Health and Society <p>The mission of the Health and Society is to become one of the main national and international means of disseminating scientific research in the area of interdisciplinary debate in health, as well as allowing free access to the academic community and society to all published research. Our target audience are researchers and society in general. Thus, we accept academic works from professors and students of the most diverse levels of training, as well as works co-authored by up to 10 (ten) people.</p> en-US (Filipe Lins dos Santos) (Filipe Lins dos Santos) Wed, 08 May 2024 19:13:02 -0300 OJS 60 THE FIGHT AGAINST BREAST CANCER <p>This article reports the experience of a 60-year-old woman, living in a low-income community, who faced a battle with breast cancer. Initially, the disease was neglected and treated with home remedies, but when she sought medical help, she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. Despite medical recommendations, the patient chose not to undergo conventional treatment, following only palliative care. Family support played a crucial role in her decisions, influencing her choice to refuse surgery. However, the patient eventually withdrew from medical care, highlighting the need for a holistic approach and ongoing support for patients in similar situations. This report highlights the importance of raising awareness about breast cancer, early detection and adequate medical monitoring, as well as the need for emotional and psychological support for patients and their families throughout the treatment process.</p> Leticia Guedes de Almeida, Geane Silva Oliveira, Macerlane de Lira Silva, Francisco José Oliveira do Nascimento Gomes, Ocilma Barros de Quental Copyright (c) 2024 Leticia Guedes de Almeida, Geane Silva Oliveira, Macerlane de Lira Silva, Francisco José Oliveira do Nascimento Gomes, Ocilma Barros de Quental Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 INDIVIDUAL AND COMBINED EFFECTS OF LIFESTYLE BEHAVIORS ON THE HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE OF ADOLESCENTS <p>Background: Identifying lifestyle behaviors that can influence health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in the young population is necessary for the design and implementation of more effective educational and public health interventions. Objective: To investigate the individual and combined effects of a set of lifestyle behaviors, including physical activity, sedentary behavior, sleep and food consumption, on the HRQoL of a sample of Brazilian adolescents. Methods: It is a school-based observational study with the participation of 308 adolescents aged 14 to 18 years. A questionnaire with structured questions was applied to gather demographic and lifestyle behavior data. A healthy lifestyle index was created including positive scores for each individual behavior. HRQoL was measured using the KIDSCREEN-27 questionnaire. Analysis of covariance and linear regression models were used for statistical analysis of the data. Results: Adolescents who reported ≤ 2 hours/day of screen-based sedentary behavior (F = 5.496; p = 0.016) and sleep duration between 8-10 hours/night (F = 6.542; p = 0.009) had significantly higher HRQoL. Adolescents who reported simultaneous adhesion in ≥ 3 healthy lifestyle behaviors demonstrated approximately two [OR = 2.12; 95%CI 1.27 – 4.79] to three times [OR = 3.04; 95%CI 1.93 – 5.62] more odds to have higher perceptions of HRQoL compared to those fulfilling none. Conclusion: Although healthy lifestyle behaviors had a positive individual effect on HRQoL, simultaneous adhesion to healthy behaviors enhances the cumulative effect. The findings reinforce the importance of promoting a healthy lifestyle to ensure HRQoL and well-being in adolescence, with repercussions throughout adulthood.</p> Marcos Alberto de Moraes Copyright (c) 2024 Marcos Alberto de Moraes Tue, 14 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 NURSING CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY - HIV <p>INTRODUCTION: The presence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) triggers several consequences in the life of the carrier. Adequate treatment allows complications to be alleviated, including Acquired Immunodeficiency (AIDS), which benefits the patient. OBJECTIVE: To present the importance of nursing care for people with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). METHODOLOGY: The work developed is a literature review study. A search was carried out in the SCIELO and BVS databases, published between 2018 and 2023. 13 articles were selected that met the inclusion criteria in Portuguese, English and Spanish. This study identified activities related to nursing care and assistance for patients with human immunodeficiency. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The work of this professional covers this disease, in addition to providing safety, technical skills and training to intervene in the process of both infection and disease, making it clear that these professionals explain current knowledge, which when implemented in their daily practice In screenings related to sexually transmitted infections, great competence and completeness are observed for patients who have human immunodeficiency, as well as acquired immunodeficiency. CONCLUSION: In short, the importance of nursing professionals in treating people with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was noted. Nursing professionals promote an improvement in the lives of sufferers, through rehabilitation actions and encouragement of self-care.