COMPLICAÇÕES (Português (Brasil))


Dentistry; Complications; anesthesia; Articaine; Incidence; death.

How to Cite

Silva Pinto, P. A. da, & Zamberlan Rausch, F. (2021). COMPLICATIONS IN LOCAL ANESTHESIA: WHAT ARE THEY? AND WHAT IS THE PERSPECTIVE FOR THE FUTURE? LITERATURE REVIEW. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 1. Retrieved from


The present work is a literature review on the main complications related to local anesthetics, also bringing what the articles indicate about future incidences. Dealing with the main documented complications and using the available information, outline an overview of future incidences of complications. The information obtained was found in searches in the PubMed, MEDLINE, SciELO and Academic Google databases. The complications found were: injection pain, needle breakage, trismus, hematoma, infection, edema, necrosis, allergies, intoxication, methemoglobinemia, ophthalmological alterations, paresthesia and complications modulated by systemic alterations. The authors conclude that in the coming years there may be an increase in the incidence of complications.

COMPLICAÇÕES (Português (Brasil))


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