ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
Vusal Alguliyev1
Abstract: The article examines the psychological issues of dependence on the personality type of
narcissism. It was found that among the respondents with a negative self-concept, lack of empathy and
envy of others’ achievements are more common. Here the sensitive side of narcissism is more evident.
The inuence of the dark side personality type and narcissistic personality traits on self-attitude
factors is negative, except for a great sense of self-worth and belief in ones own uniqueness. Research
has shown that a great sense of self-worth and belief in ones uniqueness are protective. It is a barrier
not only to external threats, but also to innate ego threats. Research has shown that the relationship
between self-attitude and narcissistic traits reects the deep conicts of the narcissistic personality
between grandiosity and vulnerability, as well as the desire to protect opinions.
Keywords: narcissism, personality type, self-attitude, empathy, contradictions
As human civilization develops, the requirements for a persons personality become more
and more complex and diverse. In modern times, the human psyche is faced with the need to cope
with dynamic tasks related to both the complexity of social relations and the increase in the number of
social roles played by the same person. In such a situation, self-emphasis, self-esteem, etc. narcissistic
aspects emerge, which can create serious deciencies in the sphere of societys relations and the
1 Student doctorant in the philosophy program at Odlar Yurdu University, Baku, Azerbaijan
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0006-4367-5202
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
individuals creative system (Jabbarov et.al, 2023; Kamila et.al, 2021; Vakil, 2020).
Currently, in a continuous monomorphic environment, it is impossible to nd a single person
belonging to xed values or evaluation system. Our modern mental world is multifactorial, and
various factors of this world have a signicant impact on the personality, its structure and interactions
with other individuals. These inuences change the characteristics of his personality or reconstruct it
according to the environment. The harmonious combination of all the necessary and desirable roles,
as well as successful adaptation to all the demands of the modern world, is increasingly failing, which
causes disappointment. In such conditions and at such a level of demands, a number of violations,
including narcissistic changes, begin to manifest in the individual.
Family upbringing, including demands from society, often lead to a persons narcissistic
behavior. The increase of narcissism leads not only to the increase of aggressiveness and harsh
relations towards different people in society, but also to the violation and often deformation of the
individuals personality and its structure (Wetzel and Robins, 2014; Zitek and Jordan, 2016; Pavlova,
2010; Shamsikova and Shamsikova, 2011). on the other hand, it creates a foundation for the prevention
of the attempt to deform, and on the other hand, the improvement of social relations and the adequate
organization of activities. Taking into account these aspects, we considered it appropriate to study
Literature review
In research on narcissism, two areas attract more attention. One is sensitive narcissism
and the other is a study of grandiose narcissism. It should be noted that sensitive narcissism has
been less studied than the other. In addition to the sense of uniqueness common to both dimensions
of narcissism, a tendency toward hypersensitive and anxious behavior is described. In contrast to
grandiose narcissism, vulnerable narcissism also involves marked self-centeredness, low self-esteem,
shyness, social withdrawal, and emotional vulnerability. Recent studies [Treadway et al,, 2017; Vohs
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
& Finkel, 2022; Coleman et al., 2019; Wang & Jiang, 2014); Wetzel and Robins, 2016; Zagenczyk et
al. 2017.;Zitek, & Jordan, 2016.] show that vulnerable narcissism is more detrimental to mental health
than grandiose narcissism. It is associated with psychological problems and the use of inappropriate
emotion regulation strategies such as aggression.
Most experts believe that the narcissistic personality disorder in DSM 5 refers to grandiose
narcissism rather than sensitive narcissism. It should also be noted that now almost any society is
developing towards greater competition on the one hand, and standardization on the other. Considering
such an aspect, Horni (2001) believed that in society, “individual competition is in the rst place, it
is built on our culture. The economic principle of competition affects human relations by pushing
one person to ght with another, one to be superior to another.Economic success is approved and
reinforced by public opinion, and failure, on the contrary, is condemned and greatly reduces the self-
esteem of the “loser”, creates a sense of shame and disappointment, and changes his image for the
worse [Horni, 2001]. In addition, as noted by Fromm (1998), modern society increasingly treats people
as products with certain consumer characteristics, thereby forcing people to evaluate themselves
in terms of market criteria. For the psyche of some people, the unsatisfactory nature of such an
evaluation can be very traumatic, and when a person ceases to perceive himself as an “independent
being”, his “self-esteem and sense of self-worth disappear[Fromm, 1998]. Given the growth of
narcissism, both personal and public narcissism, it is important to have periodic updates in the study
of this problem. It is this factor that makes the study of narcissism insufciently systematic and the
importance of studying it.
