Human Aging
Ebook - Envelhecimento humano (Português (Brasil))


aging, health, public

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Ferreira de Souza, J. ., Meira Tiburtino Nepomuceno, A. ., Caroline de Souza Mindelo, Émille ., Santos Santana, E. ., Telles Paschoal Santos, N. ., Kennedy da Silva Lopes, B. ., Barros de Valmoré Fernandes, M. ., Lopes Miele, V., Lopes Corrêa, N. ., Bezerra Tavares de Oliveira Maranhão, C. ., Angelo Victor, J. ., Nelson Martins Junior, L. ., Thamalla Mendes dos Santos, S. ., Alencar Nogueira, I. ., Paiva Góes Ramalho, J. ., Monalisa Sizenando Souza Lima, T. ., Fernandes da Costa, B. ., da Silva Vasconcelos, F. ., Figueiredo Ramalho Costa de Souza, R. ., & Rocha Diniz, M. . (2024). Human Aging: interdisciplinary behaviors and methodologies for care. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 51.


This new volume seeks to disseminate a broad work that discusses different types of interdisciplinary approaches to be applied to the population aging process, providing a reflection on the care and quality of life of the elderly.
Ebook - Envelhecimento humano (Português (Brasil))


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