
X-ray; Syphilis; Congenital; Pregnant women.

How to Cite

Barbosa do Vale Silva, G. ., Ramos Andrade, S. ., Thomé da Silva, R. ., & Temóteo Galhardo, A. . (2024). IMPORTANCE OF RADIOLOGY IN NEONATAL PEDIATRICS: CONGENITAL SYPHILIS. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 18.


The discovery of the x-ray was a historic milestone and a revolution for medicine, pediatric radiology began simultaneously with general radiology. Radiology is a set of electrons and energy that form the production of x-rays and thus the formation of the image. Radioprotection is extremely important to maintain image quality, especially pediatric ones, and to control the doses absorbed by the patient. The neonatal nurse is responsible for the newborn's first care, monitoring the babies' health for up to 28 days if necessary. Congenital syphilis causes around 90% of the broad clinical aspect and can manifest itself from asymptomatic forms or even fetal and neonatal deaths. For diagnosis, rapid tests and immunological tests are used and the diagnosis for congenital syphilis comes from epidemiological tests. In prenatal care, pregnant women must undergo monitoring in the first weeks of pregnancy; it is essential that pregnant women take all vaccines, vitamins and take the necessary tests. Syphilis treatment is done with benzyl penicillin, potassium/crystalline depending on the case. The contagion is transmitted during sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal or oral) where there is contact between the mucosa and the infection (acquired syphilis) and congenital syphilis can occur at any stage of pregnancy. Infected babies most of the time do not present signs and symptoms, making diagnosis difficult, but in the first years of life they can develop injuries, deafness and blindness. Radiographs are important for diagnosing and predicting sequelae and worsening of the case and the most suitable positioning and for long bones, being able to observe all structures and joints, based on radiological anatomy to identify desired structures.


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