It should be noted that although the study of the psychological characteristics of the narcissistic
personality is of great importance from a theoretical point of view, it is not enough to study or analyze
its characteristics without conducting an experimental study. The following methods were used in
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
the research:
1. A Short Big Five Survey. Here are the personality traits that characterize a person.
The questionnaire consists of 5 scales: extraversion; goodwill; awareness; neuroticism; openness to
experience. The numbers of the terms evaluated for each of these scales are shown and do not cause
difculties when calculating the result.
2. “Short survey of the dark trinity (SD3)” methodology (Egorova, et al. 2009).
The methodology consists of 3 steps:
1. Machiavellian scale.
2. Narcissism scale.
3. Psychopathy scale.
3. “Narcissistic personality traits” methodology (Shamshikova and Klepikova, 2010).
The methodology consists of 66 provisions. The technique includes 9 scales reecting narcissistic
personality traits.
4. “Self-attitude questionnaire”. The questionnaire consists of 57 judgments. It consists of
two response standards. The indicator for each factor is calculated by summing the statements that
the subject agrees with, if included in the factor with a positive sign, and if included in the factor with
a negative sign, the statements that the subject does not agree with are taken into account. The “raw
scoreobtained for each factor is transformed according to the tables to convert it to accumulated
frequencies (%). The methodology consists of 12 steps. 165 students participated in our research.
Special attention was paid to ethical rules, selection of participants and statistical processing of data
necessary in the research.
In our research, along with the study of the psychological characteristics of narcissism,
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
attention was also paid to their dependence on the personality type. For this purpose, quantitative and
qualitative samples were used. We can learn whether the approach used in the study can explain the
relationship between narcissistic traits and self-attitude within a variable-centered approach. Because
failing to prevent or try to reduce narcissism in students can hinder the development of social skills
by stiing the demands they make to feel safe, as well as positive behaviors for others. The statistical
description of the answers given by the respondents to the question about nancial status suggests that
most of the participants are at an average nancial level. This indicator is also reected in the rate.
Table 1. Indicators of respondents nancial situation
6.7 percent of the respondents (11 people) did not answer the question about nancial situation
and 93 percent gave information about their nancial situation. 111 of the participants stated that their
nancial situation was at an average level. 10.39 percent of the respondents evaluated their nancial
situation as high, 17.53 percent as low, and 72.08 percent as average. This shows that there is no
serious polarization among the respondents in terms of nancial situation, respondents with normal
nancial situation are the majority.
Table 2. Statistical analysis of the scales of the “Shadow Three” methodology
Level Frequency Percentage Valid interest Interest accrued
Low 27 16.4 17.5 17.5
Medium 111 67.3 72.1 89.6
High 16 9.7 10.4 100.0
Total 154 93.3 100.0 -
Unanswered 11 6.7 - -
Total 165 100.0 - -
Scales NTotal Score Average Score
Psychopathy 165 3559 21.57
Machiavellianism 165 3568 21.62
Narcissism 165 5005 30.33
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
The measurement of Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy variables by means of
the “short questionnaire of the shadowy trinity” shows that the variable of narcissism is expressed
with a higher score, while the variable of psychopathy is expressed with a lower score.
The mathematical expression of the three variables divided by the “Dark Triad Short
Questionnaire” can be given as follows: narcissism > Machiavellianism > psychopathy. This means
that narcissus is more prominent in juniper than other jackals.
Table 3. Correlations between the elements of the “Dark Triad”.
