ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
presents dierent motor and cognitive alterations (MAGALHÃES, 2013). Among the 50% of patients
who survive, they have limitations in terms of Activities of Daily Living (ADL), reected in changes
in motor skills, speech, emotions and memory, predisposing them to severe impairments of health
and quality of life (BRASIL, 2013). Approximately 70% of patients do not resume work, 50% need
help with ADL and 30% need help walking (BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF CEREBROVASCULAR
DISEASES, 2018; BENJAMIN et al., 2019).
Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the third leading consequence of disability in
the world. It is one of the major global health problems, resulting in permanent disabilities and high
hospital costs (DIENER; HANKEY, 2020).
The concept of neuroplasticity leads to the understanding that, in the presence of an injury, the
Central Nervous System (CNS), through intact neurons, seeks alternative ways to perform the impaired
motor response, performing synapses with neurons that change in relation to their eectiveness and,
subsequently, dierentiated circuits and nerve paths are sought (MAGALHÃES, 2013).
To this end, there is an area of the nervous tissue, known as the ischemic penumbra zone,
located around the lesion, whose blood supply is sucient for the survival of neurons, but not enough
for these cells to perform their function (MORAIS, 2016).
Thus, some neurons remain silent from a functional point of view, but structurally they are
intact and potentially usable (DONNAN et al., 2011). If blood ow can be restored in this area, the
ischemic penumbral zone is preserved (MORAES, 2016).
This plasticity can occur through the growth of new axon terminals, the organization of
dendrites, and the activation of existing synapses whose functions were blocked (PORTER, 2001). It
also enables the reorganization of cortical maps, favoring neurological recommunication in the face
of a given lesion (ZILLI; DE LIMA, KOBLER, 2014).
Such forms can occur both in existing structures, which in this case will become capable
of performing functions in other areas, and they can stimulate neural cells to have a plastic power,
recomposing useful and functional connections, thus allowing desired functions to be exercised