ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
Acacio Silva Barros1
Camila Helena de Souza Queiroz2
Abstract: Contemporary diets have been marked by the increased consumption of ultra-processed
foods, rich in sugars, fats and additives, often associated with chronic non-communicable diseases
(NCDs). Coee, one of the most consumed beverages worldwide, has been studied for its stimulating
eects and potential health benets. In the university environment, professors face long working
hours and high levels of stress, factors that inuence their food choices. However, there is a gap in
the literature on the consumption of ultra-processed foods and coee among university professors,
considering their area of activity. This study aims to analyze the consumption of these products
among professors from dierent areas of knowledge, understanding structural and cultural factors
that inuence such choices and proposing strategies to promote healthy eating. The research, with
a quantitative and cross-sectional approach, will use structured questionnaires for data collection,
with a sample stratied between health sciences, humanities and exact sciences. Statistical analysis
will be conducted through tests such as ANOVA and logistic regression. The results indicated that
coee consumption is high, varying between academic areas. Health and exact sciences professors
consume 1 to 3 cups a day, while biology professors have a lower prevalence. As for ultra-processed
foods, the frequency also varies, being lower in the biology area. The conclusions highlight the need
for institutional strategies to encourage healthy eating habits, contributing to the quality of life and
1 Graduated in Nutrition from FAINC, specialization in Nutrition and physiology applied to
exercise from Uniguacu
2 Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Campinas, Nutritionist from the
University of Guarulhos, Specialist in Maternal and Child Nutrition from Estácio de Sá and Master in
Sciences from the University of São Paulo.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
performance of professors in the university environment.
Keyword: Ultra-processed foods.Coee.Professors.University students.Caeine.
Contemporary food has been marked by the growing consumption of ultra-processed foods,
which are industrial formulations rich in sugars, fats, additives and poor in essential nutrients. These
products are associated with an increase in chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as
obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, as highlighted by Monteiro et al.,(2019) and Lane et
al.,(2021). At the same time, the consumption of coee, one of the most consumed beverages globally,
has been studied for its stimulating eects and potential health benets, such as improved cognitive
and physical performance, according to Nehlig (2016).
In the university context, teachers face specic challenges, such as long working hours and
stress, which inuence their food choices. However, there is a gap in the literature on the consumption
prole of ultra-processed foods and coee among university professors, especially when analyzed by
area of expertise. This study seeks to ll this gap by investigating how these eating practices manifest
themselves in this specic group. The pertinent problem is: What are the consumption patterns of
ultra-processed products and coee among university professors from dierent areas of knowledge,
and how do structural and cultural elements of these areas inuence these choices?
This study focuses on the consumption of ultra-processed foods and coee among university
professors, with emphasis on the dierences observed between areas of activity, such as health, human
and exact sciences. The choice of this approach is justied by the relevance of the theme to public
health and the need to understand how occupational and disciplinary factors inuence eating habits.
In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated changes in dietary patterns, as evidenced by
Lima et al.,(2023) and Silva et al.,(2024), making the analysis of these practices in the post-pandemic
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
context even more relevant.
The social relevance of this study lies in the impact that eating habits have on the health and
quality of life of university professors, professionals who work in academia and in the production
of knowledge. The understanding of these patterns can support health promotion policies in the
university environment.
Scientically, the study contributes to the literature on food and health, by exploring the
nuances of ultra-processed food and coee consumption in a specic group, considering variables
such as area of activity and pandemic context. In addition, the ndings can help in the development
of strategies to reduce the consumption of harmful foods and promote healthier eating practices, in
line with the recommendations of the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population (2014), as discussed by
Barbosa et al., (2020).
This study will adopt a quantitative and cross-sectional approach, using structured
questionnaires to collect data on the consumption of ultra-processed foods and coee among university
professors. The sample will be stratied by area of activity (health, human and exact sciences),
ensuring the representativeness of each group. The data will be analyzed through descriptive and
inferential statistics, using tests such as ANOVA and logistic regression to identify associations
between variables. As suggested by Galesi-Pacheco et al.,(2019) and López-Olivares et al.,(2023). The
research will follow the ethical principles of Resolution 510/2016 of the National Health Council.