Note: **. The correlation has a two-sided relationship at the 0.01 level
The analysis of the data on the “short questionnaire of the dark trinity” shows that there
is a relationship between two variables out of the three variables measured by this questionnaire
(Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy). There is no statistically signicant relationship between
the psychopathy variable and the other two variables (because here it was P=0.369 and 0.249). However,
there is a relationship between Machiavellianism and narcissism, where P=0.000, which indicates that
there is a statistically signicant relationship between the two variables at the 0.01 level.
Here, the negative “Pearson correlationindicates the existence of a negative relationship
between the two variables. That is, the increase of one variable is accompanied by the decrease
Scales Machiavellianism Narcissism Psychopathy
Pearson Correlation 1-.294** -.070
Sig. (2-tailed) - .000 .369
N165 165 165
Pearson Correlation -.294** 1-.090
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 -.249
N165 165 165
Pearson Correlation -.070 -.090 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .369 .249 -
N165 165 165
Scales Machiavellianism Narcissism Psychopathy
Great sense of self-worth
Pearson Correlation -.174* .408** -.291**
Sig. (2-tailed) .026 .000 .000
N165 165 165
Dealing with fantasies
Pearson Correlation -.193* .397** .004
Sig. (2-tailed) .013 .000 .963
N165 165 165
Belief in ones own
Pearson Correlation .175* .080 -.049
Sig. (2-tailed) .025 .309 .530
N165 165 165
The need for constant
attention and admiration
Pearson Correlation -.034 .168* -.026
Sig. (2-tailed) .668 .031 .737
N165 165 165
Expectation of special
Pearson Correlation -.189* -.052 .051
Sig. (2-tailed) .015 .505 .516
N165 165 165
Interpersonal manipulation Pearson Correlation -.075 -.152 -.289**
Sig. (2-tailed) .336 .052 .000
N165 165 165
Having empathy Pearson Correlation .169* -.502** .322**
Sig. (2-tailed) .030 .000 .000
N165 165 165
Feelings of envy Pearson Correlation -.123 -.225** .087
Sig. (2-tailed) .116 .004 .264
N165 165 165
Bold arrogant behavior Pearson Correlation .344** -.214** .234**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .006 .003
N165 165 165
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
of another. Among the 9 characteristics studied by means of the Narcissistic Personality Traits”
questionnaire, the “self-esteem characteristic was expressed with a high score, while the “bold-
arrogant behavior” variable was expressed with a lower score. The second variable with the highest
score was “need for constant attention” and the second variable with the lowest score was the
presence of empathy”.
Table 4. Indicators of the relationship between narcissistic personality traits and elements of the
shadow triad
Scales Machiavellianism Narcissism Psychopathy
Great sense of self-worth
Pearson Correlation -.174* .408** -.291**
Sig. (2-tailed) .026 .000 .000
N165 165 165
Dealing with fantasies
Pearson Correlation -.193* .397** .004
Sig. (2-tailed) .013 .000 .963
N165 165 165
Belief in ones own
Pearson Correlation .175* .080 -.049
Sig. (2-tailed) .025 .309 .530
N165 165 165
The need for constant
attention and admiration
Pearson Correlation -.034 .168* -.026
Sig. (2-tailed) .668 .031 .737
N165 165 165
Expectation of special
Pearson Correlation -.189* -.052 .051
Sig. (2-tailed) .015 .505 .516
N165 165 165
Interpersonal manipulation Pearson Correlation -.075 -.152 -.289**
Sig. (2-tailed) .336 .052 .000
N165 165 165
Having empathy Pearson Correlation .169* -.502** .322**
Sig. (2-tailed) .030 .000 .000
N165 165 165
Feelings of envy Pearson Correlation -.123 -.225** .087
Sig. (2-tailed) .116 .004 .264
N165 165 165
Bold arrogant behavior Pearson Correlation .344** -.214** .234**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .006 .003
N165 165 165
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
Note: Correlation at ** 0.01, * 0.05 level is two-sided.
