used to the rapid changes in the environment, they cannot adequately react
to the situation, they evaluate the inconsistency between the achieved results, they are unable to make
changes in the short term and the purpose of the activity.
The study showed that 26% of respondents “independence”. a high level has been determined
for lasi. Such students are characterized by independence in organizing activities to achieve goals,
monitoring its progress, analyzing and evaluating both intermediate and nal results. The average level
on the “Independence” scale was determined at 56% of respondents. A low level of “independence”
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
was determined in 16% of respondents. Such students depend on the opinions and evaluations of others.
When organizing activities, in the absence of this help, they act with the help of other people, experience
regulatory failures; 22% of the respondents indicated a high level on the “General level of self-regulation
scale - the peculiarity of such students is that they are independent, easily and quickly adapt to changing
conditions, consciously set goals and achieve them. With high achievement motivation, they can form
a self-regulation style that allows them to compensate for the inuence of personal characteristics,
which sometimes become an obstacle to achieving goals. 46% of the respondents indicated the average
level on the “General level of self-regulationscale. 30% of the respondents showed a low level in the
general level of self-regulation” scale. Such students have not formed conscious planning of activities,
and the ability to compensate for personal characteristics that are unfavorable for achieving goals
decreases. They depend on the situation, as a result of which the success of mastering new types of
activity depends to a large extent on the compatibility of the stylistic features of the adjustment and the
requirements of the type of activity being mastered.
Based on the obtained results, summarizing the test results for all the methods used, we found
that the subjects had a higher probability of 68% of moderate stress resistance and 62% of high level of
voluntary self-regulation. We also determined the average level of the “results assessment” (65%) and
“independence” (68%) scales, which prevailed among other self-regulation styles.
In order to determine the relationship between the level of stress resistance and the level of
self-regulation of the subjects, we correlated the data obtained from testing all the above methods
and processed them using the Spearman rank correlation coecient, which can be used for statistical
analysis between certain events.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Table 2. Indicators of the relationship between self-regulation and stress situations
Note. * – p<0.05; ** – p<0.01. level is important.
The obtained results are presented in a table showing all signicant statistical relationships.
Thus, according to the results of the correlation analysis, a relationship between stress resistance and
self-regulation was found among the respondents. According to the table, we see a negative relationship
(r≤0.01) between stress resistance and self-regulation and one of its styles. This shows that there is a
correlation between stress resistance, self-esteem and emotional stability and self-regulation. As self-
regulation increases, the degree of impact of stressful situations decreases.
Discussion and Conclusion
These studies have enabled the development of various psychological interventions aimed at
improving stress regulation. Studies have shown that anticipatory distraction and self-control strategies
reduce the physiological response to a stressful task. Similarly, Nasso et al (2019) observed that the
use of knowledge reappraisal in anticipation of stress resulted in a muted response to stress [Nasso et
al, 2019]. The period of anticipation of stressful events may be the basis for understanding the process
of stress regulation. However, surprisingly few studies have analyzed the dierential activation of
brain networks involved in cognitive regulation during stress and recovery phases. Taking this into
account, we propose to comprehensively analyze the psychological and neurobiological processes in
the stress and recovery phase in order to improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying
Indicators Scale B Scale C Scale H Flexibility scale
Resistance to stress -,224* 0,176* -,160* -,344*
The ability to
0,390** -134* 0,220* 0,368*
Emotional stability 0,199** 0,206** 0,214** 0,220**
Self respect 0.264* 0,420* 0,115** 0,426**
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
successful and unsuccessful stress regulation. will give. Inability to regulate stress is associated with
the development of various psychological disorders and negative long-term health problems. In this
sense, various psychopathological models of chronic stress have been proposed as a trigger for various
disorders [Taylor et al.. 2019]. For this reason, clarifying the emotion regulation mechanisms involved in
the stress process has a great transdiagnostic value. Conducted studies show that the implementation of
self-regulation in stressful situations is also related to social-psychological values in many cases [Ramiz
and Vakil, 2020; Vakil, 2021].
The relationship between stress and emotion regulation is complex and results from the
interaction of biological, psychological, and environmental factors [Gotlib et al., 2008]. The diculty in
studying the relationship between stress and emotion regulation is due to the need to consider a dynamic
perspective that analyzes the regulatory role of stress. In fact, stress involves dierent stages, and the
neurocognitive processes involved in emotion regulation dier signicantly between these stages.
The processes involved in the cognitive and emotional regulation of stress can be divided into
two main systems. System 1 (bottom-up) is characterized as being automatic and reactive to a stressful
stimulus, and system 2 (top-down) involves more complex cognitive processes and involves subsequent
deliberative eorts. Based on the interaction of both systems, the resulting cognitive regulation can lead
to a reduction or intensication of the stress response. Although this distinction between automatic-
reactive and processed-active system has dierent names, it corresponds to several theoretical models
[Kahneman, 2011].
