ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Rashid Jabbarov1
Mushvig Mustafayev2
Abstract: The article analyzes values as a contradictory and ambiguous concept. Various and
alternative concepts devoted to this problem are classied, and approaches to the study of values in
modern psychology are grouped according to various criteria. At the same time, the article notes that
the existing approaches to values indicate that the value system has a different structure, and each
of them has its own place in psychological research. In conclusion, it is noted that although there are
different views among authors regarding the concept of values and its content, most researchers believe
that values play an important role in the structure of personality and the regulation of its behavior.
Experimental research shows that with age, the process of transformation of values takes shape in a
specic direction. If in earlier age periods the reasons for evaluating moral actions were conditioned
by various factors, in later age periods students associated the idea of the wrongness of these or other
moral actions with specic reasons. The results of the study showed that while friendship and justice
were more important for boys than for girls, girls gave more preference to values such as money
and fame. The obtained result shows that the correct assessment of values depends on the students
worldview, intellectual level and sphere of knowledge.
Keywords: student, youth, values, transformation, technology, society
1 Baku State University, Odlar Yurdu Universty Baku, Azerbaijan, Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-
2 Baku State University, Odlar Yurdu Universty Baku, Azerbaijan, Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
The development of science and technology has affected the thinking patterns and orientations
of people at all levels. The rapid development of information technologies has also affected human
behavior. Regardless of the century in which we live, and even if we take into account that the means
we use have changed from century to century, it is impossible to imagine and understand a person
as a living being without the concept of values. Despite the fact that we have different religions,
languages, races and cultures, a persons personality is always formed on the basis of values. Values
are factors that directly affect the life of a person and society, either positively or negatively. Having a
positive character means having the ability to behave and communicate in accordance with the values
widespread in society. In this regard, the transformation of positive values to subsequent generations
is necessary. In this regard, the value system of a person has complex characteristics and is included in
the research subject of various social and humanitarian sciences - psychology, sociology, philosophy,
anthropology and other sciences. On the one hand, values manifest themselves as a regulator of social
behavior and norms, and on the other hand, they are any desirable subjective concepts for a certain
group or individual (Mustafayev, 2020; Mustafayev, 2019, Jabbarov et.al, 2023), . Therefore, it is
possible to conduct a functional and structural analysis of values both at the macro, that is, socio-
cultural level, and at the micro-individual psychological level. In the conditions of globalization and
integration, the wealth tendencies of the individual have undergone serious changes compared to
previous years. Also, in such conditions, cultural diversity cannot maintain its conservative status
under the inuence of its own values. Today, an individual living in conditions of cultural diversity
must both preserve his individual values and adapt to foreign values coming from globalization
and integration. The transformation of values in conditions of cultural diversity is quite dynamic in
modern times. Values with quite exible mechanisms today present young people with a choice, and
in many cases lead to the relegation of national-spiritual values to the background. The main reason
for this is the promotion of national values, as everyone knows. On the one hand, the transformation
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
of values accelerates integration in conditions of cultural diversity, but on the other hand, it leads to
the suppression of cultural values.
In psychological approaches, values are interpreted as qualities, motives, orientations, life
goals, behavior models, beliefs, expectations, centralization of interests, etc. It should be noted that a
number of researchers conducting research in this direction believe that the value system of a person
can be analyzed as general orientations (Yadov, 1979).
According to other researchers, it is possible to correlate values with the interests and needs
of the person and society. A number of researchers Allport, Vernon and Lindsey interpreted values
as a criterion for the typology of a person in their approaches. These researchers created one of the
rst psychological scales for measuring values in the 30s of the 20th century. These researchers
characterized values not as desired goals, but rather as interests and motives. Based on the scale they
created, it is possible to measure 6 types of values or interests. Examples of these values or interests
include theoretical, economic, aesthetic, social, political and religious.
According to M. Rokić, values are an indicator of a persons stable beliefs that manifest
themselves in behavior and the ultimate goal. Values and orientations are psychological determinants
that regulate peoples social behavior. However, these two concepts should not be confused. In his
opinion, orientation is a type of intentional state directed towards a specic object or situation.
Unlike orientations, values are more abstract in nature, but occupy a more important place in the
lives of individual people. They, in addition to expressing specic content (characteristics), intensity,
normativity and social desirability of relationships, are also closely interconnected with self-esteem
and a sense of identity [M. Rok, 1976 ].
