ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
Acacio Silva Barros1
Camila Helena de Souza Queiroz2
Abstract: This study investigated the relationship between academic progress in undergraduate
Nutrition courses and the consumption of ultra-processed foods among students. Although it is expected
that the acquired knowledge will reduce this consumption, factors such as stress, high workload, and
limited access to fresh foods can perpetuate it. Thus, we sought to analyze how these factors inuence
the diet of university students throughout the course. The research, of a descriptive and qualitative-
quantitative nature, was carried out with 1,093 Nutrition students from Brazil, distributed between the
1st and 8th semesters. Data collection occurred via an electronic form containing demographic and
eating habits questions, including frequency of consumption of carbohydrates, coee, and sweetened
beverages. Participants were selected through invitations in academic networks, and only those who
accepted the Free and Informed Consent Form participated. The results indicated a trend of greater
consumption of ultra-processed foods in the rst semesters, with a gradual reduction throughout
the course, suggesting that academic training may favor more judicious food choices. However, an
increase in sporadic consumption was observed and a small portion of students maintained frequent
consumption, exposing themselves to nutritional risks. Factors such as advertising, socioeconomic
prole and adaptation to the academic routine inuenced eating patterns. It is concluded that, despite
the positive impact of nutritional education, structural and behavioral challenges still hinder the
1 Graduated in Nutrition from FAINC, specialization in Nutrition and physiology applied to
exercise from Uniguacu
2 Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Campinas, Nutritionist from the
University of Guarulhos, Specialist in Maternal and Child Nutrition from Estácio de Sá and Master in
Sciences from the University of São Paulo.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
adoption of healthy eating habits.
Keywords: Ultra-processed foods. Nutrition. Food
The increasing prevalence of ultra-processed food consumption has been associated with
health risks, such as obesity and chronic diseases, making it a global public health challenge. Among
university students, especially in courses such as Nutrition, it is expected that the technical knowledge
acquired throughout the undergraduate course will promote healthier food choices. However, studies
such as Bonalumes et al.,(2020) and Macedo et al.,(2020) reveal that Nutrition students have a high
consumption of ultra-processed foods, contradicting the assumption that academic training guarantees
adequate eating practices. This paradox raises questions about how academic progress, marked by
the acquisition of knowledge in nutrition and health, eectively inuences the eating habits of these
Given this scenario, the following question arises: How does academic advancement
in undergraduate studies in Nutrition impact the consumption of ultra-processed foods among
students? Despite the expectation that the academic curriculum will promote awareness, factors such
as intense routine, stress, and limited access to fresh food can perpetuate the consumption of ultra-
processed foods, as pointed out by Sampaio et al.,(2022) and Fondevila-Gascón et al.,(2022).
The social relevance lies in the need to understand barriers that prevent the practical
application of nutritional knowledge, contributing to educational and health policies that reduce the
consumption of ultra-processed foods among future professionals. Scientically, the topic broadens
the discussion on the disconnection between theory and practice in academic training, complementing
studies such as those by Silva (2018), which address the media inuence on food, and Dun-Agüero
et al.,(2023), which associate ultra-processed foods with obesity in university students.
It is suggested that academic progress reduce the consumption of ultra-processed foods due
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
to greater knowledge in nutrition, as evidenced by Silva Gomes et al.,(2019) on labeling. However, it is
possible that the overload of graduation intensies consumption, as indicated by Macedo et al.,(2020),
who identied high consumption even among advanced students.
The general objective is to analyze the inuence of academic progress in undergraduate
studies in Nutrition on the consumption of ultra-processed foods among students.The specic
objectives were: evaluate consumption patterns of ultra-processed foods at dierent stages of the
course; compare dietary practices between freshmen and seniors; to identify academic (workload,
internships) and psychosocial (stress, access to food) factors associated with consumption.
In contemporary times, stress has consolidated itself as a constant in global society. Each
individual manifests unique reactions to this phenomenon, evidencing distinct biological responses,
inuenced by the intensity and nature of the stressful experiences, as well as by environmental,
physiological and psychological factors. Such circumstances lead to dierent behavioral changes,
including increased appetite and exacerbated consumption of licit substances such as tobacco and
alcohol, whose deleterious eects become evident when ingested in an excessive manner (Penafort et
al., 2016).