The general objective of this study is to analyze the prole of consumption of ultra-processed
foods and coee among university professors, considering the dierences by area of activity. As
specic objectives, it is sought: To compare eating habits among professors from dierent areas of
activity and to propose strategies for the promotion of healthy eating in the university environment,
based on the ndings of the study.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
This descriptive eld research, with qualitative-quantitative analysis, was carried out with
186 university professors in the areas of biology, humanities, exact sciences and health, from all
regions of Brazil. The study aimed to analyze dierent aspects of the eating behavior and physical
activity of these teachers. For data collection, a form was developed on Google Forms, containing
29 questions. Of these, 10 were demographic, while 10 specic questions addressed the regularity of
physical exercise. In addition, 6 questions about carbohydrate and coee consumption were included,
with closed answer options: Sporadic (less than 2 times a month), 1 to 3 times a week, 1 to 2 times a
day, 4 or more times a week, and No Consumption.
The sample was composed of university professors working in higher education institutions
from all regions of Brazil, without distinction of age, sex or color. The selection of participants took
place through direct invitation and dissemination of the form in academic networks and groups of
professors. Only those who agreed to approve the Informed Consent Form (ICF) online participated.
Teachers who were not working in higher education or who refused to apply for the ICF were excluded.
The table presents the distribution of coee consumption among students from dierent
academic areas (Biological, Exact, Human and Health), categorized into consumption ranges (1-3
cups, 3-6 cups, 6 cups or more, and non-consumers).
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
Table 1: Survey data (2025).
It is observed that most students consume coee, with percentages ranging from 55.56%
(Biological) to 68.18% (Health) in the range of 1-3 cups daily. This pattern of consumption aligns with
the evidence presented by Nehlig (2016), who highlighted that moderate coee consumption (up to
400 mg of caeine daily, equivalent to approximately 5 cups) is not harmful and can have positive
eects on alertness, concentration, and mood. However, the table also reveals that a signicant portion
of teachers (11.11% to 13.64%) do not consume coee, which may indicate individual dierences in
caeine sensitivity or personal preferences.
The study by Pereira et al.,(2023) corroborates the relevance of coee consumption in the
university context, by investigating the relationship between caeine consumption and the prevalence
of migraine among students and professors. Although most participants (95%) consumed between 1-5
cups of coee daily, no signicant association was found between the amount of coee ingested and
the frequency of headache (p=0.315). This result suggests that, although coee consumption is high,
its inuence on health may vary according to individual factors, such as sensitivity to caeine and
predisposition to disorders such as migraine.
With regard to vocal health, Bhatti et al., (2024) investigated the impact of caeine
consumption on university professors, nding that 80.11% of the participants were caeine consumers.
However, the study did not identify a signicant relationship between caeine consumption and vocal
impairments, suggesting that other factors, such as gender and age, have a greater inuence on this
aspect. This nding is relevant for the interpretation of the table, as it indicates that, although coee
consumption is prevalent, its eects may not be uniform across dierent dimensions of health.
LaRocca (2020) explored the relationship between caeine consumption, stress, and anxiety
among university professors, highlighting that caeine use is associated with habits, comfort, and
productivity. This consumption pattern is related to the data in the table, which show a high prevalence
of coee consumption among teachers in all areas, possibly reecting the search for greater alertness
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
and academic performance. However, the study also points out that anxiety and stress are inuenced
by factors other than caeine consumption, such as cultural issues, which highlights the complexity
of this relationship.
Brand and Koch (2016) discussed the use of caeine pills for cognitive enhancement among
college students, highlighting that attitude toward neuroenhancement and subjective norm are
important predictors of behavior. This nding is related to the present study, as it shows a signicant
consumption of coee among teachers, especially in the range of 1-3 cups per day. The preference for
traditional methods of consuming caeine, such as coee, over pills, reects cultural dierences or
dierences in access to these substances.
