
Fungal. Vegetables. Urban

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de Oliveira Nascimento, I., Andrade Camelo, R. ., Saturnino da Silva Araújo, K. ., Lima Cavalcante Marinho, D. ., & de Mattos Salgado, G. . (2021). SURVEY OF FUNGI DISEASES IN LEAF VEGETABLES PRODUCED IN THE URBAN AREA OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF IMPERATRIZ-MA. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 1. Retrieved from


The cultivation of various types of plants, in all their diversity, whether they are grown in orchards, gardens, studies and even in vegetable gardens, are called Horticulture, which is the science responsible for taking care of this process. In Maranhão, there are many municipalities that produce hardwood vegetables, these have a characteristic of domination of small properties, of labor with family base and because they are located close to Imperatriz and the capital of São Luís, dividing the culture of food of family agriculture the first place in the agricultural importance of these producing municipalities. So this present work, seeks to know the foliar diseases, in this case which are the main that most affect the gardens in Imperatriz-Ma. Data collected for this work refer to 11 vegetable gardens, all of which have beds, of which they were examined and with the objective of finding and identifying traits or symptoms of diseases of fungal etiology. Among the types of vegetables grown, we have coriander, lettuce, chives, arugula, and cabbage. A total of 777 beds were analyzed, of which 250 had symptoms of diseases and 527 were healthy beds. The most frequent diseases were: circular spot with 22.22% of the results found, 18.18% mildew, rot with 36.36% and cercosporiosis with 100%. With preventive actions and with the knowledge of the disease control period, it is possible to make a control and raise awareness of the small producer of the urban area of ​​the municipality, helps him to know more about which diseases can appear in his so that they can be combated as soon as possible and can ease the loss of their production, caused by diseases of fungal origin.



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