In view of this scenario, it was found that stress inuences eating behavior, directing
preferences to foods with high palatability, characterized by high levels of fat and sugar. In addition to
their signicant energy value, such foods are often consumed as a compensatory strategy to mitigate
adverse emotional states (Macedo; Soares; of Jesus; Pereira & Freitas, 2017).
University students are in a decisive transition stage, in which vulnerability to emotional
imbalances intensies. The academic environment imposes substantial challenges, such as strict
curricular requirements, uncertainties about the future, adaptation to living far from the family, and
the responsibility for acquiring and preparing ones own food. These factors have a direct inuence on
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
dietary patterns, causing negative repercussions on the quality of nutritional choices (Almeida, 2017).
An adverse relationship was identied between high levels of stress and academic
performance, as the accumulation of tension compromises the ability to concentrate and assimilate
content. However, this correlation is not restricted exclusively to the stress factor, since the absence
of regular physical activity practices is also a determining element. Overweight, in turn, emerges
as a predisposing factor for the development of chronic non-communicable pathologies, including
diabetes mellitus and systemic arterial hypertension (Silva Lantyer; Balcony; Souza; Costa Padovani
& de Barros Viana, 2016).
The constitution of eating habits occurs from childhood, progressively shaping itself through
the socialization process. During adolescence, the transition phase to adulthood and the usual moment
of entering university, these habits undergo signicant changes, driven by the search for social identity.
Throughout life, new inuences and adaptations determine the consolidation or transformation of
these eating patterns (Silva, 2018).
Eating behavior comprises a set of actions that range from the decision to choose foods to
the methods of preparation and consumption. Elements such as the availability of inputs, the utensils
used, the meal times in which eating practices occur play relevant roles in this dynamic. In addition,
geographic diversity and regional customs signicantly inuence individual eating behaviors
(Detopoulou; Dedes; Syka; Tzirogiannis & Panoutsopoulos, 2023).
An eating pattern characterized by the uncontrolled and voluminous ingestion of food in a
short period of time, usually accompanied by the feeling of loss of control, is called binge eating. In
addition, psychological, social, cognitive, and physiological variables also have a signicant impact
on eating habits (Silva, 2018).
The association between such factors and the practicality of ultra-processed foods can trigger
persistent eating disorders, categorized as cognitive restriction, lack of eating control, and emotional
eating. Cognitive restriction is characterized by a rigid pattern of dietary restrictions and prohibitions,
adopted with the aim of weight control. However, this approach, which depends on individual
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
predispositions, is subject to change, since it imposes qualitative and quantitative limitations on food
intake (Silva Lantyer; Balcony; Souza; Costa Padovani & de Barros Viana, 2016).
Lack of food control, in turn, is manifested by the inability to self-regulate food intake,
regardless of the presence of hunger. This phenomenon, often associated with sensory stimuli, can
present variations in severity, including more severe conditions that are linked to eating disorders
such as anorexia, bulimia and night eating syndrome (Silva Lantyer; Balcony; Souza; Costa Padovani
& de Barros Viana, 2016).
Emotional eating is related to the propensity of certain individuals to modify their food
intake in response to mood swings or adverse events. Individuals who exhibit this pattern often have
low self-esteem and a negative perception of their own image, circumstances that directly impact
dietary decisions (Bonalume; Alves & Conde, 2020).
The recognition of the particularities inherent to each eating disorder becomes fundamental for
the adoption of eective intervention strategies. From this perspective, the relevance of investigations
that elucidate the determinant factors of the quality of life of university students is highlighted. The
advance of urbanization and globalization has implied substantial changes in the populations eating
patterns, establishing correlations between eating habits and psychological aspects. Eating behavior
disorders are a pathological condition of remarkable relevance (Fondevila-Gascón; Berbel-Giménez;
Vidal-Portés & Hurtado-Galarza, 2022).
As described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (2013), in its
fth edition, eating disorders correspond to severe disturbances in eating behavior, resulting from
a multifactorial etiology that encompasses genetic predispositions and biological, sociocultural, and
psychological inuences. The specialized literature points out that eating behavior disorders can be
accentuated due to daily and professional activities, showing a higher risk among university students
(Silva, 2018).
