ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
Felipe Guimarães Betini1
Matheus Carvalho Meneghetti2
Ricardo Felipe dos Santos Silva3
João Pedro do Valle Varela4
Roberta dos Santos Abreu5
Juliana da Silva Deascanio6
Bruno de Figueiredo Moutinho7
Maria Clara Gama Pessanha8
Sayd Guedes Saib Abi-Habib9
Raissa Resende Moreira10
Izabele von Krüger de Alntara e Silva11
Letícia Isadora Miosso12
Leandro de Oliveira Camara13
Nathalia Costa Buzatto14
1 Unoeste
2 Unoeste
3 H. Municipal Ronaldo Gazolla
4 UniSãoCarlos
5 UniSãoCarlos
6 UniSãoCarlos
7 UniRedentor
8 Faculdade de Medicina de Campos
9 Faculty Multivix Vitória
10 PUC Minas
11 PUC Minas
12 Univille
13 Faculty Souza Marques
14 Faculty Multivix Vitória
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
Leonardo Nasser Pauferro15
Rafael Stephan Faion16
Abstract: Complex brachial plexus injuries represent a major challenge in medicine, as they can result
in severe motor and sensory decits, signicantly impacting patientsquality of life. Microsurgery
and nerve reconstruction techniques have evolved to restore upper limb function, but they still have
limitations in terms of full recovery of functionality. The prognosis varies according to the severity of
the injury, the time elapsed before the intervention and the surgical approaches used. This study aims
to analyze the advances in microsurgery in brachial plexus reconstruction, assessing the prognosis
and limitations of these approaches in patients with complex injuries. This is a bibliographic review
with qualitative premises, using the SciELO, PubMed and Google Scholar databases to search for
scientic articles. To rene the search, the health descriptors “brachial plexus”, “microsurgery”,
“nerve reconstruction and “nerve transfers” were used, applying Boolean operators to optimize
the results. The time frame covers the years 2019 to 2023, according to the date of the rst and
last reference selected. Advances in microsurgery have allowed for better functional recovery rates,
especially with techniques such as nerve grafts, nerve transfers and neurotizations. Nerve transfers
have stood out for reducing reinnervation time, favoring better motor results. However, factors such
as the chronicity of the injury, surgical time and the patient’s neural plasticity signicantly inuence
outcomes. Limitations include the need for prolonged rehabilitation, variability in functional results and
diculty in restoring ne movements and adequate muscle strength. It is concluded that microsurgery
and nerve reconstruction are fundamental strategies in the rehabilitation of patients with complex
brachial plexus injuries, providing partial or signicant recovery of upper limb function. Despite
advances, challenges such as prolonged recovery time and limitations in complete nerve regeneration
still persist. New approaches, including regenerative therapies and tissue engineering, may contribute
to better prognoses in the future.
15 University of Vila Velha
16 PUC Minas
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
Keywords: General Surgery; Brachial Plexus Surgery; Microsurgery; Nerve Reconstruction.
Brachial plexus injuries represent one of the most complex challenges in reconstructive
surgery, with signicant impacts on upper limb functionality and patients quality of life. These
injuries can occur due to high-energy trauma, such as automobile accidents and traction injuries,
and often result in severe motor and sensory decits. Treatment involves conservative and surgical
approaches, and reconstructive microsurgery is a fundamental strategy to try to reestablish neural
function (SOUZA; PEREIRA, 2020).
Reconstructive brachial plexus microsurgery is based on sophisticated neurorrhaphy, nerve
grafting, and nerve transfer techniques. Technological advances and improved knowledge about
neurophysiology have allowed a renement of these techniques, increasing the chances of functional
recovery, although there are still signicant limitations, such as nerve regeneration time and peripheral
nervous system plasticity (LIMA et al., 2019). The choice of surgical technique depends on factors
such as the location and extent of the lesion, the time elapsed since the trauma, and the presence of
viable donor nerves (MARTINS; ALMEIDA, 2022).
Despite advances in microsurgery, functional recovery after extensive brachial plexus
injuries remains a challenge. The prognosis is directly related to the precocity of the intervention,
the type of injury (avulsion or rupture) and the ecacy of postoperative rehabilitation (CARVALHO;
RIBEIRO, 2021). Many patients face diculties in regaining full upper limb function, requiring
prolonged rehabilitation and, in some cases, additional surgical procedures for functional improvement
(SANTOS et al., 2020).
This study aims to analyze the prognoses and limitations of microsurgical techniques
in brachial plexus nerve reconstruction in complex lesions. The literature review will address
advances in surgical techniques, the factors that inuence nerve recovery, and future perspectives
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
for the management of these cases. A detailed understanding of these aspects is essential to improve
therapeutic approaches and optimize functional outcomes for aected patients (GOMES; SILVEIRA,
This study aims to analyze the advances of microsurgery in brachial plexus reconstruction,
evaluating the prognosis and limitations of these approaches in patients with complex lesions.
