ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
studies, discussion of the results and presentation of the integrative review. How the guiding question
was dened: What is the level of knowledge of the country or guardians about the biological newborn
screening test? (SOUZA; SILVA; CARVALHO, 2010).
Studies were collected through an electronic search in the following databases available
in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences
(LILACS), the Scientic Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and the Analysis of Medical Literature
The inclusion criteria included complete articles available electronically, in Portuguese, En-
glish or Spanish and that presented the theme proposed in the title, abstract or descriptors. Regarding
the eligibility criteria, letters to the editor, editorials, duplicate articles, and those that did not unequi-
vocally address the theme under study were considered.
The survey of studies was conducted during the months of May to August 2024. As research
strategies, the Health Sciences Descriptors (DECs) were used, retrieved through the website: https://
decs.bvsalud.org/, which were neonatal screening, knowledge and screening, for the renement of the
search and better selection of data for analysis, the Boolean and Boolean was used to combine the
selected descriptors.
For data collection, an instrument validated by Ursi (2005) for integrative reviews was de-
veloped, covering the following categories of analysis: identication code, title of the publication,
author and author’s education, source, year of publication, type of study, region in which the research
was carried out and the database in which the article was published. After selecting the articles, the
information that would be extracted from the studies was dened. To enable the apprehension of the
information, a database developed in the Microsoft Oce Excel 2010 software was used, composed
of the following variables: title of the article, year of publication, study design, and main outcomes.
The data obtained were grouped in a table and in thematic approaches and interpreted according to
specic literature.
Parents’ knowledge about newborn
Cross-sectional study with qualitative
and quantitative approach
The results also showed that 100% of parents. They
claim to recognize the importance of performing
neonatal screening, but do not understand how
the test is performed and which diseases can be
Neonatal screening: maternal
knowledge in a maternity hospital in
the interior of Paraná, Brazil
This is a descriptive, cross-sectional
study of character quantitative
The purpose of neonatal screening was known
by 65% (n = 26) of the participants, and it was
observed that most knew the purpose and knew
about the importance of performance of the “heel
prick test”, a fact that denotes the importance of
the guidelines that must be dispensed.
Analysis of parents’ understanding of
the Guthrie Test
Descriptive and cross-sectional study Most participants. I did not have a good
understanding of the importance of the test as a
resource to promote prevention in child health.
Guthrie test: perception of pregnant
women in prenatal guidance
This is an exploratory-descriptive,
cross-sectional study with a
quantitative approach
75% of the pregnant women did not know how to
report which pathologies were screened, 16.3%
mentioned that the diseases detected by the
Guthrie Test have a genetic etiology, 82% see the
need for more information about the Guthrie Test,
60% refer to the need to focus on which diseases
were diagnosed
Knowledge about neonatal screening:
discourses of mothers and fathers of
This is a descriptive, qualitative
Mothers and fathers understand the purpose of
the heel prick test, had access to knowledge about
neonatal screening, evidencing potentialities
in the learning process and health education,
through various sources, with emphasis on the
professional performance of nurses in prenatal
care and weaknesses regarding diseases detected
in screening