Unlike M. Rokić, R. Inglart in his studies tried to clarify not the mechanism of changes
in the value system of a person in adulthood, but rather the inuence of economic and technological
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
changes in society on this process. At the same time, the process of modernization and democracy
occurs on the basis of the change of two key bipolarities in culture: self-expression and its opposite,
traditional and its opposite secular-rational authorities. The main component of the rst change
is post-material values, which are opposed to material values. Thus, societies that give priority to
material values rst of all . they give priority to fame, physical existence, safety and material well-
being. In post-material societies, the pursuit of autonomy, self-expression, group afliation, trust and
tolerance in interpersonal communication, and improvement of the quality of life are predominant.
The second change in cultural diversity is related to the change in attitude towards authority. In
traditional societies, moral and religious beliefs are strong, ideas about the leading role of men in
economic and political life are dominant, and they are also characterized by intolerance towards
abortion and divorce.
H. Hofstede classies culture as the differentiation of people belonging to different groups
from each other according to the collective mental program or software of the mind. Culture is a
distinctive feature of society (collective identity), not of the individual (4). In this regard, the study of
values, which are considered the core of culture, is of particular interest. According to him, values
are formed in an individual by the age of 10 and are extremely difcult to change. He points to the
fact that many values operate subconsciously as unconditional reexes. All values are interconnected,
have a certain intensity and together create a value system or hierarchy of the personality.
D H. Triandis identies 4 universal cultural syndromes that are common to all cultures:
cultural complexity, cultural pressure, individualism and collectivism [Тriandis, 1961; Jabbarov et al,
In his opinion, the last two syndromes are considered more important types of social
relations existing in society. The concept of “cultural complexity” indicates the level of complexity
and differentiation that society has reached in its development. The indicator of this process is mainly
the number of internal groups and the interaction of a person with them. There is a correlation
between this syndrome and the cultural dimension individualism-collectivism. In highly developed
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
and complex societies, the number of internal groups increases (family, friends), but a person does
not consider himself closely connected with them. In contrast, in less developed and less complex
societies, there is a strong emotional attachment and sense of identication with ones own group.
Thus, relations between representatives of outgroups are more intense and individualistic than in
collective societies [Triandis, 1961].
The syndrome of “cultural oppression” is associated with social norms and the punishment
of the individual in case of their violation. There are conservative cultures that contain numerous rules
and laws. In these cultures, even the slightest deviation from these rules is criticized and punished.
Such cultures include homogeneous and collective societies. In liberal societies, the opposite is true.
In terms of content, individualism involves not being emotionally dependent on internal
groups, focusing on ones own strength, solving problems independently, and achieving personal
success. Personal interests are prioritized over the interests of the group and society. Collectivism, in
turn, has other content variations. In cultures of this type, the goals and well-being of any individual are
subordinate to the group. In such cultures, values such as security, intragroup harmony, cooperation,
and emotional dependence prevail [ Triandis, 1961; Jabbarov et.al, 2023].
Other researchers believe that in individualistic cultures the individual is independent, not
dependent on the group, but in collective societies the individual is dependent on the group and
behaves in accordance with social expectations [Peterson, & Thomas,. 2007].
Israeli psychologist Shalom Schwarz and his German colleague Wolfgang Bilinski propose a
content analysis of the study of wealth orientation and values, which differs from previous approaches.
These researchers study two main aspects of values: a typology of values is created based on the
motivational content; 2) the structural relationships of different types of values. S. Schwarzs research
on the structure and content of values has been conrmed in studies on the cross-cultural study of
values. The studies were conducted between 1988 and 2002. These studies were conducted on 64,000
people in 67 countries around the world, covering all continents. The study also included people from
former socialist countries. [Schwartz, 2014]. Typological samples or specially selected strategies were
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
used during the study. Teachers and students living in societies reecting primarily conservative and
modern tendencies participated.
According to the Dutch psychologist F. Trompenaars and his English colleague C. Hampden-
Turner, culture is a means of solving a specic problem or dilemma of a group of people. They believe
that humanity faces 3 universal problems: 1). Interaction with other people; 2) Attitude to time; 3)
Attitude to nature
Cultures differ from each other in the decisions made by authorities regarding the resolution
of value conicts. Cross-cultural studies conducted by F. Trompenaars and C. Hampden-Turner were
aimed at studying the inuence of culture on business management. The study was conducted on
30,000 people working in various enterprises in 50 countries of the world. The method developed by
these authors offers a wide range of hypothetical dilemmas related to social interaction and everyday
behavior between people. As a result of factor analysis of the results obtained, they identied 7 bipolar
variations that characterize national and organizational cultures.
1. universalism - specicity;
2. meritocracy - collectivism;
3. affective - neutrality
4. specicity - diffusion
5. achievement - origin
6. short-term - long-term temporal orientation
7. internal - external control over the environment.
