ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
Márcia M. Sant’Anna Bungart1
Simone Cavalcante Bolor2
Ana Paula Silvestre Basilio da Silva3
Isabela Aparecida de Moura Higa4
Shirlei Lizak Zolfan5
Abstract: With the regulation of online sports bets in Brazil, as established by Law No. 14,790 and its
guidelines through Ordinance SPA/MF No. 1,231, there was a large increase in the number of players
and frequent adherence to betting platforms. This growth of people adept at betting games brings to light
signicant concerns related to mental health, because the game disorder, also known as ludopathy, is cha-
racterized by excessive and harmful use of this practice. Mental health studies indicate that exacerbated
involvement in gambling can lead to the development of serious psychological disorders such as depres-
sion, anxiety and stress, especially in cases of frequent nancial losses and repeated attempts to recover the
damage. This project aims to analyze the contributions of psychology, with emphasis on cognitive beha-
vioral therapy (CBT), in the confrontation and combating symptoms associated with game addiction and
online bets. Betting houses, popularly called Bets, have their operation legalized by Law No. 14,790/2023
and, from January 2025, will be authorized to work in Brazil within legal parameters, which will make
access wider, requiring measures Preventive and treatment strategies focused on the welfare of players.
Research will examine how CBT can contribute to the reduction of negative impacts caused by compul-
sive use of BETs, identifying risk factors and social and psychological inuences that lead to the develo-
1 Student of the Psychology course at the Faculty of the Americas
2 Student of the Psychology course at the Faculty of the Americas
3 Student of the Psychology course at the Faculty of the Americas
4 Student of the Psychology course at the Faculty of the Americas
5 Advisor Teacher of the Psychology Course at the College of the Americas
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
pment of this addiction. CBT -specic techniques will be explored to resignify dysfunctional thoughts,
promoting greater emotional and behavioral control of players and contributing to relapse prevention.
Keywords: Responsible Game; Psychology; Depression; Addiction; Game disorder.
The growth of betting and gambling platforms, driven by digitalization, global accessibility,
and the new betting law Law No. 14,790/2023 (Brazil, 2023) has brought to light signicant
concerns about the risks associated with gambling disorder.
Addiction to electronic games and the internet can be seen through a multi-
factorial and multidimensional etiology, due to the fact that the patient has
both a mental and behavioral disorder (Lemos; Santana, 2012, p. 28).
The phenomenon of betting in Brazil has drawn attention for its direct relationship with
mental health problems . Law No. 14,790/2023 and Ordinance SPA/MF No. 1,231/2024 (Brazil,
2023, 2024) established guidelines that require bets to take care of the mental health of players and
employees, in addition to encouraging responsible gambling. This scenario creates opportunities for
intervention in Psychology aimed at this niche.
To operate legally, as of January 2025, these gaming houses must be based in Brazil, operate
on sites with a domain “bet.br” and obtain authorization from the Secretariat of Prizes and Betting
(Gaming addiction can [...], 2018). Games of chance can include competitions such as horse racing
and soccer games, and depend exclusively on luck, oering a fascination with chance that can involve
pleasure and fear, according to Oliveira, Silveira and Silva (2008).
Even with the regulation, there is discussion about the impacts of the release of games,
especially on the development of mental disorders in practitioners (Oliveira; Silveira; Silva, 2008).
Technology and the internet facilitate access to bets, increasing the risk of addiction and increasing
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
cases of depression among gamblers (Abreu et al., 2008; Weinstock et al., 2008). The law seeks to curb
signicant population damage, as analyzed by Juliana Roman and Cintia Lima (2024):
The new law focuses on responsibility, integrity and transparency, establishing
strict standards for operating agents, such as the adoption of consumer practi-
ces compatible with the Consumer Protection Code (CDC), the full protection
of children and adolescents, as disciplined by the Statute of the Child and
Adolescent (ECA), the protection of personal data according to the General
Data Protection Law (LGPD), the implementation of a robust system aimed
at combating money laundering and terrorist nancing, preventing fraud and
betting manipulation, and encouraging responsible gambling and prevention
of pathological behavior.
From a clear and detailed legal framework for the operation of these activi-
ties. The Brazilian government intends to increase transparency, promote the
safety of bettors, and encourage good practices in the online betting market.
In this work, it will be studied how this process occurs, how bets work, what are the possible
symptoms and disorders caused by them and how Psychology can help.
The initial objective is to understand the concept of bets oered by houses named as bets, their
operation and the possible impacts on the lives of users of these platforms, including the associated
risks and consequences. Such issues have gained prominence in society, especially with the growing
media coverage and government intervention through inspection, regulation and control of this new
type of betting.