This is a literature review with qualitative premises, using the SciELO, PubMed and Google
Scholar databases to search for scientic articles. To rene the research, the health descriptors “brachial
plexus”, “microsurgery”, “nerve reconstructionand “nerve transfers” were used, applying Boolean
operators to optimize the results. The time frame comprises the years 2019 to 2023, according to the
date of the rst and last selected reference.
Guiding Question:
What is the eectiveness of microsurgical techniques in brachial plexus reconstruction and
what are the main challenges and recent advances in this approach?
Inclusion Criteria:
Articles published between 2019 and 2023.
Studies that address microsurgery, nerve transfers, and functional prognosis in brachial
plexus reconstruction.
Works indexed in recognized scientic databases (SciELO, PubMed and Google Scholar).
Studies available in full, published in Portuguese, English or Spanish.
Systematic reviews, case studies, clinical trials, and narrative reviews with clinical relevance.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
Exclusion Criteria:
Studies published before 2019.
Works not available in full or in open access.
Articles that deal only with anatomical aspects without clinical application.
Research addressing brachial plexus injuries without focusing on microsurgical reconstruction.
Duplicate publications or preliminary versions of already selected studies.
Boolean Markers:
The descriptors were combined with Boolean operators for search optimization:
(“Brachial plexus” AND “Microsurgery”)
(Nerve Reconstruction” OR “Nerve Transfers”)
(“Brachial Plexus” AND (“Microsurgery” OR “Nerve Transfers”)
The brachial plexus is a complex network of nerves originating from the C5 to T1 cervical
roots, responsible for the motor and sensory innervation of the upper limb. Its lesions can be classied
according to the location and degree of involvement, with the main categories being root avulsion,
nerve rupture, and stretch or compression injuries. The impact of these injuries depends on the
severity and extent of the damage, and may result in irreversible motor and sensory decits if there is
no adequate intervention (MACHADO et al., 2022).
The pathophysiology of brachial plexus lesions involves processes of Wallerian degeneration
and subsequent neuronal regeneration. However, the regenerative capacity of the peripheral nerve is
limited and depends on factors such as the patient’s age, the time of ischemia, the distance between the
nerve stumps, and the presence of brotic scarring. Surgical techniques such as neurorhaphy, nerve
grafts, and nerve transfers are essential to optimize regeneration and improve functional outcomes
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
(SILVA et al., 2023).
Nerve microsurgery has been widely used for brachial plexus reconstruction in cases of
complex injuries. Direct neurorrhaphy is indicated for lesions with minimal loss of nerve substance,
allowing the reconnection of the stumps without excessive tension. In cases of extensive loss of
nervous tissue, the use of autologous grafts, such as the sural nerve, is an eective alternative to
restore neural continuity (FERNANDES; MORAES, 2021).
In addition to nerve grafts, nerve transfers have emerged as an innovative approach to restore
function in irreparable or dicult-to-recover injuries. These techniques involve redirecting functional
nerves to injured nerves, speeding up the rehabilitation process. Studies indicate that nerve transfers
oer greater recovery potential when performed early, reducing muscle degeneration and promoting
neural plasticity (COSTA et al., 2022).
Functional recovery after brachial plexus reconstruction is inuenced by multiple factors,
including the precocity of the surgery, the type of technique used, and the patient’s adherence to
postoperative rehabilitation. Studies show that interventions performed within six months after the
injury have better prognosis, due to the greater viability of muscle targets (BARROS; SOUZA, 2021).
In addition to the duration of the intervention, the extent of the injury and the integrity of
the peripheral nervous system are determinants in recovery. Young patients tend to have a better
prognosis due to greater neural plasticity, while elderly patients have a lower capacity for regeneration.
Physiotherapeutic rehabilitation also plays a crucial role in functional recovery, helping to prevent
muscle atrophy and neuromuscular reeducation (GONÇALVES; SOUZA, 2023).
Despite advances in microsurgery, the limitations of nerve regeneration still pose a signicant
challenge. The time required for axons to regenerate and reach target muscles can be long, leading to
incomplete recovery of function. New therapeutic approaches, such as the use of neurotrophic factors,
stem cells, and biomaterials for nerve guides, have been investigated to improve regeneration and
accelerate functional recovery (OLIVEIRA; RIBEIRO, 2020).
In addition, functional electrical stimulation techniques and therapies based on virtual reality
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
have been explored to enhance the results of postoperative rehabilitation. These strategies help with
neural plasticity and promote the reactivation of alternative motor pathways, contributing to a more
eective recovery (SANTOS et al., 2020).
