Journal of Interdisciplinary Debates <p>The mission of Journal of Interdisciplinary Debates (JID) is intended to inform the academic community and society through relevant research that transmit the interdisciplinarity of training. The objective of the JID is to stimulate interdisciplinary scientific debate and production in order to inform society and produce new knowledge. The target audience of our journal is postdoctoral, doctors, masters and graduate students. Thus, the authors must have some degree mentioned or attend a postgraduate course. In addition, the JID will accept co-authored participation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="icc-container-journal"> <div class="icc-small-text">International Category Code (ICC): ICC-02</div> <div class="icc-small-text"> <div class="ija-container-journal"> <div class="ija-small-text">International Journal Address (IJA): IJA.ZONE/26757159469X</div> <div class="ija-small-text">eISSN : 2675 - 469X</div> </div> </div> </div> en-US (Filipe Lins dos Santos) (Filipe Santos) Thu, 23 May 2024 17:23:26 -0300 OJS 60 MATH ANXIETY <p>Mathematics anxiety has been the subject of growing academic interest, as it can significantly impact academic performance and individuals’ relationship with mathematical content throughout their lives. This narrative review aims to understand the conceptual evolution, causes and possible interventions associated with mathematics anxiety. Using a bibliographic methodology, articles, books and reports published in renowned academic databases were analyzed. As the main theoretical framework, the cognitive-behavioral perspective was adopted, which understands mathematical anxiety as a result of interactions between cognitive, behavioral and environmental processes. The results point to a multifaceted understanding of the phenomenon, highlighting not only individual factors, such as self-efficacy and past experiences, but also external factors, such as teaching methods and teachers’ attitudes. Interventions aimed at reducing mathematics anxiety have focused on both pedagogical strategies and psychotherapeutic approaches, demonstrating the need for an interdisciplinary approach to tackle the problem. This work contributes to the literature by consolidating dispersed knowledge and indicating future paths for educational research and practice.</p> Anderson Silva Gusmão, Anderson Cleyton Felipe Gaudêncio, João Bonifácio da Silva Júnior, Robson Nestor Felipe Gaudêncio Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Interdisciplinary Debates Thu, 23 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 DIOPHANTINE EQUATIONS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS <p>This work addressed Diophantine equations as a solution method using mathematical researchers who explore the theme using problem situations that can be found in everyday life. In this way, the relevance of mathematics is highlighted and it is emphasized that imagination and abstraction are indispensable resources for understanding it. Finally, the need to study the methodology used in solving problems by the teacher in the classroom is highlighted, as the method contributes to the process of acquiring knowledge.</p> Dione Conceição de Almeida, Ivone Cristina Barros Pedroza Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Interdisciplinary Debates Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 IT PROCESS OPTIMIZATION THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF BIMODAL IT WITH DEVOPS <p>In recent years, changes have been made in the development of information systems software for a more agile way of working. Agile teams are responsible for obtaining requirements in a multidisciplinary set, where the business part and the development part are represented in a single project. DevOps is a new movement that tries to improve agility in service delivery. It encourages greater collaboration and communication between development teams and operations and prevents problems and operational needs from being exposed in the project, affecting software quality. For large and cross-platform businesses, it is essential to consider the mainframe in these tool chains because data and mainframe applications are among their strategic digital assets. The ideal architecture for mainframe inclusion harmoniously combines the specificity of the well-integrated mainframe / task platform (DevOps) into the broader environment of the development and operations chain. Inclusive tooling chains generate a significant competitive advantage by enabling you to have quality information from the mainframe code, making the platform much more accessible to DevOps equipment. Thus, the main problem of the work is: what are the main benefits that would lead a company’s IT area to invest in the implementation of bimodal IT with DevOps, aiming to optimize processes?</p> Emerson Charles do Nascimento Marreiros, Esrom José Galvão do Nascimento Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Interdisciplinary Debates Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300