Health and Society <p>The mission of the Health and Society is to become one of the main national and international means of disseminating scientific research in the area of interdisciplinary debate in health, as well as allowing free access to the academic community and society to all published research. Our target audience are researchers and society in general. Thus, we accept academic works from professors and students of the most diverse levels of training, as well as works co-authored by up to 10 (ten) people.</p> Editora Acadêmica Periodicojs en-US Health and Society 2763-5724 THE INFLUENCE OF ACADEMIC PROGRESS IN UNDERGRADUATE COURSES ON THE CONSUMPTION OF ULTRA-PROCESSED FOODS AMONG NUTRITION STUDENTS <p>This study investigated the relationship between academic progress in undergraduate Nutrition courses and the consumption of ultra-processed foods among students. Although it is expected that the acquired knowledge will reduce this consumption, factors such as stress, high workload, and limited access to fresh foods can perpetuate it. Thus, we sought to analyze how these factors influence the diet of university students throughout the course. The research, of a descriptive and qualitative-quantitative nature, was carried out with 1,093 Nutrition students from Brazil, distributed between the 1st and 8th semesters. Data collection occurred via an electronic form containing demographic and eating habits questions, including frequency of consumption of carbohydrates, coffee, and sweetened beverages. Participants were selected through invitations in academic networks, and only those who accepted the Free and Informed Consent Form participated. The results indicated a trend of greater consumption of ultra-processed foods in the first semesters, with a gradual reduction throughout the course, suggesting that academic training may favor more judicious food choices. However, an increase in sporadic consumption was observed and a small portion of students maintained frequent consumption, exposing themselves to nutritional risks. Factors such as advertising, socioeconomic profile and adaptation to the academic routine influenced eating patterns. It is concluded that, despite the positive impact of nutritional education, structural and behavioral challenges still hinder the adoption of healthy eating habits.</p> Acacio Silva Barros Camila Helena de Souza Queiroz Copyright (c) 2025 Acacio Silva Barros, Camila Helena de Souza Queiroz 2025-03-12 2025-03-12 5 02 1 21 10.51249/hs.v5i01.2443 CONSUMPTION OF ULTRA-PROCESSED PRODUCTS AND COFFEE AMONG UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS <p>Contemporary diets have been marked by the increased consumption of ultra-processed foods, rich in sugars, fats and additives, often associated with chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Coffee, one of the most consumed beverages worldwide, has been studied for its stimulating effects and potential health benefits. In the university environment, professors face long working hours and high levels of stress, factors that influence their food choices. However, there is a gap in the literature on the consumption of ultra-processed foods and coffee among university professors, considering their area of ​​activity. This study aims to analyze the consumption of these products among professors from different areas of knowledge, understanding structural and cultural factors that influence such choices and proposing strategies to promote healthy eating. The research, with a quantitative and cross-sectional approach, will use structured questionnaires for data collection, with a sample stratified between health sciences, humanities and exact sciences. Statistical analysis will be conducted through tests such as ANOVA and logistic regression. The results indicated that coffee consumption is high, varying between academic areas. Health and exact sciences professors consume 1 to 3 cups a day, while biology professors have a lower prevalence. As for ultra-processed foods, the frequency also varies, being lower in the biology area. The conclusions highlight the need for institutional strategies to encourage healthy eating habits, contributing to the quality of life and performance of professors in the university environment.