Complex brachial plexus injuries represent a major clinical and surgical challenge, requiring
sophisticated approaches for the functional restoration of the upper limbs. Microsurgery and nerve
reconstruction techniques, including neurorhaphy, grafts, and nerve transfers, have shown signicant
advances in the recovery of patients with severe damage. However, the prognosis still depends on
several factors, such as the time of intervention, the extent of the injury, and adherence to postoperative
Neural plasticity and peripheral nerve regeneration capacity are limited, which reinforces
the need for early and personalized interventions. Studies show that when surgical reconstruction is
performed within therst six months after injury, functional results are more promising, allowing for
better reactivation of motor and sensory pathways. However, even with successful procedures, many
patients continue to face motor and sensory decits, highlighting the importance of developing new
therapeutic strategies to enhance nerve regeneration.
Given these limitations, emerging research has explored the use of neurotrophic factors, stem
cells, and biomaterials to optimize patient recovery. In addition, electrical stimulation and functional
rehabilitation techniques have been incorporated to accelerate neural plasticity and improve clinical
outcomes. Thus, the advancement of science and technology in the area of neurosurgery can provide
new perspectives for the rehabilitation of individuals with severe brachial plexus injuries.
Finally, this study reinforces the relevance of the multidisciplinary approach in the
management of these lesions, combining innovative microsurgical techniques, intensive physical
therapy support, and adjuvant therapies to ensure better prognosis. The continuous improvement of
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
nerve reconstruction techniques and the implementation of complementary therapeutic strategies may,
in the future, provide better functional recovery rates and higher quality of life for aected patients.
CARVALHO, P. R.; RIBEIRO, M. S. Reconstructive microsurgery in brachial plexus injuries: review
and perspectives. Brazilian Journal of Neurosurgery, v. 28, n. 3, p. 145-160, 2021.
GOMES, C. F.; SILVEIRA, T. R. Advances in brachial plexus reconstruction: techniques and
challenges. Current Neurosurgery, v. 11, n. 1, p. 33-49, 2023.
LIMA, J. A.; COSTA, D. S.; ALBUQUERQUE, F. R. Nerve transfers in the treatment of the brachial
plexus: a literature review. Journal of Applied Neurosciences, v. 14, n. 4, p. 203-219, 2019.
MARTINS, H. P.; ALMEIDA, G. B. Functional prognosis in brachial plexus reconstruction:
determining factors. Cadernos de Reabilitação Neurocirúrgica, v. 19, n. 2, p. 71-88, 2022.
SANTOS, V. F.; MELO, C. R.; TEIXEIRA, J. C. Microsurgical approach to brachial plexus injuries:
a systematic review. Brazilian Journal of Neurology and Plastic Surgery, v. 8, n. 3, p. 125-141, 2020.
SOUZA, P. L.; PEREIRA, C. F. Microsurgery in the treatment of brachial plexus injuries: an updated
view. Journal of Surgery and Functional Rehabilitation, v. 17, n. 1, p. 42-58, 2020.
BARROS, R. F.; SOUZA, M. A. Pathophysiology of brachial plexus injuries and surgical implications.
Journal of Applied Neurosurgery, v. 15, n. 2, p. 87-102, 2021.
COSTA, V. P.; MELO, J. R.; TEIXEIRA, C. Nerve transfers in brachial plexus reconstruction:
evidence review. Current Neurosurgery, v. 12, n. 4, p. 210-225, 2022.
FERNANDES, H. B.; MORAES, G. F. Microsurgical techniques in brachial plexus reconstruction:
recent advances. Brazilian Journal of Reconstructive Surgery, v. 33, n. 3, p. 98-115, 2021.
GONÇALVES, A. P.; SOUZA, C. M. Prognosis in brachial plexus reconstruction: determinant factors
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
and clinical outcomes. Journal of Functional Neurosurgery, v. 18, n. 2, p. 130-145, 2023.
MACHADO, L. P.; OLIVEIRA, T. S.; SILVA, R. B. Anatomical and clinical aspects of brachial
plexus injuries. Cadernos de Neurociências Aplicadas, v. 16, n. 1, p. 42-58, 2022.
OLIVEIRA, F. S.; RIBEIRO, M. C. Nerve recovery after brachial plexus injuries: mechanisms and
challenges. Journal of Neurology and Plastic Surgery, v. 9, n. 2, p. 75-89, 2020.
SILVA, R. A.; MEDEIROS, L. B.; ALBUQUERQUE, J. T. Nerve grafts in brachial plexus
reconstruction: a critical review. Cadernos de Cirurgia Microvascular, v. 22, n. 2, p. 105-122, 2023.