ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
Abraão Gomes Abreu1
Carolyne Almeida Sarmento2
Carlos Paulo da Silva3
Daniel da Conceição Nascimento4
Gabriel Aguiar Moulaz5
José Gabriel Palma Pereira6
Glenya Gilkla da Silva Abreu7
Juliana Aparecida da Silva8
Larissa Hannya Campos Gazola9
Leonardo de Oliveira Mussi10
Letícia Cristina Barbosa Serejo11
Lindsay Sandy Barbosa de Lima12
Liniker Lima Luz13
Lucas Boni Inácio14
1 Graduating in Medicine from UCP- Universidad Central del Paraguay
2 Graduating in Medicine from UCP- Universidad Central del Paraguay
3 Graduating in Medicine at Unesulbahia - Integrated Colleges
4 Graduating in Medicine from UCP- Universidad Central del Paraguay
5 Graduating in Medicine from UCP- Universidad Central del Paraguay
6 Graduating in Medicine at UNIDA-Universidad de la Integración de las Américas
7 Graduating in Medicine from UCP- Universidad Central del Paraguay
8 Undergraduate student in Medicine at UB-Universidade Brasil- Fernandópolis SP
9 Graduating in Medicine from UCP- Universidad Central del Paraguay
10 Graduating in Medicine from UCP- Universidad Central del Paraguay
11 Graduating in Medicine from UCP- Universidad Central del Paraguay
12 Graduating in Medicine from UCP- Universidad Central del Paraguay
13 Graduating in Medicine from UCP- Universidad Central del Paraguay
14 Graduating in Medicine from UCP- Universidad Central del Paraguay
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
Juliana Oliveira de Toledo15
Abstract: A reection on public policies to combat Tuberculosis. A global panorama Tuberculosis
is an infectious bacterial disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, mainly aecting the
lungs and transmitted from person to person through respiratory droplets. Although the infection
does not always cause symptoms in healthy people, when active, it can cause coughing, chest pain,
weakness, weight loss and fever. Tuberculosis is currently a global health concern, with millions
of deaths and new infections each year, due to factors such as drug resistance, HIV, international
travel and homelessness. With a third of the world’s population infected, it is essential that healthcare
professionals understand the disease and its diagnostic procedures. New research should focus on the
social factors that determine TB. In this way, it is believed, Brazil will once again be able to celebrate
reaching the WHO targets for the elimination of TB by 2035.
Keywords: Tuberculosis, prevention, treatment, public policies.
15 Biochemical pharmacist, PhD from the Graduate Program in Health Sciences (PPGCS) UNB-
University of Brasilia
The concept of health as the absence of disease was changed in the face of the World Health
Organization, which denes: health from a broader concept, being a right of all and a duty of the
State, guaranteed through social and economic public policies, focusing on the living conditions of the
population and environmental preservation, Through the various tropical diseases and pathologies,
tuberculosis stands out. (CARVALHO, 2012)
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious bacterial disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
which most commonly aects the lungs (GOLDRICK, 2014). It is transmitted from person to person
through droplets from the throat and lungs of people with active respiratory disease (PORTH,
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
2012). In healthy people, M. tuberculosis infection often does not cause symptoms, because the
individuals immune system acts to “isolate” the bacteria (FRIEDEN, 2003). Symptoms of active TB
of the lung are cough (sometimes with sputum or blood), chest pain, weakness, weight loss, fever,
and night sweats. This disease is treatable in approximately six months with antibiotics (JENSEN,
2005). Tuberculosis has recently emerged as a major health concern. Each year, approximately 2
million people in the world die from tuberculosis and 9 million are infected. The prevalence of
tuberculosis continues to increase due to the increase in the number of patients infected with the
human immunodeciency virus (HIV), bacterial drug resistance, increased international travel and
immigration from countries with high prevalence, and an increase in the number of homeless people
and drug users (PINHEIRO, 2022; FERGUSON, 2004)element. With 2 billion people, one third of
the worlds population, estimated to be infected with mycobacteria, all health professionals, regardless
of the area of care, need to understand the pathophysiology, clinical characteristics and procedures
for the diagnosis of tuberculosis (EISENHUT, 2016). The vulnerability of hospitalized patients to
tuberculosis is often underestimated because infection is usually considered a community-based
disease (ROSENKRANDS, 2012). Most hospitalized patients are in a critical immunological state,
particularly in intensive care units, making exposure to tuberculosis even more severe than in the
community (SILVA, 2014). By understanding the causative organism, pathophysiology, transmission,
diagnosis of tuberculosis and clinical manifestations in patients, intensive care professionals will be
better prepared to recognize the infection (AGUDELO, 2018).