The academic progression of nutrition students proved to be a determinant in the frequency
of consumption of ultra-processed foods. Bonalume, Alves & Conde (2020) indicated that, with the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
advancement of the formative years, there was a signicant reduction in the intake of these products,
evidencing the inuence of academic knowledge on food choices
The investigation on the academic year and food dependence showed that fourth-year
students had lower levels of food dependence compared to those enrolled in the rst years of the
course, indicating that the expansion of academic knowledge was associated with the adoption of
healthier habits. The prevalence of food dependence among these university students was recorded at
10.5%, with a signicant reduction in the consumption of ultra-processed foods as they progressed in
the academic years (Unal & Uçar, 2023).
The inuence of lifestyle factors was also relevant. Time constraints and high levels of
academic stress favored the choice of fast and ultra-processed meals, especially in the early periods
of graduation. The existence of structured community food environments, such as minimarkets and
bakeries, was associated with lower consumption of these products, reinforcing the impact of external
factors on diet composition (Durán-Agüero et al., 2023).
The high consumption of ultra-processed foods was correlated with an increase in the
incidence of overweight and inadequate eating practices, indicating the relevance of nutritional
education to minimize these risks (Silva et al., 2024). A considerable portion of the students reported
inappropriate eating behaviors, which could be used in educational interventions (Bonalume; Alves
& Conde, 2020).
Although academic progression has contributed to healthier eating habits, the demands of
university life have continued to signicantly inuence the intake of ultra-processed foods, especially
among those in the rst years of the course. This reality highlighted the importance of support and
educational initiatives throughout the academic trajectory (Unal & Uçar, 2023).
Entering the university provided greater autonomy and responsibility, promoting changes
in the eating routine. Young university students often adopted inappropriate habits, increasing the
risk of overweight and the early development of chronic non-communicable diseases (Silva, 2018).
Exposure to aesthetic standards rigidly imposed by society has also contributed to issues such as low
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
self-esteem and changes in eating behavior, including eating disorders (Almeida, 2017).
Health students were at increased risk of changes in eating behavior, attributed to specic
academic demands. Undergraduate studies in Nutrition have shown to be ambiguous: while for some,
academic training favored healthier choices, for others it represented a factor that triggered concerns
about physical appearance and body image, associated with professional success (Macedo; Soares; of
Jesus; Pereira & Freitas, 2017).
Food reects not only biological issues, but also cultural and historical manifestations of
social groups, exerting a direct impact on health and well-being. Changes in dietary patterns have
been observed globally in recent decades, driven by time constraints for preparing home-cooked
meals and increased consumption of ready-to-eat and fast-food foods (Dun-Agüero et al., 2023).
In a study conducted by Silva Pereira; Mussoi & Pereira (2019), 86 students of the nutrition
course, enrolled in higher education institutions located in Brazil and Portugal, were evaluated for
nutritional status. The results revealed that 79.1% of the Portuguese students and 65.1% of the Brazilian
students had a nutritional status considered adequate. However, in the Brazilian group, there was a
prevalence of 16.3% of overweight and obesity, concomitant with a high rate of body dissatisfaction
These data reect a relevant problem, because, despite relatively low rates of overweight and
obesity, dissatisfaction with body image is pronounced. This mismatch, observed among nutrition
students, can contribute to behavioral changes, favoring the development of eating disorders and
negatively impacting mental health, with possible repercussions such as depressive conditions (Santos
et al., 2019).
The consumption of ultra-processed foods among nutrition students was correlated with
dierent dietary patterns, diering from those who ingested smaller amounts of these products.
Academic investigations have shown that a higher intake of this type of food was associated with lower
dietary quality, characterized by increased energy density and reduced consumption of fundamental
micronutrients (Macedo; Soares; of Jesus; Pereira & Freitas, 2017).
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
The inuence of ultra-processed foods on diet quality was expressive, with research
indicating that these products accounted for up to 80% of caloric intake in certain population groups.
Exacerbated consumption correlated with an increase in the intake of added sugars and fats, while
signicantly reducing the presence of ber and vitamins in the diet (Martini et al., 2021; Vernarelli &
Rubenstein, 2022).
Among nutrition students who maintained a predominantly ultra-processed dietary pattern,
a higher incidence of inappropriate eating practices and an increase in the prevalence of excess weight
were observed, which suggested negative repercussions on the nutritional quality of their diets (Silva,
The self-assessment of diet quality by these students reected food consumption patterns,
since individuals with a higher intake of ultra-processed foods generally classied their own diet as
inadequate. Studies have shown that those who reported negative perceptions about their eating habits
obtained 84% of their caloric intake from ultra-processed products (Vernarelli & Rubenstein, 2022).