</p> Adenilson Pereira Nunes, Renata Lívia Silva Fonseca Moreira de Medeiro, Aurélia Gonçalves Leoncio Batista, Lucyo Rodrigues Feliciano, Jaddy Eveny de Abreu Copyright (c) 2024 Adenilson Pereira Nunes, Renata Lívia Silva Fonseca Moreira de Medeiro, Aurélia Gonçalves Leoncio Batista, Lucyo Rodrigues Feliciano, Jaddy Eveny de Abreu Wed, 22 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 BUILDING SUPPORT NETWORKS <p>HIV/AIDS is more than a physical illness, affecting not only the body, but also the social, economic, mental life and quality of life of people who live with it. Over time, these people have shown a growing interest in not only prolonging life with treatment, but also in living well, adapting their health condition naturally to everyday life. The family plays a fundamental role in this health and illness process. Often, it is to the family that the individual turns for support when coping with the disease. Therefore, this study aimed to examine how family relationships influence people living with HIV/AIDS. To do this, we searched for information in databases such as SciELO and VHL, using keywords such as “Family”, “HIV” and “Quality of Life”, combined with the “AND” operator. After analyzing a series of criteria, we selected 10 relevant articles for our review. Thus, it was possible to realize that, although the family plays an important role in quality of life, it is just one of the many variables that influence the lives of people with HIV/AIDS. This influence can be positive or negative, depending on the nature of the relationship between the person and their family after the diagnosis.</p> Lays Costa Silva, Antônio Corrêa Villela Neto, Fabiana Gregório da Silva, Raquel Araújo de Carvalho Copyright (c) 2024 Lays Costa Silva, Antônio Corrêa Villela Neto, Fabiana Gregório da Silva, Raquel Araújo de Carvalho Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC ASSESSMENT AND REHABILITATION STRATEGIES OF THE SEQUELAE OF SURGICAL REMOVAL IN A IV VENTRICULUM’S TUMOR <p>Introduction: Tumor surgeries in the IV ventricle are challenging and hairsplitting due to the risk of injury in adjacent structures, such as, the cerebellum and vestibular nucleus, which can cause movement disorders, affecting balance and gait, resulting in a decrease in functional capacity and quality of life. Objectives: Find the most effective assessment and rehabilitation process, taking into account a whole bio-psycho-social that is the patient of this case study. Methodology: Subjective and objective assessment were performed, as well as a treatment plan to the patient in question. Results: Good results were recorded on the Berg Scale and Timed Up &amp; Go (Tug). Discussion: A lot of literature talks about isolated treatments to treat sequelae of surgical procedures close to the cerebellum, however in this case study it is demonstrated that, supported by the existing scientific evidence, with the aid of clinical reasoning and critical thinking, it is possible to adapt and execute a assessment and rehabilitation process for those patients, in a safe and effective way. Conclusion: Physiotherapy, namely therapeutic massage, re-education of the gait pattern, namely facilitating the semi-step with handling in the foot, ankle and knee, balance training inspired by the Berg Scale, functional training with the promotion of dynamic instability and aerobic training, result in good strategies to decrease postural instability, maximize functional capacity and minimize complications in this kind of surgeries.</p> Sandro João Pereira Martins Copyright (c) 2024 Sandro João Pereira Martins Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 PSYCHIATRIC DEINSTITUTIONALIZATION IN BRAZIL <p>The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform is a movement that seeks to transform the mental health care model, promoting the deinstitutionalization and social inclusion of people with mental disorders. In this context, Therapeutic Residences represent an alternative to psychiatric institutionalization, offering residential support for individuals who face these disorders and need family or community support, aiming for their social reintegration. This experience report seeks, therefore, to share the experience of a team from the Family Health Strategy in the city of Rio de Janeiro-RJ after one year of monitoring residents of a Therapeutic Residence.</p> Lays Costa Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Lays Costa Silva Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 OUTSOURCING IN HEALTHCARE, CHANGES IN SUS MANAGEMENT AND WORK RELATIONS IN A NEOLIBERAL BRAZIL <p>Labor relations have been adapting to new legislation and the market profile over the years, a way that broadens a debate in the health sector, correlating changes in the management of the Unified Health System (SUS) and the arrival of the provision of services, by the cooperative entities, with a contractual configuration,which reinforces the labor issue and expresses the scenario of neoliberalism in Brazil. The present research aims to raise the discussions present in the cited parts, having the versions, such as unions, associations and workers’representatives,which present a critical position and point to the precariousness of labor relations, fearing the lack of inspection of resources transferred in the current model, while public managers and service providers say they are able to meet the demands and contracts signed with municipalities and states, so that health outsourcing takes place in our country. Legislation in constant adaptation seeking to guide the quality assistance to the health user seeking a political and social balance. For this, a bibliographic review was carried out on the proposed themes, with the main and most recent articles found. In this way, it is considered that in a country that descends from slavery and exploitation of cheap labor, the problem is not that social spending fits in the public budget, but that universal rights fit in the psyche of the elites, who are indignant with basic rights offered the working class.