López-Olivares et al.,(2023) and Barbosa et al.,(2020) addressed the relationship between
dietary patterns and health, highlighting the importance of a balanced diet. Although coee
consumption is common, as evidenced in the table, it is necessary to consider that it must be part
of a healthy lifestyle, which includes physical activity and other appropriate eating habits. The high
prevalence of coee consumption is indicative of dietary practices that prioritize convenience and
immediate stimulation, to the detriment of a more balanced approach.
Table 2: Data from the survey on ultra-processed foods (2025).
Area of
Ultra-Processed Product Sporadic (less
than 2 times a
1 to 3 times
a week
1 to 2 times
a day
4 or more
times per
Ultra-processed and
50% 33,30% 16,70% -10%
Human 33,30% 41,70% 12,50% -8,30%
Exact 41,20% 41,20% - - 5,90%
Biological 33,30% -16,70% -33,30%
Frozen Ready
40% 33,30% 10% -10%
Human 33,30% 41,70% 12,50% -8,30%
Exact 41,20% 41,20% 5,90% -5,90%
Biological 33,30% -16,70% -33,30%
Cookies, Biscuits and
Industrialized Cakes
40,91% 36,36% 13,64% -9,09%
Human 38,89% 38,89% 11,11% 11,11% 5,56%
Exact 60% 40% - - -
Biological 66,67% 33,33% - - -
Health Ice Cream, Sweet Pies,
Candies and Sugary
40,91% 36,36% 13,64% -9,09%
Human 38,89% 38,89% 11,11% 11,11% 5,56%
Exact 60% 40% - - -
Biological 66,67% 33,33% - - -
Health Soft Drinks, Carbonated
Beverages, Boxed and
Powdered Juices
33,30% 25% 8,30% 8,30% 25%
Human 28,60% 14,30% 14,30% 28,60% 14,30%
Exact 33,30% 33,30% - - 33,30%
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
Source: Synthesis form in Google Forms (2025).
Table 2 shows the distribution of the consumption of ultra-processed foods among dierent
areas of activity, highlighting signicant variations. In the area of Health, for example, 50% of
respondents consume “ultra-processed foods and sausages” sporadically (less than 2 times a month),
while 16.7% consume them 1 to 2 times a day. In Organic Products, 33.3% do not consume “frozen
ready-to-eat preparations, but 16.7% ingest them daily.
In Exact Sciences, 60% report sporadic consumption of ice cream, sweet pies and sugary
drinks”. These patterns reect a heterogeneous consumption trend, with an emphasis on sporadic to
moderate frequencies, possibly inuenced by contextual factors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Although the study by Lima et al. (2023) focused on university students, the factors that led
to the increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods in this group — such as stress, change of
routine, and sedentary lifestyle — are analogous to those faced by teachers during the pandemic (e.g.,
adaptation to remote teaching, work pressure). Thus, it is plausible to infer that teachers have also
adopted similar eating behaviors.
In the area of Biologicals, 66.67% of the respondents consume “ice cream and sweets
sporadically (less than 2 times a month). This high percentage of sporadic consumption (not daily, but
frequent) reects the same trend identied by Lima et al.,(2023) that is, an increase in the consumption
of ultra-processed foods in contexts of abrupt changes (such as the pandemic).