This perception directly inuenced their food choices, perpetuating a cycle of poor nutrition and
potential adverse health outcomes.
This descriptive eld research, with qualitative-quantitative analysis, was carried out with
1,093 students of the Nutrition course, distributed between the 1st and 8th period. The study aimed
to analyze the inuence of undergraduate academic progress on the consumption of ultra-processed
foods among these students. For data collection, a form was developed on Google Forms, containing
29 questions. Of these, 10 were demographic, while 10 specic questions addressed the regularity of
physical exercise. In addition, 6 questions about carbohydrate and coee consumption were included,
with closed answer options: Sporadic (less than 2 times a month), 1 to 3 times a week, 1 to 2 times a
day, 4 or more times a week, and No Consumption.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
The sample was composed of Nutrition students enrolled in higher education institutions
from all regions of Brazil, without distinction of age, sex or color. The selection of participants took
place through direct invitation and dissemination of the form in academic networks and student
groups. Only those who agreed to approve the Informed Consent Form (ICF) online participated.
Students who were not regularly enrolled in the Nutrition course or who refused to accept the ICF
were excluded.
The present study investigates the inuence of undergraduate academic progress on the
consumption of ultra-processed foods among Nutrition students, from the 1st to the 8th period. The
analysis of the data reveals a trend of reduction in the consumption of several ultra-processed products
as students advance in graduation.
Table 1: Selected data from Google Forms (2025)
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
Source: Synthesis form in Google Forms (2025).
The data obtained about the consumption of ultra-processed products, sausages (such as
sausage, sausage, ham, salami, mortadella, turkey breast, etc.) among university students showed
patterns that converge and complement the discussions present in the specialized literature. Silva (2018)
and Almeida (2017) demonstrated that advertising exerts a signicant inuence on the construction
of social meanings about food, impacting adherence to the consumption of these products. This
inuence justied the predominance of sporadic consumption among students (44.5%), revealing a
partial awareness of the adverse eects of these foods on health.
The investigations by Bonalume, Alves and Conde (2020) and Macedo et al., (2020)
indicated that university students had variable levels of consumption of ultra-processed foods, being
more frequent in the initial semesters. This phenomenon was supported by the data collected, which
pointed to greater variation in the rst periods and a trend of reduction in the more advanced stages
of the course (7th and 8th semesters). This pattern suggests that the deepening of academic training
favored more judicious food choices, as also supported by Ferreira et al.,(2019).
The ndings of Silva (2024) about the impacts of ultra-processed meals on insulin sensitivity
and autonomic function highlighted the relevance of reducing the consumption of these foods, especially
among individuals predisposed to metabolic diseases. The small portion of students who consumed
ultra-processed foods daily (12%) were potentially exposed to nutritional risks that compromised
long-term health, as pointed out by Martini et al., (2021) and Dun-Agüero et al., (2023).
In addition, the students’ perception of the nutritional labeling of ultra-processed foods,
analyzed by Silva Gomes, Alvarenga and Canella (2019), was a determining factor in the modulation
of the consumption of these products. The present research suggests that nutrition students showed
greater dietary discernment, since many avoided or limited the intake of ultra-processed foods,
corroborating the conclusions of Fondevila-Gascón et al.,(2022) about the adoption of nutritional
classication systems.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
The distribution of the consumption patterns analyzed reinforces the trends pointed out in the
literature, evidencing the inuence of advertising, variations in intake throughout academic training
and food awareness among nutrition students. Most of the university students (44.5%) reported
sporadic consumption of ultra-processed foods, while approximately 25% ingested these products
between one and three times a week. A small group (12%) had daily consumption or multiple times a
day. The most signicant variation was observed in the rst semesters of the course, while in the more
advanced periods (7th and 8th), frequent consumption was reduced.
