
Oncology; Training; Professional exercise

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Oliveira da Rocha, L. ., Nogueira de Araújo, R. ., da Silva Barbosa, R. ., de Souza Diógenes, B. ., Rubhia de Lima Torres, L. ., V. Volpáti, N. ., & P. Machado, M. . (2023). PROFILE OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS WORKING IN ONCOLOGICAL HOSPITAL UNITS: INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 13.


Introduction: Currently, neoplasms represent the second cause of death in the population, representing a considerable portion of the total deaths in the country. Studies point to the growing number of new cancer cases every day. In this context the present study proposes the knowledge of the profile of the nursing team that acts in the care of this population. Objective: To describe, through a survey of scientific production, the profile of managers for the development of managerial skills in primary health care. Material and Method: This is a descriptive study of integrative literature review, articles published from 2009 to 2019, in the Medline, LILACS, BDENF and Rev. Latino-Am Nursing databases. The research followed the standards of methodological rigor required for the integrative literature review. The following criteria were adopted for the selection of articles: complete studies, publication date from 2009 to 2019, Portuguese and English. Exclusion criteria were: reviews, congress proceedings, theses, dissertations and epidemiological bulletins. Results: We identified 10 articles published in the last 10 years, and grouping the data allowed the construction of thematic units related to nurses' competences: Profile of the nursing team in the cancer sector; Importance of training, specialization of nursing professionals; Relationship of nursing staff with cancer patients. Conclusion: The professional skills of the identified nurses provide subsidies to outline guidelines for the construction of the nurse's profile in the care and care of cancer patients, and from the presented scenario elaborate strategies and actions aimed at the formation and improvement of the practices of this professional, aiming at provide better care for hospitalized patients in a comprehensive, humanized and qualified manner.


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