
Syphilis. Infectious disease. Notification. Epidemiological Profile. Incidence.

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Almeida de Magalhães, T. ., Cristina Ferreira Barbosa, L. ., Alves Monteiro , P. ., Julliana Costa Diniz, H. ., Monteiro Lima Martins, I. ., Souto Moreira, K. ., Raquel Mendes Vieira, M. ., Evangelista Nascimento, J. ., Danilo Soares, W. ., & Soares da Silva Menezes, A. . (2023). EPIDEMIOLOGICAL PROFILE OF CASES OF ACQUIRED SYPHILIS IN THE CITY OF MONTES CLAROS – MG. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 15. https://doi.org/10.51249/easn15.2023.1486


The objective of this study is to identify the epidemiological profile of notified cases of syphilis acquired in the municipality of Montes Claros from 2014 to 2019, whose data come from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the SPSS® 22.0 program. During the study period, 1,695 cases of syphilis acquired in the city were notified, 39.4% belonged to the age group between 26 and 44 years old, 62% were male, 71.3% were brown, 30.3% had completed high school , 94.6% lived in the urban area, 95.9% were confirmed cases, and 89.6% of the cases used the laboratory criterion for confirmation/disposal, 88.91% were from the autochthonous area and 91.4% of cases were unrelated to work. It is concluded that in Montes Claros-MG there has been a growing increase in cases of acquired syphilis in recent years, with a predominance of young adults, male, living in the urban area and with a high school level. There is a need for public health policies aimed at reducing the distance between health surveillance actions and the field of practice of Primary Care.



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