ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
in addition to developing practical skills and promoting a deeper understanding of the specic health
needs of these communities.
At CASAI, the daily medical evaluation of the service users was carried out, the patients’
evolution was recorded, treatments were prescribed, and complementary tests were requested and
evaluated. About 20 people were directly monitored during the period, among the more than 40 present.
Cases such as malaria, accidents by venomous animals (snakebite) and leishmaniasis stand out for their
local prevalence, oering a unique opportunity to revisit these less common themes in large urban
centers. In addition, the doctor took her knowledge acquired in residency, such as dry needling, an
eective method for the treatment of myofascial pain, which was not practiced on site. This exchange
of knowledge was benecial for patients, because, by introducing a new and dierent technique, it was
possible to expand the therapeutic options available, enriching both local practice and the care provided.
The eld activity took place at the Polo base of Aldeia Manga, in the municipality of Oiapoque
- AP. At the Polo-base, about 60 medical consultations were carried out per week for people from Aldeia
Manga and neighboring villages. Most of these consultations involved low-complexity care, including
women’s health, prenatal care, children’s health, elderly health, and infectious diseases. However, a
serious case of neurological condition was also treated, which required an urgent transfer to the capital,
ensuring adequate care for the patient. This episode highlights the importance of the presence of health
workers in remote areas, where access to specialized care is limited.
An example of the need for specialized care is the case of the Yanomami, where malaria
represents one of the greatest threats, aggravated by malnutrition and dicult access to medical care.
Logistical barriers and poor infrastructure further complicate eective disease control (Lima et al,
2022). Similarly, the high prevalence of tuberculosis among indigenous peoples is exacerbated by late
diagnosis and lack of continuity in treatment, resulting in high mortality (Possuelo, 2023). Health is a
right of every Brazilian citizen (Brasil, 1988), and the presence of health professionals in rural areas,
especially in villages, is essential to ensure that this right is ensured, regardless of geographic location.
It is important that care respects cultural specicities, ensuring greater acceptance of interventions and