QUEILITE (Português (Brasil))


Oral cancer. Stomatology. Men’s health

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Thaís Duarte Brasileiro, C. ., Mateus Pau-Ferro Rodrigues, A. ., Martins Galvão Palha, F. ., Carvalho Bruno dos Santos, G. ., Sophia Motta Araújo, A. ., da Mota Vasconcelos Brasil , C. ., & Domingues de Faria, M. . (2023). ACTINIC CHILITIS IN RURAL WORKERS: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 14.


Rural workers, due to their longer exposure to the sun, have a greater chance of developing skin diseases with great malignant potential, with actinic cheilitis (AC) being one of the most frequent. In view of this, the present work aims to bring the frequency of AC in rural workers, through a literature review. For this, some articles were selected from the Lilacs, Pubmed and Scielo databases, including those published between 2017 and 2022 and excluding those published in periods prior to these, in addition to other literature reviews. AC is classified as a potentially malignant disease. It is described as a degeneration of the epithelial and connective tissue, caused by chronic sun exposure, mainly affecting the lower lip. Histologically, it is characterized by an inflammatory infiltrate and vasodilatation, in addition to keratosis, hyperplasia, atrophy and cellular dysplasia. There is a prevalence in male patients, leucoderma, who are between 40 and 60 years old and who work outdoors. As a prevention and treatment measure, making use of photoprotectors and IPEs is of paramount importance, since in the findings, workers who did not use them, developed AC. With that, the literature shows that rural workers are more predisposed to develop AC because they do not use preventive mechanisms, leaving it to the dentist to create educational methods and, in cases where the disease is installed, curatives, so that they do not evolve into malignant changes.
QUEILITE (Português (Brasil))


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