ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 02 - ano 2025
health problems caused by smallpox, yellow fever, measles, dengue, Zika, and chikungunya, which
have caused major concerns globally. Attention is currently focused on the emergence of the Sars-
cov-2 virus, the etiological agent of Covid 19, classied as a pandemic in 2020. (Nogueira JV et al,
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a broad family of viruses that can cause a variety of conditions,
from the common cold to more serious illnesses. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared on
30 January 2020 that the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) constitutes a public health
emergency of international concern (PHEIC). (PAHO, 2021)
Historically, humanity has experienced other plagues, some with repeated cycles for centuries,
such as smallpox and measles, or for decades, such as cholera. Pandemics, h1n1 inuenza in 1918,
h2n2 in 1957-58, h3n3 in 1968-69 and H5N1 in the 2000s can still be cited, known respectively as
“Spanish u”, “Asian u”, “Hong Kong u” and “avian u”, in which such names carry stigmas that
should be avoided (SOUZA, DO, 2021).
Olfactory System and Anosmia
The nose, located in the middle sole of the face, has important aesthetic and functional
aspects. Its presence is essential for the normal design of the facial urn, even if it is larger or smaller
or more or less well drawn (Virmond, 1997).
The nasal mucosa is divided into two main types: respiratory and olfactory. The airways
are thicker and heavily irrigated. It has a large number of mucous glands that secrete about a liter of
mucus a day, helping in the humidication of the air and the retention of impurities. This mucosa, due
to the large number of blood vessels, acts on the heating of the inspired air. The olfactory mucosa is
located in the area of the superior turbinate, it is thin and yellowish and carried to the cerebral cortex
for olfactory interpretation (Virmond, 1997).
The human olfactory system consists of an olfactory epithelium lining the nasal cavity, into