PERIIMPLANTITE (Português (Brasil))


Periimplantite, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment

How to Cite

Maribondo de Lemos, L. . (2021). PERIIMPLANTITIS: : A BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW ON THE LITERATURE’S LATEST FINDINGS – DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 1. Retrieved from


The definition and the term "periimplantite" were introduced in the late 1980s and subsequently defined as an inflammatory process that affects soft and hard tissues around osseointegrated implants, resulting in loss of the supporting bone. Periimplant and periimplantitis mucosites are infectious pathologies. Currently periimplantitis affects 77% of people who have implants on average, this problem is very rare in natural teeth. However, the chances of inflammation and periimplantitis are much greater in cases of implants, since the implants will never adhere to the gingiva in the same effective way as the natural teeth, that is, however small the difference is and however well done Once the implant is done, they will never be the same as the natural ones. Purpose of the study is carry out a bibliographic search to analyze the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of periimplantitis. The method A bibliographic search was carried out through the search engines constituted by the electronic resources in the following databases: Bireme, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Virtual Library (VHL), published in the Period from 2007 to 2017. The descriptors used were: Periimplantite / Etiology / Diagnosis and Treatment, previously validated. It is important to stress that the descriptors mentioned above were validated by the Health Sciences Descriptors database (DeCS). Data were collected between June 2016 and January 2017. Inclusion criteria were articles in full, published in indexed journals, theses, monographs and journals, in the Portuguese and English languages. English. Conclusion, based on the reviewed studies may conclude that there are still few articles that actually talk about periimplantite, in the studies of colleagues I realized that everyone has the same line of thought. With the increase in the demand for implant patients, in the coming years, I believe that the line of research on periimplantitis will concentrate more, thus obtaining better results in terms of diagnosis and treatment.

PERIIMPLANTITE (Português (Brasil))


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