
Enddontic Treatment, Endodontic Retreatment, Causes OF Failure In Endodontic Treatment, Complications In Endodontics.

How to Cite

Santos Novato , L. ., & Beatriz da Silva, R. . (2023). OCCURRENCES OF COMPLICATIONS AFTER ENDODONTIC TREATMENT. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 17. https://doi.org/10.51249/easn17.2023.1562


Endodontic treatment aims to irreversibly remove the etiological agents causing the pulp infection and the inflamed pulp. Treatment success depends not only on the quality of the filling, but on the correct handling of the techniques, following the endodontic steps satisfactorily. Some factors are capable of contributing to a negative prognosis of endodontic treatment, for example, root resorption, file fracture, canal or furcal perforation, root fracture, traumatic dental injury, endodontic filling material below the apex. The aim of this study was to search the literature for the main etiologies of failure in endodontic treatment. For this purpose, articles were searched in the following databases: PubMed, LILACS, SciELO and Google Scholar, using as a means of searching the keywords “endodontic retreatment, treatment failure, failures, complications after endodontic therapy, post apical lesion -treatment” from 2000 to 2021. The development of the literature review allowed an analysis of the main complications that can occur after endodontic treatment and the resistance of microorganisms present in the vast majority of endodontic failures, there are still factors that can lead to failures in this endodontic treatment, such as: incorrect instrumentation, perforations, untreated canals, infiltration, excess filling material, therefore, it is extremely important to carry out correct planning, use of tomography and knowledge of the technique, to increase the success rate of endodontic treatment. It was concluded that to prevent the occurrence of complications after endodontic treatment, it is necessary to carry out maneuvers such as: use of irrigating substances in large volumes, intracanal medication, adequate instrumentation and a good filling. The presence of Enterococcus faecalis is difficult to control and it is present in most failures, due to the difficulty in reaching instrumentation and intracanal medication in this region.



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