After this analysis, it seeks to understand the role of the psychologist in the face of the
increase in cases of gambling disorder, to understand how the professional can contribute to the
assessment, intervention, preventive treatment, guidance, post-crisis support and to conducting
research on gambling disorder and its symptoms.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
This study is a bibliographic search of scientic literature together with an integrative review,
in order to allow a more in-depth analysis of dierent perspectives on the subject and the synthesis of
the results with new studies on the subject, available in the SciELO databases, BvSalud, newspapers
of high circulation, news pages, pages of the judiciary and literature through published books.
This work can be called a qualitative descriptive bibliographic research: qualitative because
it is of partial and limited knowledge, with the aim of understanding the trajectory that led to the
problem through the analysis of perceptions; descriptive because it collects data and does not interfere
with the analysis, based on the data already obtained; and bibliographic because it uses material
already published in databases or magazines, along with books.
To carry out this research, the descriptors responsible gambling, Psychology, depression,
addiction and gambling disorder were used in the databases. In them, 1,687 articles containing the
keywords described with a periodicity of up to 20 years were found. The criterion used for inclusion was
the relationship between the keywords and those that described what was sought, being in accordance
with the theme of the work. Among them, 35 articles were selected, and with the descriptive bet, 5
articles were found. In addition to the online research, 4 books were used to construct the references.
The aim of this study was to understand the role of the psychologist in the care of gambling
disorders, and how the professional can act responsibly in helping the treatment of this disorder with
regard to addiction to online games.
Pathological gambling and use of bets
Before getting into the subject, you need to know the denition of bet. According to Marques
(2009), the word bet comes from “to bet, to put an amount of money in a certain game (generally
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
known as gambling). If the bet is the winner, the bettor will receive its amount with prots.
Within this context, pathological gambling is given great prominence, since it is related to
impulse and habit disorders according to the International Statistical Classication of Diseases and
Related Health Problems (ICD-10) under the code F-63. Pathological gambling consists of frequent
and repeated episodes of gambling, dominating the individuals behavior to the detriment of material,
occupational, social and family commitments and values (Oliveira; Scott; Silva, 2008). Gambling
disorder activates brain circuits of gratication similar to those of pleasurable behaviors, such as eating
or having sex. In aected people, these circuits do not work properly, leading to an uncontrollable
need to gamble. The craving arises when they cannot bet, becoming intense and contributing to
relapses (Tavares, 2008).
Pathological gambling, classied in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Revised Text: DSM-5-TR (American Psychiatric Association APA, 2022), is described as an
impulse control disorder, characterized by persistent and recurrent gambling behaviors that result in
signicant impairments in the individuals life (APA, 2022). In the online betting environment (bets),
these behaviors are intensied due to the ease of access, 24-hour availability, and anonymity oered
by digital platforms.
In recent months, dependence on betting has become an alarming issue within
Brazilian companies. Easy access to online betting platforms, combined with
the growing popularity of sports betting, has led many workers to develop
compulsive behaviors (Betting Addiction [...], 2024).
According to the news reported in a widely circulated magazine, bets on bets aect the
emotions and beliefs of bettors, being reinforced by social interactions and creating false perceptions.
This leads young men to develop the illusion of control over the results. Inuenced by friends or
family, they come to believe that their victories depend more on their skills, strategies, and knowledge
than on luck. This phenomenon is known as a cognitive distortion (Felix, 2024).
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
Online betting addiction: the BETS platform
Gambling can be a form of entertainment, but its excessive use can result in negative
consequences such as gambling disorder (Oliveira et al., 2022). Understanding the factors that can
lead a person to betting addiction can help in prevention and treatment.
Just like a drug addict who doesnt drink or take drugs, a person with a gambling disorder
will often feel craving if they stop gambling. “Dened as an uncontrollable need to repeat pleasurable
acts, enhanced by the impediment to repeat them, craving grows until it becomes unstoppable and is
the main cause of relapses” (Institute of Psychiatry – IPq, c2024).
In the rst weeks of abstinence, the craving experienced by gamblers is more intense than
that of alcohol-dependents. If a player manages to stay away from betting for about 90 days, the
intensity of the craving decreases, increasing the chances of successful treatment (IPq, c2024).
With regard to the causes and origins of addiction to electronic games, it is important to
emphasize its multifactorial and multidimensional character. Individuals who have this addiction
often suer from both mental and behavioral disorders, reecting the complexity of this disorder. In
addition, there is a strong correlation with biological factors, as well as with the various motivations
that lead to involvement with games, such as the search for socialization, personal achievements,
or the exploration of new environments. Some scholars point out that risk factors include the life
history of players, the use of gambling as a mechanism to escape daily responsibilities, the search for
discharging repressed emotions such as anger, frustrations, and sadness, low self-esteem, and low
self-ecacy (Oliveira et al., 2022).
