A pregnant woman can go through a smooth pregnancy, and at some point in her pregnancy, she becomes at high risk, so it is essential to have a critical eye during the 9 months of pregnancy, because, even if it is a smooth pregnancy, at the time of delivery it can present a complication, as this is unpredictable. The assessment of gestational risk is paramount, so that it can be carried out throughout the pregnancy and proper care can be established.
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RODRIGUES, Antonia Regynara Moreira et al. Gestação de alto risco: Análise dos determinantes de saúde. Revista De Políticas Públicas, - V.16 Suplemento n.0, 2º17. Disponível: https://sanare.emnuvens.com.br/sanare/article/view/1135/620. Acessado:18/11/2022.