ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
severe comorbidities, CABG presents signicant challenges in terms of safety and efcacy. In these
cases, advanced hemodynamic monitoring has been identied as a crucial strategy for intraoperative
and postoperative management, allowing for more precise management of tissue perfusion, cardiac
function, and circulatory parameters (SOUZA et al., 2020).
Advanced hemodynamic monitoring involves the use of technologies that allow continuous
evaluation of critical parameters such as cardiac output, central venous pressure, venous oxygen
saturation, and systemic vascular resistance. This information is essential to guide precise therapeutic
interventions, especially in highly complex surgeries such as CABG, where abrupt variations in
circulatory parameters can lead to serious complications, such as cardiogenic shock, ventricular
dysfunction, and multiorgan failure (COSTA, 2021).
In high-risk patients undergoing CABG, advanced hemodynamic monitoring has been
associated with a reduction in perioperative complications and an improvement in clinical outcomes.
Studies have shown that, by allowing early intervention in the face of changes in hemodynamic
parameters, this monitoring can reduce mortality, length of hospital stay, and the need for prolonged
vasopressor and ventilatory support. In addition, continuous monitoring allows for a more detailed
assessment of the response to uid and vasoactive drug therapy, crucial for maintaining hemodynamic
stability in patients with severe cardiac dysfunction (PEREIRA et al., 2022).
Despite the widely recognized benets, the implementation of advanced hemodynamic
monitoring still faces challenges, such as the high cost of devices and the need for specialized training
for surgical and critical care staff. However, in high-risk patients, the cost-benet tends to be favorable,
considering the potential reduction of serious complications and the shorter postoperative recovery
time. With the advancement of monitoring technologies and the expansion of access to these resources,
it is expected that the use of advanced hemodynamic monitoring will become increasingly widespread,
especially in highly complex surgeries, such as CABG (SANTOS et al., 2021).
This study aims to evaluate the impact of advanced hemodynamic monitoring during coronary
artery bypass grafting in high-risk patients. It is intended to explore the advantages of this type of