Regarding the consumption of Ultra-processed products such as cookies, lled cookies,
cookies, cakes, snacks, the data show variations in the consumption of these foods during the
university career. In the rst semester, 16.8% of the students reported not consuming ultra-processed
foods, a percentage that fell to 15.5% in the second semester, rose to 18.3% in the third and reached
30.5% in the eighth semester. Sporadic consumption also decreased, from 40.2% at the beginning of
the course to 28.9% in the last semester. The group that consumed ultra-processed foods one to three
times a week showed variations throughout the academic period: 27.5% in the rst semester, 28.3%
in the second and 18.6% in the eighth. Daily consumption fell from 7.5% to 3.2% over the semesters,
while frequent consumption, three or more times a day, increased from 8.0% at the beginning of the
course to 18.8% in the eighth semester.
When comparing these data with the existing literature, some trends stand out. Silva (2018)
discussed the impact of ultra-processed food advertising on the formation of eating habits and suggests
that greater awareness of the negative eects of these products may explain the reduction in sporadic
and weekly consumption among university students. Almeida (2017), in turn, analyzes the evolution of
the consumption of ultra-processed foods and points to a growth over the years, a trend that contrasts
with the data of this study, especially in the eighth semester, where the number of students who do not
consume these foods increased.
Other research reinforces the complexity of this scenario. Bonalume et al.,(2020) and Macedo
et al.,(2020) highlighted that easy access to ultra-processed foods tends to stimulate their consumption
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
among university students, but the data analyzed here suggest an opposite movement, with a reduction
in regular consumption throughout the course. In an international context, Vernarelli and Rubenstein
(2022) indicate that the perception of food quality can inuence the food choices of students in the
United States, a trend that seems to be repeated among Brazilian university students, as shown by the
data collected.
In addition, Ferreira et al., (2019) explored the relationship between the consumption of
ultra-processed foods and the socioeconomic prole, revealing that students from higher classes
have a higher prevalence of this consumption, a factor that should be considered when interpreting
the results. Durán-Agüero et al., (2023) analyze the connection between the consumption of ultra-
processed foods and obesity among Chilean university students, and, although the present study did
not include a specic Body Mass Index (BMI) indicator, the reduction in frequent consumption may
be in line with public health recommendations.
In the rst semesters, the consumption of sugary drinks by students showed a varied
distribution, with trends that reect aspects related to eating habits and the inuence of factors such
as the advertising of ultra-processed foods, as pointed out by studies such as that of Silva (2018) and
Almeida (2017).
In the 1st semester, most students (35%) did not consume these beverages, while 25% opted
for sporadic consumption, and another 25% consumed them one to three times a week. Only 10%
of the students indicated daily consumption. The results can be partially explained by the growing
awareness of the harms of excessive consumption of ultra-processed beverages, as suggested by
Bonalume et al.,(2020) and Vernarelli & Rubenstein (2022), who highlight the impact of unhealthy
eating on the nutritional status of individuals.
In the 2nd semester, the distribution of consumption became more balanced, with 32% of
students not consuming, 28% consuming sporadically, 20% consuming one to three times a week
and 8% consuming daily. This change may be related to factors such as changes in the university
environment and routine, which inuence eating habits, a trend also observed in the studies by
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
Macedo et al., (2020) and Sampaio et al., (2022), which discuss the increase in the consumption of
ultra-processed foods among university students.
In the 4th semester, the majority of students (38%) continued to avoid the consumption of
sugary drinks, with 29% consuming it sporadically and only 5% consuming it daily. This reduction in
daily consumption can be explained by a greater understanding of the risks associated with excessive
consumption of sugars, as discussed by Ferreira et al.,(2019) and Martini et al.,(2021).
From the 5th semester to the 8th, there was an increasing trend towards sporadic
consumption and non-intake of sugary drinks. However, in the 8th semester, daily consumption
increased signicantly to 22%, reecting a possible adaptation of students to more permissive dietary
patterns and the greater accessibility of ultra-processed products, as described by Sürer et al.,(2023)
and Dun-Agüero et al.,(2023).
By analyzing the data on the consumption of frozen ready-to-eat preparations throughout the
semesters, it is possible to observe a trend that is in line with the conclusions of several studies on the
consumption of ultra-processed foods among university students. In the 1st semester, consumption
was low, with 35% of students not consuming these foods, a data that corroborates what was observed
by Bonalume, Alves and Conde (2020), who indicated that many university students still maintain a
more natural diet at the beginning of their academic journey. The distribution of consumption among
the other groups is also similar to the consumption prole described by Macedo et al.,(2020), who
point out the prevalence of sporadic consumption of ultra-processed foods.