Relationship between gambling addiction and depression
Several authors discuss the relationship between depression and problems associated with
gambling, questioning how this connection occurs. It is questioned whether gambling disorder is the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
cause of depression, due to its negative consequences, such as signicant nancial losses, conicts in
relationships or increased stress; or if, on the other hand, depression drives the individual to gamble
compulsively as a way to ll an emotional or existential void. These aspects still lack more concrete
and specic responses aimed at the Brazilian population (Santos, 2019).
According to experts, most compulsive gamblers face underlying problems such as mood
disorder and depression (Gaming Addiction Can [...], 2018). Research indicates that prolonged
exposure to gaming can negatively impact mood and psychological well-being, intensifying feelings
of isolation and sadness, often linked to depression.
In addition, studies reveal a relationship between the type of gambling and the severity
of depressive symptoms. Games that feature excessive competition, immediate rewards, and online
interactions can increase frustration and feelings of powerlessness, especially when the desired results
are not achieved. These elements, added to the tendency to isolation, can generate a cycle in which
gaming addiction and depression feed each other, making it essential to implement psychological,
medical and medication interventions, if applicable, and other complementary and alternative therapies
appropriate to ludopathy (Gambling addiction causes [...], c2022-2024).
BETS: psychology as a tool for recovery
Health experts note that, with each cycle of game release, there is a signicant increase in
the number of people who develop gambling disorder and seek help, with this number stabilizing
at a higher level than before. The ease of access to games especially after the release of xed-
quota games in 2018, which can be done through websites and apps – contributes to this increase. In
addition, the possibility of placing multiple bets and playing continuously worsens the problem due to
the immediate gratications available 24 hours a day (IPq, c2024)1.
1 *Pathological Gambling Outpatient Clinic (AMJO). It is part of the Integrated Outpatient
Program for Impulse Disorders at IPq. **Psychiatrist interviewed by IPq interviewers.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
As this is a relatively new topic, considering that betting will start its eective operations
in January 2025 in Brazil, after the ocial release of the operating authorization (Brasil, 2023), an
analysis was carried out on the website of a company that oers specialized support in the treatment
of ludopathy. This company also works as a consultant for betting operators and oers exclusive
service to players through a service center, with the purpose of encouraging responsible gambling.
The companys mission includes providing support to those in need and assisting companies in
implementing safe and conscious practices. This analysis aimed to understand how SOS Player
intervenes in cases of ludopathy (Treinamentos [...], c2024-2025).
SOS Player, in the context of psychological approaches to gambling disorder with a focus on
bets, oers psychological support for partner bets, with expert and experienced psychologists on the
world of online gaming and its problems, promoting a less sick and more sustainable environment for
both bettors and their employees (Training [...], c2024-2025).
They also oer tests for the exclusive use of Psychology professionals with active registration
with the Regional Council of Psychology (CRP). There are several tests to prioritize early care for
possible causes of mental illness, such as gambling disorder and, consequently, various associated
symptoms, including depression, and also the treatment of pathological gambling addiction through
online or face-to-face, group or individual consultations (Trainings [...], c2024-2025).
The importance of public policies for responsible gaming at BETS
The Brazilian legislation on online betting, sanctioned in December 2023, establishes a
series of guidelines aimed at regulating sports betting (Brasil, 2023). Among these guidelines, the
requirement that betting operators adopt responsible gaming practices stands out, aiming to minimize
the risks associated with ludopathy and, consequently, depression. The new law creates a regulatory
framework that not only legalizes betting, but also requires companies to commit to protecting players,
which includes the implementation of tools that prevent addiction.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
Betting companies (bets) are required to incorporate player protection mechanisms, as required
by the new legislation. Among the main measures is the betting limitation, which seeks to restrict the
total amount a player can bet within a certain period, and the self-exclusion feature, which allows the
player to voluntarily leave the platform for a certain time as a form of prevention (Brasil, 2023). In
addition, betting companies must oer psychological support to their users, providing guidance and
shelter to players who show signs of problem gambling, including symptoms of depression.
According to Ordinance SPA/MF No. 1,231, of July 31, 2024 (Brazil, 2024), betting operators
in Brazil are required to implement gambling addiction prevention programs. These programs should
include awareness campaigns about the risks of gambling, as well as oering access to support
services for at-risk players, such as psychological guidance and the development of self-control
practices (Brasil, 2024).
The State, together with bookmakers, plays a key role in providing psychological resources
and assistance to gamblers at risk. The new Brazilian legislation provides that operators provide
emotional support lines, psychotherapy and other forms of assistance to players who show signs
of gambling addiction. Such measures, in addition to preventing the development of more serious
disorders and mitigating symptoms of depression, among others, are essential for the treatment of
those who already suer from ludopathy, promoting a faster and more eective recovery. The joint
action of the State with bookmakers is, therefore, indispensable to ensure that responsible gambling
is a real and ecient practice in Brazil (Brasil, 2024).
