Determination of the sodium content of canine snacks and compounded palatable tablets for dogs
Ebook - Determinação do teor (Português (Brasil))


Sodium chloride. Congestion. Diet. Nutrition. Salt.

How to Cite

Gross, J. ., Weber, J. ., Luis Cemenci Gnoatto, F. ., & Champion, T. . (2023). Determination of the sodium content of canine snacks and compounded palatable tablets for dogs. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 22.


Misinformation about the nutritional characteristics of dog diets can be an aggravating factor in some clinical conditions. In patients who require dietary sodium restriction, in addition to the sodium content from the feed, all possible forms of ingestion of this electrolyte must be considered. In this way, the snacks given to the dog and the pharmaceutical form in which the animal will receive the therapy can contribute to excess sodium consumption. In the present study, the sodium content of canine snacks such as biscuits indicated for adults and puppies, snacks (steaks) and palatable pills manipulated in the form of biscuits were analyzed. All samples denoted sodium contents that must be considered clinically. Considering the values of sodium in mg/100g of product and mg/unit of the product, the canine snacks analyzed showed higher levels of sodium (1025.21 ± 197.15mg/100g) compared to the palatable tablets (356.23 ± 150 ,27mg/100g) and dog biscuits (319.4 (199.3 – 1099.0mg/100g) (p<0.0001). Thus, the sodium content found in a snack unit can be equivalent to practically four units of biscuits or twenty tablets. Although there is no difference in sodium values/100g between palatable tablets and biscuits, the tablet unit has a lower sodium content in relation to biscuits and canine snacks (p<0.0001). Sodium content in canine biscuits and snacks, as well as in palatable tablets, can help the veterinarian in the most appropriate dietary prescription for the patient and in the promotion of healthier diets for dogs, since the labeling only informs the minimum content of this electrolyte.
Ebook - Determinação do teor (Português (Brasil))


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