DIREITOS (Português (Brasil))


Women’s Health; Rights; Prevention

How to Cite

Denari Giuliani, C. ., Cristina de Moura-Ferreira, M. ., Cristina Bertussi , V., Rosilene dos Santos, M., Alencar de Medeiros Pereira, M. ., Janiscleia da Silva Santos, F. ., Martins Barbosa, R. ., Cristina Rodrigues Luna e Silva, A. ., Gomes Silva, F. ., Rezende Silva de Oliveira, A. ., Muriel Nery Esteves , M., & de Araújo Silva Oliveira , R. (2024). WOMEN’S RIGHTS IN HEALTHCARE: KNOWING WHAT THE SINGLE HEALTH SYSTEM CAN OFFER. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 1. https://doi.org/10.51249/easn01.2024.1884


A woman’s health situation involves several aspects of life, such as her relationship with the environment, leisure, food and working conditions, housing and income. This situation is aggravated by discrimination in work relationships and the overload with domestic work responsibilities, as well as race, ethnicity and poverty, further highlighting inequalities. Therefore, knowledge of the history of women’s health in Brazil is important so that we can understand and value Women’s Health Public Policies in our country, as there has been a significant advance in the services offered to women over the years after several movements feminists in the country

DIREITOS (Português (Brasil))


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