ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
dierent species of protozoa of the genus Leishmania, which aects the skin and mucous membranes.
(BRAZIL, 2017). Primarily, it is a zoonotic infection, aecting animals other than humans, which can
be involved secondarily. In Brazil, there are seven species of leishmanias, responsible for the cases. Its
main species are: Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, L. (Viannia) guyanensis and L(V.) braziliensi,
transmitted by the bite of infected female sandies (sandy, birigui, etc.), in which the dog is the main
reservoir, as untreated cases lead to a lethality of 90%, (ATL) is an important public health problem.
(BRAZIL, 2016). (BRAZIL, 2019)
In Brazil, Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (TL) has a high frequency, in addition to wide territorial
expansion and essentially local transmission (BRASIL, 2002). It is one of the dermatological conditions
that demands attention, due to its magnitude, as well as the risk of occurrence of deformities that it can
produce in human beings, and in addition to the psychological involvement with reections in the social
and economic eld, since it can be considered an occupational disease. It has a wide distribution with
records of cases in all Brazilian regions (BRASIL, 2017). ATL is a notiable disease, which consists of
the communication of the event of individual cases, clusters of cases, suspected, conrmed or outbreaks,
from the list of diseases listed in the ordinance and which must be made to the health authorities by
health professionals or any citizen, aiming at the adoption of the pertinent control measures, with
clinical characteristics of severe evolution, the diagnosis must be accurate and early (BRASIL, 2010).
The current treatment scenario in Brazil has peculiar characteristics due to the variety of contexts where
transmission occurs, which is correlated with parasite species, vectors, reservoirs and ecosystems. The
clinical presentation exhibits polymorphism and the spectrum of severity of signs and symptoms is also
variable, although there is a certain correspondence between the dierent clinical presentations and the
dierent species of the parasite (BRASIL, 2017).
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is included in the national list of diseases and conditions of compulsory
notication, according to Consolidation Ordinance No. 4, of September 28, 2017, annex V - Chapter I
(BRASIL, 2018). According to the Ministry of Health, in ten years, the number of cases of Tegumentary
Leishmaniasis in this period was reduced by 27%, from 26,685 cases in 2005 to 19,395 cases in 2015.