There are some epidemiological data that guide the population and health agents in general,
and provide information pertinent to the situation presented about the characterization of diseases in
the day-to-day life of the communities.
According to epidemiological data regarding tuberculosis in the country, it is found in the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
literature that each year, approximately 70 thousand new cases are reported and about 4.5 thousand
deaths occur (BRASIL, 2018).
The data necessary for the main epidemiological and operational indicators used for local,
municipal, state, and national evaluation are contained in the Notiable Diseases Information System
Data on the number of Tuberculosis cases in 2018 in each Brazilian state. Notiable Diseases
Information System (SINAN).
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
Historical Series of the Number of Deaths from Tuberculosis between 2001 and 2017 in each Region
and Federative Unit. Notiable Diseases Information System (SINAN)
The vaccine called Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) was rst developed in the 1920s
(DHEDA, 2005). It is one of the most widely used vaccines today, and reaches more than 80% of all
newborns and babies in the countries where it is part of the national childhood immunization program
(SILVA, 2018). However, it is also one of the most variable vaccines in routine use (MYERS, 2016). The
BCG vaccine has been shown to oer children excellent protection against disseminated forms of TB
(RAVIGLIONE, 2016). However, protection against pulmonary TB in adults is variable (RABAHI,
2017). Because most transmissions originate from adult cases of pulmonary TB, the BCG vaccine is
generally used to protect children rather than interrupt adult-to-adult transmission (WORLD, 2015).
The BCG vaccine will usually result in a vaccinated person having a positive TB skin test
result (PAOLUCCI, 2022).
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
To reduce exposure in households where someone has infectious TB, the following actions
should be taken whenever possible (FERRO, 2010):
Homes should be adequately ventilated;
Anyone coughing should be educated on cough etiquette and respiratory hy-
giene, and should follow this practice at all times;
Spend as much time as possible outdoors;
If possible, sleep alone in a separate, adequately ventilated room;
Spend as little time as possible on public transport;
Spend as little time as possible in places where a large number of people
However, what can ensure success in the prevention and control of Tuberculosis permeates
Vaccination, it is also necessary to expand the coverage of BCG vaccination, especially in countries
where TB is endemic. Invest in research into new, more eective vaccines and the Tracking and
Monitoring program, and implement proactive screening programs to identify and treat latent TB
cases, as well as monitor the eectiveness of control programs (ANDRADE, 2017).
In order to carry out tuberculosis treatment, it is important to know that being a drug for TB
prevention, also known as chemoprophylaxis, it can reduce the risk of occurrence of a rst episode of
active TB in people with latent tuberculosis (DE SOUZA, 2018). Treatment of latent TB is being used
as a tool to try to eliminate TB in some countries (TORRENS, 2016).
Isoniazid is one of the drugs used to prevent latent tuberculosis from progressing to active
tuberculosis or tuberculosis. Isoniazid is an inexpensive drug, but similarly to the use of the BCG
vaccine, it is primarily used to protect individuals rather than stop transmission between adults
(MACIEL, 2015).
This is because children rarely have infectious tuberculosis, and it is dicult to administer
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
isoniazid on a large scale to adults who do not have any symptoms (ROCHA, 2015). Taking isoniazid
daily for six months is dicult to adhere to and, as a result, many individuals who could benet from
the treatment stop taking the drug before the end of the six-month period (SANTOS, 2013).