In the 2nd semester, the more balanced distribution, with 32% of students not consuming and
28% consuming sporadically, can be seen as a reection of academic pressures that begin to inuence
eating habits more. The research by Ferreira et al., (2019) on the consumption of ultra-processed
foods among students at dierent levels of education reveals that the increase in the workload and the
change in academic routine favor a greater consumption of ultra-processed foods, precisely because
of the practicality and convenience of these products.
The increase in daily consumption recorded in the 3rd semester (17%) and the persistent
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
choice not to consume (28%) reect a signicant change in eating behavior, possibly due to factors
such as increased academic stress, little time for meal preparation, and greater availability of ultra-
processed foods in the market (Silva, 2018). This change is also mentioned by Almeida (2017), who
discusses how availability and marketing inuence the consumption of ultra-processed foods in
university environments.
The behavior observed in the 4th semester, where 38% of students still avoid these products
and only 5% consume them daily, suggests a possible setback or a return to concern with healthier
eating habits. The variation may be related to the fact that, as students advance in their courses, some
changes in perception about health and nutrition may occur, as evidenced by Silva Gomes, Alvarenga
and Canella (2019), who discuss the increase in knowledge about the harms of ultra-processed foods
among university students.
In the following semesters (from the 5th to the 8th), the trend of non-consumption and
sporadic consumption continues, but in the 8th semester, the increase in daily consumption to 22%
may be related to the accumulation of tasks and a greater dependence on the convenience of these
foods, which is reinforced by studies such as that of Sampaio et al.,(2022), which indicate that, as
students advance in their academic trajectory, the consumption of ultra-processed foods tends to
increase due to the overload of activities and the decrease in time for food care.
The consumption of ultra-processed foods among university students has been widely
discussed in dierent studies, which point to their consequences for health and nutritional status.
Bonalume et al.,(2020) and Macedo et al.,(2020) investigate how the consumption of these foods
is related to changes in the nutritional status of university students, associating it with an increase
in the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Ferreira et al., (2019) also explore this consumption in
students from dierent schools, highlighting an increase especially among adolescents and young
adults, which is in line with the data on sporadic and daily consumption observed among students in
the last semester of their study.
Studies such as those by Silva Gomes et al., (2019) and Fondevila-Gascón et al., (2022) add
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
that, despite the growing consumption of ultra-processed foods, many university students still do
not have full knowledge about the adverse eects of these foods, such as the impact on health and
weight control. Such lack of knowledge may explain the high consumption of ultra-processed foods
observed, especially at times of greater academic pressure, such as the last semester.
When analyzing the variations in the consumption of ultra-processed foods over the
semesters, the data presented indicate a signicant increase in consumption in the last semester of
the course (60%), when compared to the 30.5% and 34.7% observed in the rst and second semesters,
respectively. The pattern can be explained, in part, by changes in lifestyle and eating behavior during
the university course, something already mentioned by Almeida (2017), who associates the increase in
the consumption of ultra-processed foods with stress, lack of time, and the intense academic routine
of students at the end of their career.
In addition, the study by Vernarelli & Rubenstein (2022) pointed out that excessive
consumption of ultra-processed foods is directly related to the increase in problems such as obesity,
which is consistent with the data presented, suggesting that the prevalence of high consumption of
these foods may be a relevant factor in the dynamics of weight gain and other nutritional complications
observed among students in the last semester.
Final Thoughts
In view of the analyses carried out, it is found that academic progress in the Nutrition course
inuences the consumption patterns of ultra-processed foods among students, although in a non-
linear way. A trend towards a reduction in consumption was observed in more advanced stages of the
course, which suggests that the deepening of nutritional knowledge positively impacts food choices.
However, factors such as extensive hours, academic stress, and food accessibility continue to exert a
signicant inuence on students’ eating habits.
The data collected showed that, in the rst semesters, there is greater variability in
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
consumption patterns, with a predominance of less judicious practices. The progressive contact with
specic disciplines of Nutrition seems to contribute to a greater awareness of the impacts of ultra-
processed food consumption on health, resulting in the adoption of more balanced eating habits in the
nal semesters. Despite this, even among advanced students, the consumption of these products has
not been completely eliminated.
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