ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
personal character. Research has consistently demonstrated that the role of a teacher is one of the most
demanding professions, characterized by emotional pressure, frequent social interactions, and a high
degree of accountability. These factors often contribute to mental and physical exhaustion, which can
signicantly impact an educator’s level of professionalism and skill.
Furthermore, it is evident that many prospective and current educators may not fully
comprehend the potential implications of emotional fatigue and are unaware of eective strategies for
preventing it. As a result, there is often a lack of emphasis on developing qualities that enhance stress
resilience. This oversight can lead to educators feeling overwhelmed by the professional hurdles they
face, ultimately aecting the quality of higher education and its ability to meet desired standards.
Hence, it is crucial to recognize and execute strategies and methods to prevent professional
burnout among educators. This will be vital in improving the overall eciency of educational tasks
and ensuring that educators can fulll the requirements of their profession while also looking after
their well-being.
Extensive research has been devoted to comprehending the profound impact of emotional
burnout. This debilitating condition manifests as a sense of emptiness, apathy, fatigue, and waning
interest in work. It is particularly pervasive among professionals in the social sciences, notably teachers
(Jabbarov, 2017; Jabbarov, 2021; Kamila et al, 2020).
The modern Azerbaijani society is founded on political and socio-economic principles that
originate from the country’s diverse cultural heritage, promoting tolerance and multiculturalism.
Embracing and adjusting to these new values can lead to conicting situations that bring about
substantial changes in societal norms and values. This dynamic process results in shifts in individual
behaviors, social norms, and fundamental beliefs (Aliyeva and Jabbarov, 2020). These conicting
situations and signicant changes in societal norms can contribute to the burnout experienced by
teachers. As they navigate the complexities of a rapidly evolving society, teachers may feel overwhelmed
by the pressure to adapt to new values and expectations while maintaining their well-being.
The modern education system requires teachers to have a high level of competence,