Therst 5 value dimensions are identical to the 5 orientations in social relations put forward
by Parsons and relate to the problem of interpersonal relations between people. The sixth dichotomy is
related to the perception of time, and the seventh is related to problems related to the attitude towards
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
The measurement of universalism-specicity (rules versus relationships) distinguishes
cultures where rules are strict from cultures focused on maintaining relationships. Traditionally,
it is believed that in economically developed countries, a universal model of behavior dominated
by abstract rules and laws prevails. In economically underdeveloped countries, on the contrary, an
emotional approach to the problems of ones friends, relatives, colleagues, and colleagues prevails.
The cultural dilemma of individualism-collectivism reects the interaction between the individual and
the group. According to both authors, in individualism, people are more focused on themselves, while
in collectivism, achieving common goals is more the main direction [Trompenaars and Hampden-
Ter ner, 2010].
Thus, in individualistic cultures, individual interests, self-esteem of the individual come to
the fore, and in collectivist cultures, the well-being and development of all groups and organizations
come to the fore. Hofstede believes that rich and developed countries are distinguished by a high level
of individualism.
We can show a slow change in their development.
K. Baychinsky viewed values as a qualitative project of life activity itself, as well as its
subject. In his opinion, the structure of the value system includes a number of vertical levels that differ
in importance. At the same time, each level consists of a number of values with a certain intensity.
According to K. Baychinsky, the structure of the value system is relatively stable, but in extreme
situations it can undergo various changes. We can group them as follows.
1. Change in the place of value in the hierarchy of the value system (the importance of a
number of values increases, the importance of a number of values decreases);
2. Regressive and progressive changes - cognitive complexity or simplication of the
structure of the value system;
3. Increase or decrease in the intensity of important values;
4. The emergence of values that are opposite to the values that are still functioning.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Based on the results of the analysis of the energetic and content relationships between values,
a new planetary model is created. Reecting the modication of the horizontal-vertical model, it not
only retains its explanatory properties and capabilities, but also expands it. The main theoretical
provisions of the planetary model consist of the following provisions reecting the energetic mutual
relationships between values:
1. Those that make up the core of the value system are considered the most important
values. The intensity of values begins to decrease as they move from the center to the
2. The decrease in values at the vertical level is accompanied by a discharge of psychic
energy, and their increase is accompanied by an increase.
The main hypothesis of the study
The study refers to the hypothesis that adequate self-awareness of young students, having a
systematic national identity, creates conditions for them to more deeply understand the moral values,
moral-psychological qualities of their people.
The study was conducted on students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology,
Biology and Mechanics-Mathematics of BSU. The number of male and female students was taken
equally. The study used the “Kohlberg Methodology” “Questionnaire”, and the grades received by the
students from the training were recorded
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Table 1. Gender composition of respondents
According to the age distribution, 90 respondents belong to the 17-19 age group, 90 respondents
belong to the 20-22 age group, and 90 respondents belong to the 23-25 age group.
Table 2 Age composition of respondents
Composition of respondents in terms of attitude towards education (excellent student, good
student, weak/bad student). In fact, taking this issue into account in determining the sample group,
the number of excellent, good and poor students was the same for both girls and boys
Table 3.Respondents’ attitude towards education
Gender Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Girl 135 50.0 50.0
Girl 135 50.0 100.0
Tot al 270 100.0
Age Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
17-19 90 33.3 33.3
20-22 90 33.3 66.7
23-25 90 33.3 100.0
Tot al 270 100.0
Attitude towards education Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Bad student 90 33.3 33.3
Good student 90 33.3 66.7
Excellent 90 33.3 100.0
Tot al 270 100.0
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Attitude towards action by gender and education attitude variables
Table 4. Attitudes towards action across gender and education variables
The obtained result shows that the correct assessment of the action from a moral point of
view depends on the studentsworldview, intellectual level and sphere of knowledge. Thus, most of
the excellent female and male students considered the above question to be morally correct. Also,
certain differences were revealed between the poorly performing female and male students.
Table 5. Attitudes towards action by gender
Both boys and girls think that the action is right, but girls insist more on the rightness of the
action in relation to boys.