</p> Anderson Iacer Bueno Carneiro, Caio Murilo Leite, Rafael Santiago Copyright (c) 2024 Anderson Iacer Bueno Carneiro, Caio Murilo Leite, Rafael Santiago Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE (IN)EFFICIENCY OF THE NATIONAL CONTROLLED PRODUCTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - SNGPC IN MANAGING MEDICINES SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONTROL IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL CHAIN ​​IN BRAZIL - A CRITICAL ANALYSIS <p>This course conclusion work has as its theme The National Controlled Products Management System-SNGPC and its inefficiency in real control in the pharmaceutical chain. The central proposal of the study is to critically analyze the SNGPC, a system created by the government with the aim of controlling and monitoring the movement of controlled medicines in the country, from their production to final consumption. The main objective is to highlight that, since its creation, the SNGPC has presented significant failures in managing the distribution chain of these products. These failures have important consequences, as they can lead to a lack of these medicines in some regions and an excess in others, in addition to facilitating the occurrence of illegal practices such as sale without a prescription or even diversion into trafficking. The guiding question of the research is: Did the SNGPC control the movement of medicine distributors to drugstores or was the control only for pharmaceutical retail? This question is fundamental to understanding whether system failures are concentrated at a specific point in the chain or whether they are diffuse. The methodology employed involves a comprehensive bibliographical review on the topic and also a detailed analysis of official SNGPC reports and other relevant government documents. It is hoped that this study can contribute to a better understanding of the challenges faced by the SNGPC and inspire proposals to improve its functioning, thus ensuring greater effectiveness in the control of controlled medications in the country.</p> Lincoln Ferreira de Oliveira Copyright (c) 2024 Lincoln Ferreira de Oliveira Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 NURSING CARE FOR ADOLESCENTS IN PRENATAL <p>The problematization of teenage pregnancy and its care through prenatal care, being multifactorial, permeated by social and cultural prejudices, poses challenging factors for the practice of nurses in Primary Care. Objective: Highlight the role of the nurse in the sensitized reflection of care, to establish bonds and trust, fundamental for the humanization of this process. Methodology: Integrative review of the literature developed with original articles, published between 2018 and 2023, with the theme of teenage pregnancy and nursing care. Results: It was constructed from this study that the concept of sensitized reflection on the care of pregnant adolescents must value their biographies, their values, their fears and desires; characterizing the nurse’s performance free from prejudice and prejudgment, stigma, aggression or discrimination. Final considerations: It is suggested that the role of nurses working in Primary Health Care is to recommend and ensure that care for pregnant adolescent women, a population so fragile and vulnerable, is more welcoming, attentive, warm, harmonious and humanized than their current practices.</p> Lorena Dantas da Silva, Macerlane de Lira Silva, Kaellen Batista Abrantes, José Venâncio Soares Vieira, Geane Silva Oliveira, Anne Caroline de Souza, Fávilla Mikaelly Marques de Abrantes, Emanoelly Marques Galvão, Rita Lademilla Pordeus Fernandes Dantas Copyright (c) 2024 Lorena Dantas da Silva, Macerlane de Lira Silva, Kaellen Batista Abrantes, José Venâncio Soares Vieira, Geane Silva Oliveira, Anne Caroline de Souza, Fávilla Mikaelly Marques de Abrantes, Emanoelly Marques Galvão, Rita Lademilla Pordeus Fernandes Dantas Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 HOMOCYSTEINE AS A CARDIOVASCULAR RISK FACTOR <p>This article aims to review the evidence on the relationship between homocysteine and cardiovascular disease (CVD), as well as the possible mechanisms involved and therapeutic strategies to reduce homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is an amino acid that can accumulate in the blood for various reasons, such as enzymatic defects, nutritional deficiencies, or changes in liver or kidney function. Hyperhomocysteinemia is considered an independent risk factor for CVD as it affects the vascular endothelium, promotes LDL oxidation, and stimulates thrombosis. The article presents a meta-analysis of clinical and experimental studies that investigated the association between homocysteine and CVD, the mechanisms by which homocysteine can cause vascular damage, and ways to treat hyperhomocysteinemia, mainly through supplementation with B vitamins. The article concludes that homocysteine is both a marker and a causal factor of CVD, and that reducing its levels can prevent or slow the progression of the disease.