The mammography exam is always accompanied by great anxiety and fear, whether of the exam itself, of feeling pain, getting hurt and even of the diagnosis (of cancer) that may come after the exam. These fears keep many women away from the possibility of early diagnosis of breast cancer and often generate the spread of negative information about the exam, hence the idea of creating a more harmonious and welcoming environment. According to data from the National Cancer Institute (INCA), 66,280 new cases of breast cancer are estimated for Brazil, in each year of the 2020/2022 triennium – a value that corresponds to a risk of approximately 61.61 new cases per 100 thousand women. Having a room with humanized and welcoming care reduces anxiety and promotes greater relaxation and cooperation for proper positioning on the mammogram. With this, we will be able to have more accurate diagnoses, preventing possible cancers from being missed or underestimated, as 95% of failures observed in exams, nowadays, correspond to positioning errors
FEMAMA. Cancer de mama e depressão. Disponível em: <https://femama.org.br/site/blog-da-femama/cancer-de-mama-e-depressao>
Ministério da Saúde. Revista Brasileira de Cancerologia. Disponível em: <https://rbc.inca.gov.br>
Oncoguia. Disponível em: <http://www.oncoguia.org.br>