Whether or not there is a relationship between narcissistic personality traits and elements of
the shadowy trinity (Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy) was determined using correlation
analysis. The analysis of related data shows that there is a strong relationship between “sense of
self-worth and all 3 elements of the shadowy trinity. Here, the relationship between self-worth”
and Machiavellianism is signicant at the 0.05 level since P=0.026, but the negative Pearson
correlationindicates that there is an inverse relationship between the two variables. High self-esteem
is accompanied by low Machiavellianism. There is a signicant positive relationship between “sense
of self-worth” and narcissism, and P=0.000 indicates that the relationship between these two variables
is signicant at the 0.01 level. There is an inverse relationship between “sense of self-worth and
psychopathy. Thus, the inverse relationship between these two variables (Pearsons coefcient -0.291)
was P=0.000, which means that the relationship between the two variables is statistically signicant
at the 0.01 level.
A connection between Machiavellianism and narcissism is observed with the personality
characteristic of dealing with fantasies”. Thus, the presence of P=0.013 indicates that there is a
serious relationship between the characteristic of “dealing with fantasies and the variable of
Machiavellianism, and this relationship is signicant at the level of 0.05. But the relationship between
the two variables is an inverse relationship. The relationship between the characteristic of “engaging
in fantasiesand the variable of narcissism is also a signicant positive relationship at the 0.01 level,
as P=0.000.
“Belief in ones own uniquenessis only related to Machiavellianism. Since P=0.025, it can be
said that there is a direct relationship between “belief in ones own uniquenessand Machiavellianism
variables, and this relationship is statistically signicant at the level of 0.05.
There is also a relationship between the “need for attention and admirationvariable and
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
the narcissism variable. So here it was P=0.031. This shows that the relationship between the two
variables is signicant at the 0.05 level.
It is possible to observe that there is a statistically signicant relationship between “expectation
of special treatmentand Machiavellianism variable. Considering that P=0.015, it can be said that the
relationship between these two variables is signicant at the 0.05 level and at the same time there is
an inverse relationship between these variables.
There is an inverse relationship between “interpersonal manipulationand the psychopathy
variable. Here, P=0.000, which suggests that the relationship between the two variables is signicant
and statistically signicant at the 0.01 level.
There is an inverse relationship between “being empathetic” narcissism, and a direct
relationship between Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Since p=0.000, we can say that the
relationship between empathy” and narcissism and psychopathy is signicant at the 0.01 level, and
since p=0.30, the relationship between empathy” and Machiavellianism is signicant at the 0.05
There is also a signicant relationship between “feeling of envy” and narcissism, and since
P=0.004, the relationship between these two variables is signicant at the 0.01 level, and the negative
“Pearsons coefcient” indicates that there is an inverse relationship between the two variables.
A strong connection is also observed between “bold, arrogant behavior” and the elements
of the shadowy trinity (Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy). Here, p=0.000 means that the
direct relationship between Machiavellianism and “bold, arrogant behavior” is signicant at the 0.01
level, P=0.006 means that the inverse relationship between narcissism and “bold, arrogant behavior”
is signicant at the 0.01 level, and P=0.003 means “bold, arrogant behavior ” indicates that the direct
relationship between psychopathy is signicant at the 0.01 level.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
Table 5. Indicators of interaction of narcissistic personality traits (elements).
Note: Correlation at ** 0.01, * 0.05 level is two-sided.