</p> Acacio Silva Barros Camila Helena de Souza Queiroz Copyright (c) 2025 Acacio Silva Barros, Camila Helena de Souza Queiroz 2025-03-12 2025-03-12 5 02 22 34 10.51249/hs.v5i02.2444 SYMBOLIC PLAY IN CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER <p>Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) exhibit persistent deficits in social communication and interaction, restricted and repetitive behaviors, and stereotyped behaviors. Studies have been conducted on the differential development of children with ASD in activities that require imagination and creativity. Studies comparing children with ASD with typically developing children or children with other developmental disabilities, particularly in terms of imaginative symbolic play, are important for understanding both the development of symbolic play in ASD and cognitive development. This review discusses the various ideas that encompass empirical studies investigating the development of symbolic play in children with ASD and the meaning of such play, and attempt to explain the limitations observed with ASD. The studies reviewed show that children with ASD differ from control groups in the development of spontaneous symbolic play (e.g., spending less time on this play, constructing less complex games), and the sources of the observed differences may be related to both ability and performance.</p> Rashid Jabbarov Aydan Nazarova Copyright (c) 2025 Rashid Jabbarov, Aydan Nazarova 2025-03-12 2025-03-12 5 02 35 48 10.51249/hs.v5i02.2445 MICROSURGERY AND NERVE RECONSTRUCTION IN COMPLEX BRACHIAL PLEXUS INJURIES <p>Complex brachial plexus injuries represent a major challenge in medicine, as they can result in severe motor and sensory deficits, significantly impacting patients’ quality of life. Microsurgery and nerve reconstruction techniques have evolved to restore upper limb function, but they still have limitations in terms of full recovery of functionality. The prognosis varies according to the severity of the injury, the time elapsed before the intervention and the surgical approaches used. This study aims to analyze the advances in microsurgery in brachial plexus reconstruction, assessing the prognosis and limitations of these approaches in patients with complex injuries. This is a bibliographic review with qualitative premises, using the SciELO, PubMed and Google Scholar databases to search for scientific articles. To refine the search, the health descriptors “brachial plexus”, “microsurgery”, “nerve reconstruction” and “nerve transfers” were used, applying Boolean operators to optimize the results. The time frame covers the years 2019 to 2023, according to the date of the first and last reference selected. Advances in microsurgery have allowed for better functional recovery rates, especially with techniques such as nerve grafts, nerve transfers and neurotizations. Nerve transfers have stood out for reducing reinnervation time, favoring better motor results. However, factors such as the chronicity of the injury, surgical time and the patient’s neural plasticity significantly influence outcomes. Limitations include the need for prolonged rehabilitation, variability in functional results and difficulty in restoring fine movements and adequate muscle strength. It is concluded that microsurgery and nerve reconstruction are fundamental strategies in the rehabilitation of patients with complex brachial plexus injuries, providing partial or significant recovery of upper limb function. Despite advances, challenges such as prolonged recovery time and limitations in complete nerve regeneration still persist. New approaches, including regenerative therapies and tissue engineering, may contribute to better prognoses in the future.</p> Felipe Guimarães Betini Matheus Carvalho Meneghetti Ricardo Felipe dos Santos Silva João Pedro do Valle Varela Roberta dos Santos Abreu Juliana da Silva Deascanio Bruno de Figueiredo Moutinho Maria Clara Gama Pessanha Sayd Guedes Saib Abi-Habib Raissa Resende Moreira Izabele von Krüger de Alcântara e Silva Letícia Isadora Miosso Leandro de Oliveira Camara Nathalia Costa Buzatto Leonardo Nasser Pauferro Rafael Stephan Faion Copyright (c) 2025 Felipe Guimarães Betini, Matheus Carvalho Meneghetti, Ricardo Felipe dos Santos Silva, João Pedro do Valle Varela, Roberta dos Santos Abreu, Juliana da Silva Deascanio, Bruno de Figueiredo Moutinho, Maria Clara Gama Pessanha, Sayd Guedes Saib Abi-Habib, Raissa Resende Moreira, Izabele von Krüger de Alcântara e Silva, Letícia Isadora Miosso, Leandro de Oliveira Camara, Nathalia Costa Buzatto, Leonardo Nasser Pauferro, Rafael Stephan Faion 2025-03-12 2025-03-12 5 02 49 58 10.51249/hs.v5i02.2446 SKIN MICROBIOME AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR DERMATOLOGICAL DISEASES <p>The skin microbiome, made up of a vast diversity of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and viruses, plays a crucial role in maintaining skin health. Alterations in the composition and diversity of the skin microbiome have been associated with a number of dermatological diseases, such as acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and