Group CBT: Fighting Depression Caused by BETS
With the growing popularity of sports betting in Brazil following its regulation in 2023, new
mental health challenges emerge, mainly related to gambling addiction, which aggravate depressive
symptoms and cause social and nancial impacts (Ferreira, 2024; Nancy; Chiara, 2024; Olive tree;
Scott; Silva, 2008). Specialized psychologists play a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
these cases, as directed by the Regional Council of Psychology.
The combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with group therapy is an eective
strategy to mitigate depression associated with betting addiction. Yalom and Leszcz (2006) highlight
that group therapy allows cohesion, support and exchange of experiences, essential to relieve isolation
and emotional suering. According to Osório (2003), group dynamics help to work on feelings of
guilt and shame, common among gamblers, promoting empathy and reformulation of beliefs about
Judith S. Beck (2013) reinforces that CBT helps patients identify and modify dysfunctional
thoughts that aggravate depression. In the context of addiction, CBT helps to restructure negative
beliefs about gambling and compulsive behavior.
Studies show that CBT, both individually and in groups, reduces the frequency of gambling
and improves self-ecacy, presenting lasting results (Hodgins; Peden, 2007). The approach provides
emotional support and practical tools for cognitive and behavioral change, enhancing recovery,
including in brief formats.
The expansion of online betting in Brazil has led to a signicant increase in the number of
people with addiction problems, who spend, on average, R$ 20 billion monthly on digital platforms
(IPq, c2024). This growth aects not only the nancial, but also the social and family relationships
and mental health of bettors, generating serious consequences such as suicide. A case reported by
doctor Gabrielle Foppa, from UFRGS, involved a 28-year-old man who, after accumulating a debt of
R$ 10 thousand in bets, attempted suicide (IPq, c2024).
Since the regulation of betting, more than 2 thousand bets have started to operate in Brazil.
Between July 2023 and June 2024, BRL 68.2 billion were moved in bets, equivalent to 0.6% of the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with BRL 24.2 billion being fees paid and only BRL 200 million in
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
prizes (José, 2024). In August 2024, Bolsa Família beneciaries transferred BRL 3 billion via PIX for
betting, according to data from the Central Bank (IPq, c2024).
With the new legislation, a portion of betting taxes will go toward mental health, a crucial
measure given the rise in gambling-related disorders. Psychiatrist Daniel Spritzer, from the São Pedro
Psychiatric Hospital, reinforces that the demand for treatment grows with the legalization of gambling
(IPq, c2024). Betting companies invest heavily in advertising and sponsor football, in addition to
using digital inuencers to promote the game as an opportunity for easy prot, even if the law requires
warnings about responsible gambling.
Studies show that gambling addiction is similar to chemical dependence, activating the
brains reward system and generating physical, nancial, and social damage. A 2010 study indicates
that 1.3% of Brazilians had gambling problems and 1% were considered pathological gamblers (IPq,
c2024). Psychologist Ana Yaemi Hayashiuchi explains that, as with chemical dependency, it is dicult
to control gambling addiction (IPq, c2024).
Vulnerable groups, such as LGBTQIA+ and low-income people, are especially aected by
betting addiction. The LGBTQIA+ population invests considerably in games and runs mental health
risks due to the social context. Young people from these minorities, when seeking support on social
networks, are exposed to betting ads, which become a dangerous attraction.
Low-income people, who see betting as a chance to improve their nancial situation, also end
up compromising their income. In August 2024, Bolsa Família beneciaries transferred approximately
R$ 3 billion to betting (Germano, 2024). The Bolsa Família program is intended to cover basic needs,
but many divert this resource to gambling, which compromises their livelihood. After collecting this
data, Minister Wellington Dias announced the blocking of Bolsa Família cards for use in betting to
avoid compromising the minimum income (Maximum, 2024).
The Minister of Health, Nísia Trindade, highlighted the seriousness of the compulsion to
gamble, comparing it to a “pandemic” and reinforcing the need to treat it as a public health issue
(Ferreira, 2024).
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
Given the growing popularity of online betting and its impact on thenancial and emotional
lives of Brazilians, mental health care should be prioritized. The promotion of responsible gambling,
together with the allocation of resources from betting for addiction treatment, is an indispensable
strategy. Betting regulation and risk awareness policies are essential steps to mitigate the damage
caused by addiction, promoting psychological support and preventing mental disorders. It is essential
that psychologists and government initiatives work together to create a safer and healthier environment,
helping in the recovery of individuals aected by this problem.
The topic still requires a lot of study, as it is a law in implementation and involves a lot of
complexity, including with regard to adjustments to its rules, which can be changed.
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