Scales It is in itself Dealing with
Belief in
ones own
The need
for constant
attention and
It is in itself
Pearson Correlation 1.491** .213** .191*
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .006 .014
N165 165 165 165
Dealing with
Pearson Correlation .491** 1.204** .179*
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .008 .021
N165 165 165 165
Belief in ones
own uniqueness
Pearson Correlation .213** .204** 1.327**
Sig. (2-tailed) .006 .008 .000
N165 165 165 165
The need for
constant attention
and admiration
Pearson Correlation .191* .179* .327** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .014 .021 .000
N165 165 165 165
Expecting special
Pearson Correlation .280** .442** -.190* .087
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .014 .264
N165 165 165 165
Pearson Correlation .391** .114 .234** .502**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .145 .002 .000
N165 165 165 165
Having empathy
Pearson Correlation .040 .016 .229** .217**
Sig. (2-tailed) .610 .842 .003 .005
N165 165 165 165
Feelings of envy
Pearson Correlation .200** .049 .178* .195*
Sig. (2-tailed) .010 .535 .023 .012
N165 165 165 165
Brave behavior
Pearson Correlation .039 .014 .297** .200*
Sig. (2-tailed) .622 .859 .000 .010
N165 165 165 165
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
The interrelationship of narcissistic personality traits was also one of the topics we determined
during the research. According to the obtained results, there is a relationship between the feeling of
“self-worth” and the variable indulging in fantasies” (P=0.000), as well as the feeling of “self-worth
and “belief in ones own uniqueness(P=0.006) and “need for attention and admiration(P= 0.014)
and there is a direct relationship between the variables and this relationship is signicant at the 0.05
There is also a direct relationship between the variable engaging in fantasies and the
variables “belief in ones own uniqueness” (P=0.008) and “need for attention and admiration
(P=0.021), and this relationship is signicant at the 0.05 level. There is also a direct relationship
between the variables belief in ones own uniqueness and “need for attention and admiration
(P=0.000), and this relationship is signicant at the 0.01 level.
A relationship is observed between the variable expectation of special treatmentand the
variable self-worth” (P=0.000), the variable “engaging in fantasies(P=0.000) and the variable “belief
in ones own uniqueness” (P=0.014). The relationship between “expectation of special treatmentand
“need for constant attention and admiration” is not observed.
The relationship between “manipulation in interpersonal relationship variable and “self-
worth” variable (P=0.000), belief in own uniqueness” variable (P=0.002) and “need for constant
attention and admirationvariable (P=0.000) is observed. The relationship between “manipulation in
interpersonal relationships” and “engaging in fantasies” is not observed.
There is no relationship between the variable “having empathy” and the variable “self-worth
and the variable “engaging in fantasies”. However, the relationship between the variable “Empathy”
and the variable belief in ones own uniqueness(P=0.003) and the variable “need for constant
attention and admiration” (P=0.005) is observed, and this relationship is signicant at the 0.01 level.
Although no relationship was observed between the variable feelings of envy and the
variable self-worth” and the variable “engaging in fantasies, the relationship between the variable
“belief in ones own uniqueness” (P=0.023) and the variable “need for constant attention and
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
admiration” (P=0.012) was observed. is observed and this relationship is signicant at the 0.05 level.
Although there is no relationship between the variable “bold and arrogant behavior” and the
variable self-esteem and the variable “indulging in fantasies”, there is a correlation between the
variable “belief in ones own uniqueness” (P=0.000) and the variable “need for constant attention and
admiration” (P=0.010) there is a connection.
Discussion and Conclusion
Our research coincides with many studies devoted to narcissism (Clemens et al, 2022; Besser
and Zeigler-Hill, 2010; Cramer, 2017; Roche et al., 2013; Jabbarov et.al, 2022; Zitek and Jordan, 2013
). But it also contradicts a number of studies. Our research showed that when studying self-attitude
and narcissistic personality traits, signicant relationships were identied between self-attitude, dark
triad, and narcissistic personality traits.
The study showed that there is a positive relationship between self-interest and self-sympathy
scales. These relationships are mainly narcissism (shadowy triad), great sense of self-importance,
fantasy, belief in ones own uniqueness, need for admiration, etc. closely related to The analysis
showed that the belief in ones own uniqueness was positively related to the attitude expected from
others. The relationship between positive aspects of self-attitude and personality traits reected in the
Big Five is positive. These relationships characterize the personality as socially oriented, cooperative,
responsible and emotionally balanced. Therefore, a positive, accepting attitude towards oneself is a
natural result of such personal preconditions. Extraversion supports increased narcissistic traits. The
meaning of this relationship seems to be the need for action and recognition, which is characteristic
of the grandiose aspect of narcissism and related behavior. This can be considered the basis for
narcissistic fantasies and the search for a community to spread its inuence. The relationship of
narcissistic personality traits to various aspects of self-attitudes is reected in perceptions of oneself
as a special person with special privileges and rights, and in the desire to avoid painful experiences,
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
weakness, and inferiority.
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