rosacea. The study of the skin microbiome has emerged as a promising area for the development of new therapeutic approaches, offering significant potential for improving the treatment of these conditions. To analyze the implications of the skin microbiome in dermatological diseases, highlighting new therapeutic perspectives based on modulating the microbiome for the management and treatment of these conditions. This is a literature review with a qualitative approach, using the PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases to search for scientific articles. Specific descriptors related to the skin microbiome and its influence on health and dermatological diseases were used to refine the search. The time frame covers the years 2019 to 2023, according to the date of the first and last reference selected. The skin microbiome plays a fundamental role in defending the skin against pathogens and modulating the inflammatory response. Dysbiosis, which is the alteration in the composition of the microbiome, has been associated with the development of various dermatological diseases. For example, in acne, an increase in the abundance of *Propionibacterium acnes* has been identified, while in conditions such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, a reduction in bacterial diversity appears to contribute to chronic skin inflammation. New therapeutic strategies, such as the use of topical probiotics, prebiotics and treatments that restore the diversity of the microbiome, are being explored as innovative options for treating these conditions. In addition, studies into the use of narrow-spectrum antimicrobials aim to restore microbiological balance without eliminating beneficial bacteria, providing a less aggressive alternative to traditional treatments. Therefore, the study of the skin microbiome has opened up new frontiers for the treatment of dermatological diseases. Modulation of the microbiome offers an innovative and promising therapeutic strategy that can complement conventional treatments, improve clinical results and reduce the side effects associated with topical and systemic treatments. However, more studies are needed to better understand the mechanisms underlying microbiome dysbiosis and how these therapies can be implemented effectively and safely in clinical practice.</p> Danielle Rezende João Pedro do Valle Varela Júlia Pinheiro Amantéa Vilela Izabel Brito Teixeira Ana Maria de Almeida Batista Gustavo Folz Rossini Yago Machado dos Reis Hadija Moreira Mendes Karina Raasch Jacobsen Bruna Nobre da Silva Ramos Nathalia Costa Buzatto Éric Rocha Santório Leandro de Oliveira Camara Marcos Louro de Hollanda Wellington dos Santos Madeira Copyright (c) 2025 Danielle Rezende, João Pedro do Valle Varela, Júlia Pinheiro Amantéa Vilela, Izabel Brito Teixeira, Ana Maria de Almeida Batista, Gustavo Folz Rossini, Yago Machado dos Reis, Hadija Moreira Mendes, Karina Raasch Jacobsen, Bruna Nobre da Silva Ramos, Nathalia Costa Buzatto, Éric Rocha Santório, Leandro de Oliveira Camara, Marcos Louro de Hollanda, Wellington dos Santos Madeira 2025-03-12 2025-03-12 5 02 59 68 10.51249/hs.v5i02.2447 TAKOTSUBO CARDIOMYOPATHY AND THE HEART-BRAIN AXIS <p>Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC), also known as broken heart syndrome, is a transient heart condition often triggered by intense emotional or physical stress. It is characterized by temporary ventricular dysfunction that mimics acute coronary syndrome, but without significant obstruction of the coronary arteries. Recent studies indicate a strong connection between the central nervous system and the heart, known as the heart-brain axis, which influences the pathophysiology of TC. This study seeks to explore the relationship between Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and the heart-brain axis, evaluating the neurocardiogenic mechanisms involved and their clinical implications for the diagnosis, prognosis and management of the disease. This is a bibliographic review with a qualitative approach, using the PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases to search for scientific articles. Specific descriptors related to Takotsubo Syndrome and its relationship with neurocardiological and psychological aspects were used to refine the search. The time frame covers the years 2020 to 2023, according to the date of the first and last reference selected. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is strongly associated with hyperactivation of the sympathetic nervous system and excessive release of catecholamines, leading to transient myocardial dysfunction. The heart-brain axis plays a crucial role, as evidenced by neuroimaging studies that show alterations in brain regions responsible for emotional processing, such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. In addition, patients with TC have a higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression, suggesting a bidirectional interaction between the brain and the heart. The management of TC involves hemodynamic support and stress control, with an increasing focus on neurocardiological approaches. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy exemplifies the complex interaction between the brain and the heart, reinforcing the need for a multidisciplinary approach in its diagnosis and treatment. The study of the heart-brain axis opens up new perspectives for understanding the neurocardiogenic mechanisms of the disease and may contribute to more effective therapeutic strategies, preventing recurrences and improving patient prognosis.</p> Estevan Fillipe Bispo de Oliveira João Pedro do Valle Varela Luiza Alves Liphaus Álvaro Batista Rosado Julia Miranda Nobre Bernardo Alves Brambilla Ana Luiza Ferraz Barbosa Letícia Cypreste Preti Bruno de Oliveira Figueiredo Bruno de Figueiredo Moutinho Gabriel Moraes dos Santos Éric Rocha Santório Ursula Amanda Sá da Cunha Thiago Zanetti Pinheiro Ana Carolina Alves Luiz Coelho Soares Figueiredo Copyright (c) 2025 Estevan Fillipe Bispo de Oliveira, João Pedro do Valle Varela, Luiza Alves Liphaus, Álvaro Batista Rosado, Julia Miranda Nobre, Bernardo Alves Brambilla, Ana Luiza Ferraz Barbosa, Letícia Cypreste Preti, Bruno de Oliveira Figueiredo, Bruno de Figueiredo Moutinho, Gabriel Moraes dos Santos, Éric Rocha Santório, Ursula Amanda Sá da Cunha, Thiago Zanetti Pinheiro, Ana Carolina Alves, Luiz Coelho Soares Figueiredo 2025-03-12 2025-03-12 5 02 69 78 10.51249/hs.v5i02.2448 ANOSMIA AND COVID <p>For a future doctor it is essential to know the pathophysiology of the diseases that affect their patients, so that they perform efficient care and if they do not find the cure leave the least possible damage with the best quality of life. Although anosmia is a mild symptom among patients affected by Covid 19, it brings consequences on the quality of life of the individual. Even being a pathology to be clarified in several points and despite being a symptom leads, it can lead to patient compromise in other areas, such as psychological. We must bear in mind that every human being is a bio-psycho-social being and although SARS-Cov-2 is a biological form it brings psychological damage to those infected. The factors that determined the choice of this topic are supported by the fact that they are the authors of the project, medical students where some of the colleagues were affected by covid-19 in more severe ways and even the mildest ones such as anosmia being a sequel after the convalescence period. It is intended to carry out exploratory research that involves a methodology with a bibliographic-documentary survey in a systematic way on the findings of causality between anosmia x Covid 19.</p> Thayz Regina Portes Abrahão Bruna Aparecida Krichak Raquel Pires Bispo Andrade Thaina de Souza Gomes Shirley Gabriely da Silva Guedes Luma Caroline Godoy Isabelle Begalli Vicentin Gabriela de Sousa Marques Katiele Martins Duarte Ana Michelli Luis Gimenez Copyright (c) 2025 Thayz Regina Portes Abrahão, Bruna Aparecida Krichak, Raquel Pires Bispo Andrade, Thaina de Souza Gomes, Shirley Gabriely da Silva Guedes, Luma Caroline Godoy, Isabelle Begalli Vicentin, Gabriela de Sousa Marques, Katiele Martins Duarte, Ana Michelli Luis Gimenez 2025-03-12 2025-03-12 5 02 79 88 10.51249/hs.v5i02.2449 PERSONAL EXPERİENCES <p>This paper presents a comprehensive examination of the methods and practical experiences gained while working with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), specifically through the experiences of a case study involving a child named Ali. The research explores the impact of individualized interventions, dietary changes, and technological tools used in helping children on the autism spectrum develop social, emotional, and cognitive skills. By incorporating various interventions, we achieved significant progress in Ali’s development, which led to broader applications for other children diagnosed with ASD. The results emphasize the importance of personalized approaches and provide a potential roadmap for similar interventions in other communities. The study aims to contribute to the global discourse on autism treatment and research, particularly with regard to dietary interventions and the integration of technology (World Health Organization, 2024).</p> Mensur Xaspoladov Copyright (c) 2025 Mensur Xaspoladov 2025-03-19 2025-03-19 5 02 89 95 10.51249/hs.v5i02.2442