Ultra-processed foods are easily accessible, ready to eat, and often replace traditional
meals in situations of lack of time (common in periods of adaptation to remote work). Situations
Health Ice Cream, Sweet Pies,
Candies and Sugary
40,91% 36,36% 13,64% -9,09%
Human 38,89% 38,89% 11,11% 11,11% 5,56%
Exact 60% 40% - - -
Biological 66,67% 33,33% - - -
Health Soft Drinks, Carbonated
Beverages, Boxed and
Powdered Juices
33,30% 25% 8,30% 8,30% 25%
Human 28,60% 14,30% 14,30% 28,60% 14,30%
Exact 33,30% 33,30% - - 33,30%
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
of psychological pressure (such as the pandemic) can lead to comfort eating, that is, impulsive food
choices, rich in sugars and fats, such as sweets and ice cream. Despite being a “sporadic” (not daily)
consumption, frequent repetition of this behavior — even on a small scale — is associated with
cardiometabolic risks, as demonstrated by Lane et al.,(2021) and Pagliai et al.,(2021).
The systematic review by Lane et al.,(2021) showed that the consumption of ultra-processed
foods is associated with a higher risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and depression. These risks are
critical for teachers, a group exposed to high workloads and chronic stress. In the present study, the
frequent consumption of “industrialized cookies and cakes(16.7% in Biological) and “soft drinks”
(8.3% daily in Health) contributes to chronic conditions, as highlighted by Lane et al.,(2021).
In the study by Monteiro et al., (2019), through the NOVA classication, it was possible
to identify the products listed in the table as ultra-processed, due to the presence of additives and
industrial processes. For example, “carbonated beverages” and “powdered juices” (33.3% of sporadic
consumption in Health) are typically ultra-processed, corroborating the need for public policies to
reduce their availability in educational environments.
The study by Serrat Guimarães-Ferreira Silva et al.,(2024), focused on teachers, identied
a 27.6% increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods during the pandemic, with a higher
prevalence among young, sedentary, and professionally dissatised women. These data are in line
with the patterns in the table, such as the high consumption of “sugary sweets” (66.67% sporadic in
Biologicals), reinforcing the hypothesis that adverse working conditions and job dissatisfaction are
critical determinants.
In view of the ndings, it is imperative to implement institutional interventions such as
nutritional education programs and the promotion of healthy work environments — to mitigate the
risks associated with the consumption of ultra-processed foods. Which is an urgency supported by
Okondu et al., (2021), who, in an analogous context, highlighted the eectiveness of structured actions
in reducing inappropriate eating practices.
The synthesis of evidence also reinforces the need for multisectoral public policies, which
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
should integrate occupational (e.g., workload, working conditions) and socio-emotional (e.g., stress
management, psychological support) dimensions specic to the teaching reality. Such measures,
aligned with a preventive approach, are essential to ensure the sustainability of the health of this
population in crisis scenarios.
Final Thoughts
This study analyzed the consumption patterns of ultra-processed foods and coee among
university professors, considering the dierences between areas of activity. The results indicate that
the consumption of ultra-processed foods is present in all the areas evidenced, although with variations
in the frequency and type of product consumed. Professors in the area of Health evaluated lower
consumption of these products compared to those of Humanities and Exact Sciences, which suggests
a possible inuence of nutritional knowledge on food choices. In addition, the high prevalence of
coee consumption reinforces its role as a central element in the academic routine, with variations
according to cognitive demands and specic work contexts.
The results corroborate warnings that associate the frequent consumption of ultra-processed
foods with cardiometabolic risks and studies highlight the impact of working conditions on diet. The
pandemic has intensied changes in eating habits, leading to an increase in the consumption of ultra-
processed products in response to stress and new work dynamics. This scenario highlights the need
for external institutional strategies to promote healthier environmental environments, considering
both the occupational challenges and the cultural aspects that inuence teachers’ choices.
The study achieved its general objective by characterizing the dietary patterns of this group
and identifying determinants of these practices. However, some denitions must be recognized,
such as the cross-sectional nature of the research, which makes it impossible to establish causal
relationships, and the dependence on self-reports, which are subject to visions of memory. To deepen
this discussion, future research can adopt longitudinal methodologies to assess changes over time
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
and explore institutional interventions aimed at reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods
and promoting more balanced eating habits. In addition, qualitative investigations can contribute to
understanding the motivations underlying these choices, expanding the understanding of the impact
of academic dynamics on the diet of university professors.
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