There are also concerns about the possible impact of TB treatment in prevention programs
on the emergence of drug resistance (SHAH, 2014).
However, the most important for the improvement in disease control was the inclusion,
in 2009, of treatment with rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide and ethambutol (RHZE) in a xed-
dose combination formulation (FDC): RHZE-FDC. Research carried out in Brazil, comparing the
standard dose with the combined xed dose, showed that the latter reduced the rate of treatment
abandonment by 14% among the incidence of TB who started treatment in the period from October
2009 to September 2010, in ve cities surveyed (GLOBAL, 2022).
To strengthen diagnosis and treatment
It will be necessary to ensure universal access to diagnosis and ensure that all suspected
TB cases have access to rapid and accurate diagnoses. This includes expanding the availability of
molecular tests and advanced diagnostic technologies.
Enabling eective and complete treatment, ensuring that all patients receive adequate,
complete and free treatment. This includes the treatment of drug-resistant forms of TB, such as
multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) (CECILIO, 2017).
Regarding the public policies that have been made to combat tuberculosis, some programs
and actions aimed at controlling or even eradicating the aforementioned pathology can be mentioned.
Increase investment and ensure adequate and sustainable funding for TB control programmes. This
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includes funding for research, treatment, diagnosis, and education. Public policies and legislation.
It is also important to implement policies that guarantee universal access to health services and TB
treatment, and that address inequalities in access to care.
One of the examples is the program that was created in 2015, the WHO Global TB Program”,
which convened a global task force for TB patient research (BOCCIA, 2011). Updated in 2023, the
WHO Global Report on Tuberculosis (TB) demonstrates a signicant global recovery in scaling
up TB diagnosis and treatment services in 2022. He points to an encouraging predisposition that
begins to reverse the detrimental eects of COVID-19 interruptions on TB services (MINISTRY OF
HEALTH, 2023).
This increase is explained by the good recovery of access to and provision of health services
in many countries. The Philippines, India, and Indonesia, which together accounted for about 60% of
the worldwide reductions in the number of individuals newly diagnosed with TB in 2020 and 2021,
recovered to levels subsequent to 2019 in 2022 (MINISTRY OF HEALTH, 2023).
However, the Global Report on Tuberculosis (TB), published annually by the World Health
Organization (WHO), oers a comprehensive overview of the state of tuberculosis in the world and
presents data and recommendations to improve the ght against the disease. Some of the improvements
and advancements that these reports have promoted include (TRAJMAN, 2018):
Improved Data Collection and Analysis: Reports help enhance data collection and trend
analysis, allowing countries and organizations to adjust their strategies according to the
latest evidence.
Increases in Awareness and Policy Priority: By highlighting the global burden of TB and
the gaps that exist in treatment and prevention, the reports encourage governments and
organizations to prioritize resources and eorts to address the disease.
Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment: The report frequently presents information on
new advances in diagnosis and treatment, such as new drugs and more eective treatment
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
regimens, which help improve cure rates and reduce drug resistance.
Focus on Vulnerable Populations: The reports highlight the need to address TB in
vulnerable populations, such as people with HIV, people in prisons, and marginalized
communities, by encouraging specic programs for these populations.
Strengthening Prevention Strategies: Recommendations include improvements in
prevention strategies, such as expanding BCG vaccination and contact tracing programs,
which help reduce the spread of the disease.
Reducing Drug Resistance: The report frequently addresses the issue of drug-resistant
tuberculosis and provides guidance on how to address this more dicult way of treating
the disease, including promoting safer and more eective treatment practices.
Promotion of Care Integration: Encourages the integration of TB services with other
areas of health, such as HIV and primary health services, for more holistic and ecient
Focus on Research and Innovation: Highlights the need for more research and innovation
for new diagnostic tests, vaccines, and treatments, encouraging global collaboration to
accelerate the development of new solutions (TRAJMAN, 2018).
