SORRISO GENGIVAL (Português (Brasil))


Gingiva, Smiling, Esthetics

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Menezes Fidelis, L. ., de Souza Reis, F. ., Said de Castro, T. ., Viana Vasconcelos Carneiro Leão, L. ., Belém Rodrigues Barros Soares, V. ., & Gomes Moreira, A. . (2021). USE OF BOTULINUM TOXIN IN GINGIVAL SMILE: : LITERATURE REVIEW. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 1. Retrieved from


Initially, botulinum toxin was used only for therapeutic purposes, after some research its application began to be used in aesthetic treatments. Type A is the most used subtype of toxin for cosmetic purposes, and used in the dental field as it is the most potent treatment for hyperfunction of the muscles involved in smiling, such as the gummy smile. This substance is synthesized by the anaerobic bacteria, clostrium botulinum, which acts by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine, thus blocking muscle contraction. In this way, it provides a longer duration of therapeutic effects and when applied in small doses, it blocks the release of acetylcholine and, as a result, the muscle does not receive the message to contract. Gingival smile is one of the main complaints of patients, this situation can influence self-esteem and social relationships. The beauty of a smile is not only in the position, shape and color of the teeth, but also in the characteristics of the lips, which must be as harmonious as the teeth. The emergence of new techniques such as the application of botulinum toxin is a more conservative therapeutic option with less morbidity when compared to surgical intervention in the treatment of gummy smile. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to approach the use of botulinum toxin in gummy smile.

SORRISO GENGIVAL (Português (Brasil))


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