
Psychoanalysis; Psychiatry; Symptoms; Diagnosis.

How to Cite

Brochardt Cavalcanti, M. . (2023). PSYCHOANALYSIS AND PSYCHIATRY: DISCUSSIONS ABOUT SYMPTOMS AND DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 13.


The difference in the definitions of what constitutes a symptom for Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry generates still confused discussions about the delimitations of each perspective. Making an overview about several authors of the two areas of knowledge, the present study brings, in a simple way, the properties of each strand, presenting the departures and approximations, as well as the dichotomy presented through the subjectivity considered in Psychoanalysis, and the objectivity understood in the Psychiatry. As a general objective, we sought to verify how Psychoanalysis can dialogue with the symptom and diagnosis assumptions of Psychiatry, and as specific objectives, to observe the perspective of Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis in the face of what is considered a symptom, and to understand the transference to the process diagnosis in the psychoanalytic field. Through bibliographical research, searches were carried out in several databases, giving preference to materials published in the last 5 years, selecting materials that could serve as a basis for the present study. The chosen data were analyzed using the qualitative method. The study achieved its objectives by developing the proposed discussion. Thus, we sought to list the main disagreements between the two fields.


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