CULTURA (Português (Brasil))


Safety Culture; High complexity; Patient safety.

How to Cite

Costa Pachêco de Souza, L. ., Áurea da Cruz Ferreira Evaristo, A. ., Cândida Barbosa da Silva, D. ., Niedja de Sousa Farias Lemos, S., Alencar de Medeiros Pereira, M., Ribeiro Oliveira, A., Quitéria Fernandes Ferreira, A. ., Kalyne Ferreira Pinheiro, A. ., Soares do Nascimento, R., Barros de Valmoré Fernandes, M. ., Costa Callegari Macedo, F., & Lucas Lopes, C. . (2024). PATIENT SAFETY CULTURE IN HIGH COMPLEXITY SERVICES. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 2.


The patient safety culture in highly complex services is a set of values, attitudes, practices and standards that promote safety and quality in healthcare. This concept is crucial to prevent errors, reduce risks and ensure effective care. The patient safety culture in highly complex services aims to create an environment that prioritizes safety, promotes effective communication and learns from past experiences to constantly improve the quality of care. This results in better outcomes for patients, healthcare professionals and the entire institution.
CULTURA (Português (Brasil))


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