
Experience report; pregnant; eclampsia.

How to Cite

Henry de Oliveira Vale, J. ., & Danna Carvalho Pinto, Y. . (2024). NURSES’ PERFORMANCE IN THE OBSTETRIC CLINIC IN A MUNICIPALITY IN WEST PARÁ: AN EXPERIENCE REPORT. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 18.


Childbirth is an absolutely biological method, for many women it is associated with pain, suffering and a wide range of fears, repeatedly fed by the media and by the accelerated and unique lifestyle of each individual in today’s world (VASCONCELOS, 2001). Considering the risks, Brasil (2005) points out that pre-eclampsia/eclampsia are the first causes of maternal mortality in Brazil and determine the highest number of perinatal deaths, in addition to the significant increase in the number of newborns with sequelae when they survive the damage of hypoxia. cerebral.Considering the reality of public health in Brazil, mainly in the northern region, this work aims to report the experiences of vaginal birth care, highlighting the main difficulties experienced in a city in the interior of the state of Pará. of a descriptive study of the experience report type, about activities and practices never experienced by the author in the maternity ward of a public hospital in the city of Faro, western Pará in the months February to December 2022. Therefore, the need for structure is concluded , inputs, distance, it is clear that providing healthcare becomes even more difficult in these difficult to access places. Thus, the article presents three topics that the author considers never experienced and which served as a reason for acquiring new knowledge in obstetrics


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