TECNOLOGIAS (Português (Brasil))


Intensive Care Unit; Careful; Health; Multi-professional; Critical Patient; Technology.

How to Cite

de Araújo Porto, V. ., de Freitas Ferreira, F. ., dos Santos Vieira, D. ., Barros de Valmoré Fernandes, M. ., Ribeiro Oliveira, A. ., Roque Garcia, F. ., Herminio Falcão Torres, G. ., Jésily Gomes Evangelista, M. ., & Miranda Ribeiro de Melo, A. . (2023). TECHNOLOGIES ASSISTED TO THE CRITICAL PATIENT. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 5.


Intensive treatment requires great technological support for effective and safe care. In this sense, in the field of health, innovations must be researched and developed, to be increasingly sophisticated. Its importance for the definition of conducts and the real-time monitoring of the patient’s hemodynamic state is unquestionable, always with the caveat that the technology was not inserted to replace human care, but to improve the assistance provided. The various devices available on the market for their high complexity demand scientific and technical knowledge from professionals, as well as the development of skills for handling them.
TECNOLOGIAS (Português (Brasil))


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