Analysis of the physical development of Brazilian students 8 to 12 years old from Cidade Tupanciretã
Ebook - Análise do desenvolvimento (Português (Brasil))


Physical Development, Evaluation, Students

How to Cite

Aparecida Cavalheiro Gonçalves, M. ., & Kalinine , I. (2023). Analysis of the physical development of Brazilian students 8 to 12 years old from Cidade Tupanciretã. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 28.


The objective of this research was to determine the physical development of students in first and second cycles of elementary school. The study group was consisted of all children aged 8 to 12 years of the State School for Primary Educationof the town of Tupanciretã, Brazil. A total of 90 students, 42 male and 48 female. In order to check the physical development of children they were used the following standardized physical tests: jump in extension without running, throwing a ball weighing 150g, modified abdominal, high flat bar for males and low fixed bar for females, 30 meters running and 1000m run/walk.To evaluate the physical development of the students it was used the methodology proposed by Kalinine. Were also collected anthropometric measurements: weight, height and BMI. The survey results showed that the physical development of students surveyed, according to the assessment criteria proposed in general is insufficient. Only in the 30 meters race and long jump tests the students of both sexes showed, on average, the result „Good‟. In the test of fixed bar push-ups, throwing a ball weighing 150g for both sexes and modified abdominal for males showed a poor performance. Conclusion. We think it happens because there are no goals for the physical education teacher to follow, targets requiring the development of these physical skills of the students, in order that there is a physical strengthening of their health, through their physical development.
Ebook - Análise do desenvolvimento (Português (Brasil))


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