Although the main brain structures involved in both systems are known, the interactions
between them and the factors that lead to the superiority of one over the other still require further
investigation. In this direction, the concept of temporal dynamics of emotions and stress and dynamic
functional connection approach was proposed [Dosenbach et al, 2008]. In particular, components of
emotions and stress responses, including cognitive states, are thought to induce dierent neuronal
dynamics that are recongured over time as a function of the body’s internal regulatory factors [Cohen
& Edwards, 1989]. Thus, dierent neurodynamically independent brain networks are activated during
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
a negative or stressful situation. This activation is primarily related to negative and positive aect, and
secondly to the regulation processes of these initial aective reactions [Hofmann et al., 2012].
This latter functional system of brain networks does not act as an independent factor (unlike
aect), but rather interacts with negative and positive aect systems in the regulation and control of
aect and behavior [Weiner, 1992]. This means that: a) networks related to the generation of eects can
contribute uniquely and simultaneously in stress situations [Bernard , 1961]; b) which is observed in the
regulation of aective response and inuence depending on the content of stimuli rather than a separate
and specialized function, it is the relationship with functional processes between these structures that
explains the dierences [Anand et al.. 2019].
A dynamic factor that is not clearly considered is the factor related to the stages of stress. In
general, the stress process includes at least three stages: anticipation, confrontation with the stressor
(stress) and recovery. During each of these phases, the neurocognitive processes involved in emotional
regulation dier signicantly, and depending on the phase and level of the stress response, one system
may have an advantage over the other. For this reason, it is important to develop dynamic models that
consider the regulatory role of stress in the regulation of emotions. Conducted studies show that the role
of neurocognitive processes involved in the period of anticipation of stressful events has been analyzed
more [Nasso et al., 2019; Ottaviani, 2018]. In this study, the main task is to focus on the analysis of the
cognitive and neural mechanisms involved in stress and recovery. In general, it can be conrmed that
the dominance of bottom-up processes in which signals from limbic subcortical structures (for example,
hypothalamus and amygdala) inuence the activity of higher cortex structures through their connections
with the medial prefrontal during stress experience. is hidden. In contrast, prefrontal (top-down) control
reduces amygdala activation associated with the experience of negative emotions through a cortical-
subcortical pathway [Wager et al., 2008]. Several studies have linked prefrontal activation with the use
of reappraisal [Dillon and Pizzagalli, 2013; Vanderhasselt et al. 2013]. A better understanding of the
mechanisms underlying successful and unsuccessful stress regulation will help improve prevention and
treatment interventions for mental disorders [De Raedt and Hooley, 2011]. This theoretical model is of
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
clinical importance because it will help determine which dierent aspects of stress resilience should be
targeted by therapeutic interventions and how such interventions can be better tailored.
In this sense, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to be eective in treating
stress and emotional disorders. However, pooled meta-analytic response rates for CBT vary between
38% and 82%, depending on the specic disorder [Homann et.al, 2012]. Thus, there is still great room
for improvement. Even if a treatment is found to be eective, it is unlikely to be eective for everyone.
Adapting treatments to individual characteristics is one of the goals of personalized medicine, which
has attracted increasing attention in the eld of mental health in recent years [Simon and Perlis, 2010].
In this sense, the current review is a step forward, as it will allow for a clearer strategy and
precision when making interventions for patients with stress regulation diculties. In fact, the two
patients may have trouble regulating their stress response for dierent reasons. In one case, diculties
could be observed during the stress phase, and in the other case, during the recovery phase. Therefore,
both patients will present with similar symptoms, but treatment will require dierent interventions.
For example, training in distraction techniques may be benecial during the recovery phase of stress,
but may be counterproductive during coping with the stressful situation [Nasso et al., 2019]. Similarly,
interventions focused on reinterpretation during the stress phase have been observed to reduce
responding and inhibit amygdala activation [186], but the use of interventions focused on gratitude
and compassion is not as eective during this period. Although they would work better for a recovery
strategy [Salzmann et al,2018]. It will also create a foundation for the self-realization of educational
subjects in the learning process [Jabbarov, 2012].
It is unreasonable to assume that the same strategy will be equally eective at dierent stages
of the stress process. Thus, when coping with anticipation or a stressful situation, focusing on plans will
be a more functional strategy than positive focus, while the opposite process will be observed in the
recovery phase [Medrano et al., 2013].
Adequate training in the use of emotion regulation strategies involves analyzing the stages
of the stress process where the most diculties are observed. We believe that in the present analysis
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
we have been able to contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying successful
and unsuccessful stress regulation. It should be taken into account that this will help prevent mental
disorders and improve treatment.
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