ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Paracetamol or acetaminophene is a drug considered safe and eective, with analgesic and
antipyretic properties, with poor anti-inammatory action, to relieve light to moderate pain, being
eective for all age groups (BRAYNER, SILVAEALMEIDA, 2018). It is a low -cost and low -cost
drug (Mezarobba and Bitencourt, 2018).
Because it is a medicine that does not require medical prescription there is a high index of
indiscriminate use. Despite being considered safe and eective in its therapeutic doses, but when
consumed at doses higher than the recommendation it can cause hepatotoxicity. (Ribeiro et al. 2023).
Paracetamol -induced poisoning happens more frequently in young people 15 to 24 years old,
individuals who make abuse of alcohol and individuals aged 40 years of 40 years occur at high risk,
the hepatic failure and may be fatal, and may be fatal. (SILVA JUNIOR et al; 2019).
There are several pharmaceutical presentations sold, among them: tablets, oral solution,
suppositories and injectables (RIBEIRO et al, 2023). Due to ease and broad use in Brazil, it is important
to evaluate the pharmacological patterns of acetomiphene. The variability of laboratories, forms of
presentation and classication of the drug (reference, generic, similar and manipulated), suggests a
diversity in the quality standard of this, and it is necessary to evaluate such criteria to avoid possible
health damage (Teixeira, 2016).
In Brazil, according to Law 9,787 of February 10, 1999, the drugs considered “reference”
are innovative products whose eectiveness, safety and quality were scientically proven with the
competent federal agency, at the time of registration. Upon protection period of the reference product
patent, generic and similar drugs can be produced that, similar to the reference, follow the principles
of bioequivalence and bioavailability to obtain the same therapeutic eect for later records and
commercial use (. (Brazil, 1999; .Lopes; Costa, 2016, Garcez et al., 2019).
Soline artemia is a species of microcrustacean of the order years, found in Salgadas waters
(Carvalho et al., 2008). It is used as a living food for sh, and its eggs are found in aquarizers stores and