
Sex ratio, Fishculture. Sexual reversion. Johei Koike.

How to Cite

Christina Varela Das Neves, S., Lourenço Xavier, K., Ferreira Lemos Vasconcelos, R., & Jorge Guerra Santos, A. (2021). MASCULINIZATION OF NILE TILAPIA, OREOCHROMIS NILOTICUS, CHITRALADA STRAIN, THROUGH WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROL. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 1. Retrieved from


This study aimed to investigate the effect of temperature at 35 ° C, but soon after hatching of the larvae, on the effectiveness of sex reversal. For this used two treatments (Group I. Heat Treatment; Group II. Control). The gonads of the fish were examined microscopically for the sex ratio thirty days after water heat treatment. The male ratio was 82.66 and 42.10% for the Group I and II, respectively. Significant differences were found (p <0.0001) between the groups, for both body weight and total body length. Intersex fish was not detected. Significant difference was found in sex ratio, indicating the presence of a "thermo-sensitivity" feature in the species. It was conclude that the application of a high temperature during the initial phase of post larvae can induce offspring monossex males, with a ratio over 80%, which means a potential alternative to the sex reversal of tilapia by means of androgenic hormones.



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