These advances have contributed to a better understanding of tuberculosis and to more
eective strategies to combat the disease, with the ultimate goal of reducing its incidence and mortality
Brazil is part of the group of the best countries with good actions in the adaptation and
implementation of multisectoral involvement initiatives to end tuberculosis (TB). Brazil is part of
the document released by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022, entitled Adaptation and
implementation of WHOs multisectoral accountability framework to end TB (MAF-TB) Best
practices” (MINISTRY OF HEALTH, 2023).
With the objective of architecting national responses to TB, MAF-TB is a tool created by the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
WHO and, in this sense, fosters advances through the implementation of political engagement and
agreement on targets to end TB as a public health problem.
The Political Declaration of the High-Level Meeting of the UN General Assembly called on
the WHO Director-General to complete the multisectoral accountability framework and ensure its
implementation in 2019 (WINGFIELD, 2017). WHO supports Member States as they move forward
to: assess the initial status of MAF-TB components in their own contexts; engage staand stakeholders
in adapting the framework; and monitor and review their use (REIS, 2015). It also collaborated with
Member States and coordinated partners to enable support to strengthen capacity and results at
the national, regional and global levels (MACIEL, 2018). WHO has also led coordination with UN
agencies and other organizations on multisectoral collaboration related to MAF-TB (KRITSKI, 2018).
One of the major shortcomings of the eradication programme was the inability or
unwillingness of some governments to support and manage their own national programme. This
applies particularly to those governments that have been pushed towards eradication by international
pressure or incentives (VALLA, 1998). Policy analysis research at the national and global levels can
help to understand the political landscape and identify how policy strategies can be created to enable
long-term policy support in both donor and endemic countries (VALLA, 1998).
Initially, the execution of the actions was the responsibility of the federal government. With
the process of decentralization of endemic diseases, actions began to be carried out by the state and/
or municipal levels, and for each of their instances the attributions are established in Ordinance No.
1,399, of 12/15/99 (ALBUQUERQUE, 2015).
Eradicating tuberculosis (TB) by 2035 is an ambitious goal that requires a multifaceted
approach and the eective implementation of public policies. Based on global guidelines and best
practices, here are some essential ndings and strategies to achieve this goal both in Brazil and
globally (MACIEL, 2018)
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
Eradicating TB by 2035 requires an integrated and sustained approach that combines
strengthening health services, eective public policies, and a strong nancial and social commitment.
Collaboration between governments, international organizations, the private sector, and communities
is critical to achieving this goal. With a well-designed strategy and the implementation of eective
actions, it is possible to drastically reduce the burden of tuberculosis and work towards its global
Even though Brazil is an endemic area, it can be concluded from the data obtained that its
population has basic knowledge of the disease and of some preventive methods, although they are not
used by the majority. The fact that it is a known disease can be explained by the ease of disseminating
information that we have today, however, according to the data, this information comes from unreliable
sources, with unocial and incomplete information, so it is still necessary to reinforce the importance
of the professional who holds this knowledge in the dissemination of correct information, always
stressing the great importance of prevention so that there is greater adherence to them.
Knowledge alone is not enough to generate impacts on the prevention and control of the
disease. In addition to knowledge, health education practices that favor the application of knowledge
and, thus, generate positive impacts on this important health issue The Family Health program is the
rst level of primary care of the SUS (Unied Health System) where actions are developed for health
promotion, prevention, recovery, rehabilitation of diseases and injuries, the work of multiprofessionals
in health units. The medical professional is considered an ideal professional for guidance, awareness
regarding treatment adherence, rational and correct use of medications and for the follow-up of
patients, however he is considered a professional with little presence and active participation in the
services to combat diseases.
In view of the reduction of inequalities and initiatives capable of improving and making more
eective and eective in the control of the disease, both the directing of eorts by the existing regias
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
can bring the country closer to achieving the recommended goals, without the need to incorporate
the latest and most expensive technologies. Further research should focus on the social determinants
of TB, incorporating innovative methods and the study of vulnerable populations, in order to better
understand the impact of control measures on TB incidence and mortality. In this way, it is believed
that Brazil will once again be able to celebrate the achievement of the WHO goals for the elimination
of TB by 2035.
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