</p> Marcelo Flavio G Jardim Filho Copyright (c) 2024 Marcelo Flavio G Jardim Filho Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF TEACHER EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION AT KHAZAR DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL USING THE MASLACH BURNOUT INVENTORY <p>Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the lives of the students. They influence their academic development, personal growth, and character formation. However, the proficient health of teachers is the foundation of their significant work in modern academia. Sadly, recent studies have shown increased professional deformations, particularly emotional burnout. Therefore, preventing and correcting burnout syndrome in their professional lives has become increasingly important. This study delves into the intricate dynamics of emotional exhaustion among 53 educators within the Khazar District, employing the Maslach Burnout Inventory as the principal diagnostic tool. The findings serve as a foundation for targeted interventions and policy formulation aimed at mitigating burnout and fostering a conducive work environment conducive to teacher well-being and student success. The quantitative component of the study involves administering the Maslach Burnout Inventory to teachers in order to assess their levels of emotional exhaustion, as well as factors such as depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. These data will be analyzed to identify patterns and trends in teacher burnout, as well as correlations with demographic variables such as years of experience and gender.This article highlights the issue of emotional burnout in teachers as a problem of their professional deformation and psychological health. </p> Narmin Mir Jalalli Copyright (c) 2024 Narmin Mir Jalalli Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 LEARNING FOR CHILDREN WITH DOWN SYNDROME <p>This article addresses the learning of children with Down Syndrome (DS). The objective was to understand how the teaching and learning process of children with DS occurs and how their limitations can be overcome and/or alleviated. Bibliographical research, with a qualitative, exploratory approach, allowed us to understand the main characteristics presented by children with DS, as well as those that imply learning disorders and, also, about how these subjects learn and which techniques and methods help in their schooling process. During this study, it was possible to observe the importance of mediation in the educational process of children with DS, as well as the means used to stimulate the understanding of educational content and guarantee the same learning opportunities.</p> Francisca Olivia, Salma Ferreira Sampaio, Rutemara Florêncio Copyright (c) 2024 Francisca Olivia, Salma Ferreira Sampaio, Rutemara Florêncio Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 HELP PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY TO BUILD MEANINGFUL PERSONALIZED HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE <p>Unlike the consumer industry, biopharma, medical technology, and wellness companies have struggled to build meaningful, personalized patient and healthcare professional (HCP) experiences. The increase in drug launches and growing competition across therapy areas has made it challenging for brands and organizations to stand out from the crowd, whether for new molecules vs. legacy brands in an established treatment area and their generic counter-parts or for new molecules in a rare disease where trust is not yet earned. The customers’ needs and preferences are changing at lightning speed. The hierarchy of engagement has transformed, disrupting the dynamic between patients and healthcare professionals. Studies (1, 2) show that drug marketers too often turn various aspects of their product profile into signals – and may inadvertently “reinforce the habitual behavior the marketer is trying to change”. We encourage pharmaceutical companies to use a “data-driven approach to uncover new opportunities for growth” and improvement, and we’re committed to delivering results that make a difference for the patient, HCPs and for the system (value-based healthcare approach). Applying the Brand Leadership Circle, a new strategic tool, will help understand the patients’ journey and other stakeholders’ needs to implement successful approaches in marketing, communications and services using systematic research methods and techniques.</p> Amilcar Barreto, Antonio Pe-curto, Gillian Tachibana, Luigi Lavorgna, Pedro Gouveia, Elisabetta Maida, Conceição Sousa, Pedro Melo Lopes, Pedro Joel, Patricia Bela Cardoso, Eduardo Ribeiro, Norberto Guerra, Joana Lopes Camilo, Ines Moital, Hugo Pedrosa, David Pinato, Rita Sousa Copyright (c) 2024 Amilcar Barreto, Antonio Pe-curto, Gillian Tachibana, Luigi Lavorgna, Pedro Gouveia, Elisabetta Maida, Conceição Sousa, Pedro Melo Lopes, Pedro Joel, Patricia Bela Cardoso, Eduardo Ribeiro, Norberto Guerra, Joana Lopes Camilo, Ines Moital, Hugo Pedrosa, David Pinato, Rita Sousa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300