Gender Attitude towards education Tot al
Bad student Good student Excellent
Attitude towards movement
Situational dependence 13 12 631
False 20 10 12 42
Correct 12 23 27 62
Tot al 45 45 45 135
Boy Attitude towards movement
Situational dependence 15 11 531
False 21 13 11 45
Correct 921 29 59
Tot al 45 45 45 135
Attitude towards movement
Gender Total
Girl Boy
Situational dependence 31 31 62
False 42 45 87
Correct 62 59 121
Tot al 135 135 270
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Table 6. Attitude to action by age variable
Experimental research shows that with increasing age, the process of transformation of
values takes shape in a specic direction. If in earlier age periods the reasons for evaluating moral
actions were conditioned by various factors, in later age periods students associated the idea that these
or other moral actions were wrong with specic reasons.
Table 7. Preferred values by gender and age variable
Students aged 17-19 were more likely to want to see or prefer “Justice in their personal
lives. In this process, boys were the majority. Considering that these students were mostly in the
rst and second years of study and were in their early teens, the naturalness of the answers given to
the question at that time is beyond doubt. This also corresponds to the results obtained with other
methods. Social motives predominate in students studying in the rst and second years, which proves
that their ideas about values have not yet undergone serious changes. The fact that “friendship” takes
second place here is a clear proof of this. Certain differences between girls and boys were also evident
in relation to this quality. 17-19 years old
The hierarchy of wealth values of students aged 20-22 changes to a certain extent, especially
Attitude towards movement
Age Tot al
17-19 20-22 23-25
Situational dependence 21 17 24 62
False 34 38 15 87
Correct 35 35 51 121
Tot al 90 90 90 270
Attitude towards movement
Age Total
17-19 20-22 23-25
Situational dependence 21 17 24 62
False 34 38 15 87
Correct 35 35 51 121
Tot al 90 90 90 270
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
the fact that “Fame” takes rst place can be explained by their perspective activity. The student’s
hope for the future and his individual dreams seriously affect the value system. The fact that justice
occupies the last place is explained by some negative situations encountered by most students in the
educational process. The wealth values of students aged 23-25 undergo a sharp change. Money and
wealth come to one of the rst places. Justice, which is ambivalent about these signs, occupies one
of the last places. In addition, when students were asked why this prevailed, most students noted
that the meaning of everything is in money and wealth. If we compare these facts with the previous
age period, we can conclude that moral qualities in most cases change in accordance with life and
are often individualized by the demands of society. According to the students, the normality of their
socio-economic status is the main factor for everyone to maintain these or other moral qualities and
spiritual values. Otherwise, deformation of values may occur.
Table 8. Values and Gender Crosstabulation
When it comes to values according to the gender variable, while friendship and justice are
more important for boys than girls, girls prefer values such as money and fame.
Our research has shown that there is a conict between the tendency to change values and
the tendency to preserve values in young students. There is also a conict between their tendency
to self-preference and self-improvement values. In this regard, the value system of young students
Girl Boy Total
Friendship 28 30 58
Justice 35 43 78
Money 49 41 90
Fame 23 21 44
Tot al 135 135 270
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
is an important component of their behavior, manifesting itself in their attitude to the world and life
choices. The results obtained show that the correct assessment of values depends on the students
worldview, intellectual level and sphere of knowledge.The results of our study on the factors affecting
the transformation of the value system in young students coincide, although not directly, with the
results of many studies (Schwartz, (1986) (Hofstede, (1980), Kağıtçıbaşı, (2010), Aghajani, et al,2014;
Ramiz and Vakil, 2020).
At the same time, in many studies, contradictory points and inconsistencies are evident A.
Maslow, (1976); Rokeach M. (1973), V. Frankl, (1990). It was determined in these studies that each
value is based on a belief. According to them, these groups of values reect three main directions
in which a person nds meaning in life. The rst direction is related to what the individual gives
to the world with what he creates, the second direction is related to what the individual gets from
what he encounters in the world and the impressions he makes in it, and the third direction is related
to what the individual takes in relation to situations in which it is impossible to change his fate is
related. According to a number of researchers, the content of values constitutes a set of relationships
that are related to this system of values and the visual content of human experience (Vakil, 2020).
They described the values of the subject in the plan of personal relationships carried out within the
framework of subject-object interactions.
Summarizing all this, we can conclude that the strengthening of ideas about values in young
people in most cases depends on the socio-psychological nuances of the circumstances in which
they nd themselves. In order to develop values, it is rst necessary to achieve the adequacy of self-
awareness in young people. For this, it is necessary to achieve self-observation and self-analysis in
young people. From the results of our research, it is clear that values show students ideal ways of
thinking and behaving. In young students, the assessment of moral actions and their justication
according to age increases. On the contrary, as age increases, the assessment of actions depending
on the situation decreases. Adequate self-awareness and a systematic national sense of identity
among young students enable them to more deeply understand the spiritual values and moral and
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
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