ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
tiredness, anxiety, anguish, depression, insomnia, gastrointestinal changes. Initially these symptoms
go unnoticed, but over time they begin to be noticed and become part of the person’s daily life. She
starts to be constantly stressed, unfocused and discouraged. This phenomenon can cause a greater
drop in productivity than absenteeism. If, on the one hand, the worker feels coerced to attend his
workplace for fear of reprisals, on the other hand, he cannot be productive, because he does not feel
Mobbing is a relatively recent phenomenon, it emerged in Sweden, from the 80s, on the
initiative of a group of scholars led by psychologist Heinz Leymann. In 1984, the rst scientic
publication on this subject appeared.
Mobbing can be dened as any abusive behavior, translated into words, acts, or any other form
of individual communication, which may negatively affect the physical/mental dignity or integrity of
a person, the performance of activities in the context of a function or a certain work environment.
João, A. (2023) denes mobbing as being, “... complex practice of vexatious or persecutory or
psychological violence, deliberately and repeatedly carried out by an employer or by direct superiors...
with the aim of provoking a state of deep malaise, isolation and psychological terror suitable for
causing notable damage to his psycho-physical balance.”
The person who suffers from this phenomenon is intentionally attacked by the so-called
aggressor or mobber who assumes a strategic behavior appropriate to their psychological, social and
professional destruction. The mobber is usually a person with a conictual character, and the mobber
is a person identied as having a lack of condence in himself, with a sense of disorientation at work,
poorly adapted to the workplace and who, even without fault of any mistake, assumes it as his own,
convincing himself of it. (João, A., 2023)
Mobbing reaches its peak of severity when the victim’s life is destabilized from the family,
affective and social points of view, as a consequence of the imbalance existing in the professional
As already mentioned, another important characteristic of the leader is the ability to